"Monolaurin": reviews, recommendations, purpose, composition and instructions for use

"Monolaurin": reviews, recommendations, purpose, composition and instructions for use
"Monolaurin": reviews, recommendations, purpose, composition and instructions for use

The drug "Monolaurin" is a dietary supplement designed to rid a person of bacteria, viruses, microbes, fungal diseases and parasites. The action of this tool is quite effective, as evidenced by numerous reviews. "Monolaurin" has proven itself among patients and enjoys some success.

What is it made of?

Why is used
Why is used

This product contains a natural substance called lauric acid. It can be obtained from coconut oil, in which this component is present in large quantities. A person in infancy receives lauric acid from mother's milk. Thanks to her, babies acquire immunity from various diseases, grow strong and he althy. Not without reason, doctors do not get tired of convincing mothers not to refuse breastfeeding.

Scientists have been trying to get this substance from any food for many years. As a result, it turned out that the largest amount of lauric acid is found in coconut oil. Thus, coconut turned out to be a natural supplier of a raresubstances.

BUD "Monolaurin" from Solaray

BAA "Monolaurin"
BAA "Monolaurin"

This formulation contains sixty capsules packaged in a plastic container. The active ingredient in this product is an extract of coconut oil. Additional substances include magnesium stearate, cellulose and silicon dioxide.

Purpose and dosage

How to use
How to use

How to take "Monolaurin"? It is recommended to use it to restore the immune system after a serious illness or surgery. Very often this remedy is used to maintain immunity during an influenza epidemic. Doctors recommend using this dietary supplement for HIV, influenza, chlamydia, foot and nail fungus, and gonorrhea. It copes well with fungal and viral diseases. And also this drug has shown its effectiveness in stomatitis, staphylococcus and lichen.

Use it quite simply. Capsules are taken with meals in an amount of not more than one or two pieces per day. They drink plenty of fluids. It should be borne in mind that despite the fact that lauric acid is non-toxic, headache and muscle pain may occur in the first days of taking the drug. Reviews of "Monolaurin" on "Iherb" confirm the presence of side effects.

Use for colds

The drug has proven itself as a prevention of colds. It treats and prevents the occurrence of bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and sore throat. As indicated in the instructions for "Monolaurin", at the first sign of illnessit is recommended to take it as follows: on the first day, take up to four capsules of the drug. In the future, the number of tablets is reduced to two, and after five to six days, one capsule per day is used to prevent and strengthen immunity. For flu, take three capsules in the morning on an empty stomach and three at bedtime. Due to the increased rate of the drug, the immune system is activated, as a result, the disease recedes.

Course of treatment


The duration of the use of this remedy, as a rule, depends on the disease. For example, with such a serious illness as HIV, one capsule is consumed twice a day for forty-five days. Take the capsules usually before meals with plenty of liquid.

In reviews of "Monolaurin" from herpes and acute respiratory diseases, it is recommended to take it within thirty days. It should be borne in mind that in the early days intoxication may occur, since it will be difficult for the liver to cope with a large amount of damaged pathogenic microflora. During mass death, it will cause problems in the digestive system, which, however, completely disappear after a few days.

Patients who have cured an acute respiratory disease with this remedy, very often in their reviews of Monolaurin, warn about the appearance of herpes. In their opinion, this disease is an external manifestation of the release of pathogenic microflora.

If a patient uses "Monolaurin" to get rid of parasites, then it is desirable for himalso apply a diet to quickly cleanse the body of getting rid of toxins. It is not recommended to consume sweet and starchy foods during this period. And you should also exclude alcohol, carbonated drinks and fatty foods that load the liver.

"Monolaurin" for children

The norm of the drug for children should be exactly two times less than for adults. If it is difficult for a child to swallow the capsule, then it can be opened and the contents poured into a teaspoon. Toddlers use the powder from a spoon and wash it down with clean water. And also the contents of the capsules can be added to the finished dish. For example, fruit puree or fermented milk product.

Operation principle

The composition of the drug
The composition of the drug

This acid has high penetrating properties and is able to fight various types of bacteria. At the same time, unlike antibiotics, "Monolaurin" does not affect the beneficial microflora of the stomach, so the patient does not experience problems with digestion. Under its action, the membrane of a foreign cell is damaged, followed by the destruction of pathogens.

