During the necessary diagnostics, the oculist determines the pressure in the eyes. They may meet standard values, exceed or fall short of them. The doctor should know the norm of eye pressure in adults and children. And from this the further development of treatment is built.
The concept of eye pressure
This value is called the indicator of the tone formed between the shell of the eyeball and its contents. Every minute about 2 cubic meters enters and flows into the eye. mm fluid.
If the process of its discharge is disturbed, moisture accumulates in the organ, IOP increases, the capillaries transporting fluid are deformed.
Doctors classify such changes as follows:
- Transistor. The pressure increases for a short period and normalizes without medication.
- Labile. IOP rises periodically and returns to normal by itself.
- Stable. Performance consistently exceeds standard.

Also eyepressure in professional language doctors call ophthalmotonus.
Measurement methods
In hospital conditions, there are only three of them. They allow you to determine whether the norm of eye pressure is observed in adult patients and children. It is impossible to identify the disease on your own.

Measure IOP in the following ways:
- First - tonometry. Its creator is Maklakov A. N. The method involves local anesthesia, since a foreign body (a special weight) acts on the cornea. The procedure itself causes some discomfort in patients. The body is placed in the middle of the cornea. And after the process, prints are stored on it. The optometrist removes them, measures them and deciphers them. This technique is more than a century old, but it still gives highly accurate results today. And ophthalmologists often give priority to such a device for measuring intraocular pressure as a Maklakov tonometer.
- Second - pneumotonometry. Its principle is similar to the previous technique, only the air jet is active here. The procedure is fast, but does not give the most accurate results.
- Third - electron diffraction. The most modern method. Non-contact ophthalmic tonometers are used here. The process is characterized by painlessness and complete safety. The basis of the technique is to increase the generation of fluid inside the eyes and accelerate its discharge.

If the ophthalmologist does not have equipment, he makes a palpation check: he puts indexfingers on the patient's eyelids and lightly presses on them. It is based on tactile sensation, analyzes the density of the eyeballs.
General eye pressure standards
Ophthalmotonus units are millimeters of mercury (mrs).
What is normal eye pressure for children and adults? This is the range of 9-23 mrs. According to the Maklakov apparatus, this is 18-30 ms.
During the day, the parameters may vary. The greatest growth is noted in the morning, after sleep. This is due to a long stay in a horizontal position and the dominance of the parasympathetic type of the nervous system. By evening, the numbers are decreasing, and the difference reaches 2-5 ms.
When calculating IOP with Maklakov's tonometer, they increase somewhat - by 15-26 mrs. This is due to the additional effect of the weight of the device on the eyes.
Standards for adults aged 30-40
Both men and women, whose age is average, should have indicators of 9-21 MRs. Also, the parameters seriously increase in the morning, and decrease in the evening. One way or another, jumps should not exceed 5 mrs.
In some situations, superiority over the norm is an individual specificity, not a deviation. Then you should not take measures to reduce it.
The situation of the elderly
With age, the risk of glaucoma also develops. And after 40 years, people need to regularly examine the fundus of the eye, at least twice a year. As part of this event, IOP is measured, the required tests are given.
The norm of eye pressure in adults after 40 is 10-22 mrs. Due to agingthe functionality of each of its organs suffers, and the eyeball is no exception. More often this is manifested in a decrease in visual acuity.
After 60 years, the norm of eye pressure is slightly higher than the values characteristic of a younger age. Here indicators appear in the range of 22-25 mrs, subject to measurement by the Maklakov device.
The norm of eye pressure in the elderly after 70 years is the interval of 23-26 mrs.
Question about women
Their ophthalmotonus is in the range of 10-23 mrs. Only under such conditions is microscopic circulation without obstruction carried out in the ocular membrane.
This is the norm of eye pressure in women up to old age. And such pressure indicates the he althy functioning of the organs of vision and the complete preservation of optical functions.
In women, IOP also varies throughout the day. The approximate amplitude is 3 mm. Grows in the morning and minimizes in the evening.
Women over 60 are also more likely to develop ophthalmic diseases, and rates are increasing significantly. According to the general statistics of ophthalmologists, every fourth patient in this age group suffers from glaucoma, myopia or hyperopia.

