Omega-3 "Siberian He alth" - reviews and benefits of the supplement

Omega-3 "Siberian He alth" - reviews and benefits of the supplement
Omega-3 "Siberian He alth" - reviews and benefits of the supplement

Omega-3 is one of the most common supplements people take to maintain their he alth. Of course, many may consider that it is not advisable to eat dietary supplements - it is better to get useful substances from food. There is a lot of controversy on this topic, but doctors confirm the fact that if there is no opportunity to eat food that will help make up for the lack of omega-3, it is better to start taking this substance in the form of a dietary supplement.

This article will discuss the main characteristics of dietary supplements with omega-3 from Siberian He alth and reviews of people who have already used it.

Supplement description and he alth benefits

Fatty acids are incredibly important for the proper functioning of the entire body. You can make up for their deficiency not only by eating a large amount of fish (herring, tuna, anchovies, mackerel, etc.), but also by using dietary supplements. It is for this purpose that the Sibirskoye Zdorovye trademark launched the Northern Omega-3 supplement. It is a yellow capsule, which is the sourceeicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids.

omega 3 siberian he alth
omega 3 siberian he alth

In general, taking omega-3s can have the following effects on the body:

  • fights depression;
  • maintains vascular tone;
  • reduces ADHD symptoms in children;
  • improves the functioning of the eyes, heart, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.;
  • reduces symptoms of metabolic syndrome;
  • helps fight inflammation;
  • improves the condition of nails, hair, bones and tooth enamel, etc.

Omega-3 Reviews (Siberian He alth)

In most cases, people confirm that this supplement has helped them strengthen their immune system and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

siberian he alth dietary supplements
siberian he alth dietary supplements

However, of the negative qualities, buyers note the presence of an unpleasant fishy aftertaste in the mouth some time after the capsules dissolve in the stomach. For some, this feature when taking omega-3 is acceptable, but ardent fish lovers should take this into account when buying dietary supplement Siberian He alth.