Use in Pregnancy

According to the instructions for use, "Monolaurin" during pregnancy can replace an antibiotic for women. Doctors, as a rule, forbid the use of antibiotics so as not to harm the child. This dietary supplement contains a natural component that does not cause side effects, which means it can be used to treat pregnant women.

Drug Benefits

Use by pregnant women
Use by pregnant women

Besides the mainaction, which is to combat pathogenic microflora, "Monolaurin" also has the following properties:

  • It contains virtually no side effects and is one hundred percent absorbed by the body.
  • Lauric acid prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • In addition to treating the underlying disease, a person's immunity is noticeably strengthened. According to the instructions for use, "Monolaurin" is an excellent prophylactic to prevent re-infections.
  • This substance fights bad cholesterol and blocks its accumulation on the walls of blood vessels.

In their reviews of Monolaurin, users note a noticeable cleansing property of the drug from parasites, papillomas, fungi on the legs and other he alth problems that are often overlooked.

Sometimes ailments like bronchitis or gonorrhea can be treated with lauric acid much easier than with antibiotics. The thing is that a person, due to the frequent use of such drugs, eventually gets used to them. Ultimately, the body barely responds to antibiotics, and doctors have to change drugs during treatment until one of them works properly.

Contraindications and unwanted effects

Among the contraindications for use, only intolerance to the components of the drug is indicated. There is a very small number of people who are allergic to coconut. In case of an overdose of dietary supplement capsules,skin rashes, muscle pain and headache will appear. If unpleasant symptoms appear, the drug should be stopped and seek medical help.

Contradictory opinions

Side effects
Side effects

There are many conflicting opinions about this remedy among doctors. Some experts are skeptical about dietary supplements containing lauric acid. They point out that the drug "Monolaurin" has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Despite the fact that scientists have conducted animal experiments that have shown the ability of the acid to fight staphylococci, human studies have not been completed.

Besides, doctors do not recommend relying on this dietary supplement for flu. This disease changes the strain of the virus to a new one every year, and therefore it is extremely imprudent to completely trust Monolaurin and ignore other drugs. Such arrogance can lead to sad consequences. On the Internet, you can find a lot of negative reviews from doctors about Monolaurin. In addition, very often patients themselves refute manufacturers' assurances of the effectiveness of the product and convince them of the opposite.

Use externally

Lauric acid has also proven itself as a disinfectant. To verify this property, experiments were conducted in which medical workers took part. After bacteria got on the hands of absolutely he althy people participating in the experiment, the palms were treated with lauric acid. After half a minute the amountpathogenic bacteria decreased markedly. The action of the drug was compared with alcohol and found to be extremely effective. Thus, Monolaurin can also be used to treat superficial wounds and disinfect hands.

User reviews

In their reviews, buyers very often note the effectiveness of this drug. For many people, dietary supplements have helped to cope with colds and fungus. The disadvantages of this tool, patients include, first of all, a rather high price, as well as an unpleasant taste of the contents of the capsule. Because of this, it is extremely problematic to give the drug to young children. Judging by the reviews, "Monolaurin" is not easy for children. They are often unable to swallow a large capsule, and eating a bitter powder becomes a real torment for them.

Parents resort to trickery and try to dissolve the unpleasant medicine in sweet drinks: compote, tea, jelly and so on. However, after the dissolved powder extracted from the capsules, a bitter aftertaste remains, which does not disappear for some time. The powder has to be eaten with desserts to reduce the bitterness a little.

One of the useful properties of this remedy is the ability of dietary supplements to restore bowel function after antibiotics. Usually, users take this remedy after meals, and not before it, as the manufacturers advise in the instructions. However, this does not affect the healing process. After the prescribed course of treatment, the disease completely recedes.

In some patients, the use of the drug caused severe diarrhea, due to which they were forced tostop treatment. Unfortunately, this dietary supplement is not suitable for all people and sometimes side effects appear. Instructions and reviews of "Monolaurin" only confirm this fact.

Sometimes patients after a course of treatment with this dietary supplement try to switch to the use of pure coconut oil. Experts in their reviews strongly advise against doing this. The fact is that coconut oil contains a lot of sugar. It can also increase bad cholesterol and bacteria.

Often, patients are embarrassed by a sharp deterioration in he alth in the first days of taking the drug. They get headaches and muscle aches. Experts warn of possible side effects that should not be feared, but continue treatment.
