Vitamins for the eyes "Doppelgerz" are a balanced complex of substances synthesized to strengthen and nourish the organs of vision. In addition to the main medication, there is such as Doppelgerz Active, with a high content of lutein. It is also widely used in ophthalmic practice. This tool can be considered a dietary supplement.
The drug really deserves consideration, reviews of Doppelherz Asset eye vitamins are mostly positive. The pharmacological agent is presented in the form of capsules of dark brown color with a red tint, oval volumetric shape.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
The action of the antioxidant complex is due to the activity of each element of the drug. The active substances of vitamins for the eyes "Doppelgerz" when penetrated into the body are actively absorbed in the digestive system, enter the bloodstream and are distributed in the tissues of the organsview.

The content of this biological additive, based on the level of concentration of the main substances, is as follows:
- Vitamin A (80% DV).
- Vitamin C - 350% (does not exceed the Tolerable Intake Level).
- Vitamin E - 360%.
- Lutein 6.00.
- Zinc -17%.
- Zeaxanthin 300.0 mcg.
Soybean oil and lecithin, wax, gelatin and iron oxide act as additional components of Doppelherz vitamins d / eyes.
Vitamin E strengthens the optic nerves, prevents the development of cataracts and degenerative disorders in the structures of the eye.
Vitamin A normalizes color perception and visual acuity in the dark and twilight.
Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals.
Zinc is necessary to protect and strengthen the retina and blood vessels of the human eye.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are substances belonging to the category of carotenoids. Initially, they are components of the natural structure of the eyes and perform protective functions, preventing, first of all, photodamage (the effect of solar radiation). However, with age, the ability of natural tissues to synthesize carotenoids decreases sharply, as a result of which the functional properties of the visual apparatus begin to deteriorate under the influence of internal and external factors.
Ophthalmologists who practicestudies of the functions of the human eyes, calculated that by about sixty years the sensory organ (apple) receives such an amount of light energy, the strength of which is equal to the power of one nuclear explosion. This suggests that during life it is necessary to take drugs that help restore the functions of the eyeballs, improve their structure. It is also advisable to take such medicines in the complex therapy of eye diseases.
Pharmacological properties
The main components of the drug are lutein and zeaxanthin, they are natural carotenoids. You can find them in the following products: zucchini, egg yolks, cabbage, pumpkin, spinach, greens.
The peculiarity of these components is that they penetrate directly into the retina, this is what gives the maximum effect. The protective properties of vitamins provide the eyes with stability during bright light and the influence of the computer, which adversely affects the vision of every person.

The effect of Doppelherz eye vitamins is characterized as follows: the active elements play a decisive role in maintaining the he alth of the organs of vision, the tissues of which are protected from the effects of free radicals, thanks to the antioxidant effect of this agent. Carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin - are transported to the retinal zone, providing the eyes with normal perception under normal conditions, as well as in a dangerous environment (in terms of spectral composition), in bright light. Contains vitamins E and Chelp protect the organs of vision from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, maintain the functional state of the lens in the norm. Vitamin A, which is part of the dietary supplement complex, improves the ability of the eyes to perceive color, support accommodation during the transition from bright light to darkness.
In addition, they block the development of vascular and heart pathologies, are widely used to prevent atherosclerosis. This product also contains zinc, which is an integral element of the iris, blood vessels and retina.
This pharmacological agent must not be used in conjunction with other multivitamin complexes, which prevents the development of hypervitaminosis.

Indications for prescription
Vitamins for the eyes "Doppelgerz", as well as "Doppelherz Active" have a wide range of medical indications. Below is a list of these states:
- as a source of valuable dietary antioxidants that are part of such a complex;
- frequent TV viewing, as well as professional activities related to computer technology, night driving;
- insufficient sleep;
- excessively dry indoor air;
- preventing the development of such pathology as retinal dystrophy;
- myopia;
- cataract;
- destructive age-related changes;
- retinopathy, which is caused by the development of diabetes;
- for preventive purposes during the period of increased stress oneyes;
- with existing predisposition to ophthalmic pathologies;
- with complex therapy of glaucoma, cataracts and other eye pathologies;
- after therapy or surgery to strengthen immunity and reduce the likelihood of relapse;
- as an additional source of antioxidants and vitamins with poor nutrition (diet, abuse of spicy, fatty foods, alcohol, smoking).
Obviously, the list of indications is quite extensive. As with any medication, the drug also has limitations. Vitamins for the eyes "Doppelherz Active" and "Doppelhertz" are not used for individual intolerance and hypervitaminosis.
Regimen and dosage
The intake and dosage of this biological supplement is subject to the following principles:
- The drug should be taken one capsule, preferably with meals.
- Duration of preventive therapy is 1 month.
- Prior medical advice recommended before use.

Side effects of the drug supplement
According to the reviews of the vitamins for the eyes "Doppelherz Aktiv" and "Doppelherz", in a number of clinical cases, patients showed side effects in the form of an intense allergic response. Sometimes there is a violation of the stool, but this is extremely rare.
Special recommendations for the use of the medication
It is recommended that you read the additional instructions beforetaking vitamins for the eyes with lutein. Doppelhertz should not be taken:
- people with diabetes should take into account that one capsule of this drug contains 0.01 XE.
- complex is not taken during pregnancy, lactation, and is not prescribed in childhood.
You can find "Doppelgerz Active" with lutein and blueberries in Russia at a price of 300 rubles per package (30 capsules).

Analogues of this drug
The list of drugs with an identical spectrum of effects includes:
- "Complivit Ophthalmo" - this tool is used to improve the functionality of the organs of vision. Produced in tablet form, it contains selenium, B vitamins, copper, vitamins C and E. The minimum course of therapy or prevention of eye diseases should last at least three months.
- "Lutein complex" - the effect of this medication is aimed at improving the functioning of the organs of vision. This remedy is taken 1-3 tablets per day. Contains blueberry extract, taurine, selenium, vitamins C and E. It is used in the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic disorders.
- "Vitrum vision forte" is a combined remedy used in ophthalmic practice for the prevention and treatment of eye lesions. One tablet is taken twice a day. The course of admission is three months. Contains blueberry extract.
Reviews about vitamins forDoppelhertz eye
Biological additives have been on the Russian pharmacological market for quite a long time and are very popular among consumers. Vitamins "Doppelherz Active" with lutein for the eyes also occupy a special place among similar products.

Patients of ophthalmological clinics, as well as people who used this biological supplement for preventive purposes, note that their vision has improved significantly. Patients indicate that this is especially noticeable in the dark, when the eyes need to adapt dramatically to the absence of light. Many elderly people who have certain ophthalmic diseases and age-related disorders are also satisfied with the use of this supplement.
There are practically no negative reviews about Doppelherz eye vitamins with lutein. However, some people note its only drawback - the frequent occurrence of allergic reactions. At the same time, they developed a skin rash in the form of urticaria and had to use antihistamine medications.