What is the norm of eye pressure in women after 70? According to the Maklakov method, standards should not exceed the parameter 26 ms.
Pathology - increased IOP
It is more common in the elderly. But recently, young men and women are increasingly turning to ophthalmologists with a similarproblem. It all starts with the manifestation of symptoms (more on them below), and the patient should visit a doctor as soon as possible to conduct the necessary diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.
But an ophthalmologist will not be able to prescribe effective therapy without finding out the causes of the pathology. Today, medicine determines the following factors for its appearance:
- Functional failure of the body.
- Disorders in the cardiovascular system.
- Powerful psychological and physical stress.
- The consequences of a serious illness.
- Chemical poisoning.
- Age metamorphoses.
- Anatomical eye changes such as atherosclerosis.

With a slight increase in IOP, it is very difficult to identify the problem without a special examination.
If deviations are significant from the norm of eye pressure in adults, then the symptoms appear as follows:
- Headache in the temple area.
- Severe fatigue of the organs of vision.
- Pain when moving the eyeball in any direction.
- Feeling uncomfortable when reading or working at a computer.
- Heaviness in the eyes.
Doctors don't separate symptoms by gender, but identify some signs that are most common in both men and women.
For persistent pathological conditions in patients:
- disturbed twilight vision;
- severe migraines appear;
- vision is rapidly deteriorating andits radius is reduced at the corners;
- Iridescent circles appear before my eyes.
And women often have:
- excessive tearing;
- hazy eyes;
- dizziness;
- eye inflammation with redness.
Lower deviation from standard
It is much rarer. Its reasons are:
- Past eye surgery.
- Kidney diseases.
- Inflammation of the tissues of the eyeball.
- Foreign bodies in the eyelids.
- Severe injuries and congenital anomalies of the eyes.
- Retinal detachment.
- Infectious diseases, due to which the body was brought into a dehydrated state.
With low IOP, the symptoms are somewhat dulled, and the person often ignores this condition.
Therapeutic treatment

Knowing what fundus pressure is considered normal for a patient of a certain age, as well as the reasons for its increase, the doctor diagnoses and prescribes treatment. It is based on the use of drugs. But folk therapy is not forbidden either.
The classic method involves the use of drops and tablets.
- The first option is antihypertensive drugs. They lower IOP but have many side effects.
- Prostaglandins. Due to their action, the discharge of fluid increases, the uveoscleral pathway opens. And the maximum benefit from the application is manifested after a couple ofhours. The most famous drugs in this group are Travoprost, Travatan and Latanoprost.
- Inhibitors. Lead to a gradual reduction in the generation of eye fluid. To do this, the intensity of the element of the ciliary body, which controls the formation of aqueous humor, is neutralized. But they are completely unsuitable for the treatment of people with kidney disease. Their popular examples are Trusopt, Brinzolamide and Dorzolamide.
- Cholinomimetics. It is characterized by a powerful effective action, allows you to quickly achieve a decrease in IOP. But at the same time, they negatively affect visual acuity throughout the entire therapeutic course. They stimulate cholinergic receptors, which causes the pupil to narrow. Also, the angle of the anterior section is quickly opened, thereby regenerating the outflow of fluid. The most famous representatives of this group: "Pilocarpin", "Glaucon", "D-Epifrin" and "Carbochol".
- Beta blockers. Compared to other items, they are the safest and most effective. The principle of operation is based on the inhibition of aqueous humor products. From this category, the most popular are: "Ocumed", "Timoptik", "Arutimol" and "Timolol".
- Combined versions are also used in medicine. They contain combinations of the above items. They are usually prescribed when a particular group of drugs does not bring the expected results. Known representatives: Kosopt, Xalakom and Fotil.
Usually combined beta-blocker withany of the groups shown.
As for pill therapy, the means that perform the following tasks are used here:
- Removing excess fluid from the body.
- Improvement of cerebral circulation and metabolic processes.
Examples: Capoten, Indapamide, Enalapril, Betaloc.
Folk techniques

To reduce IOP, you can not use medication options. There are many recipes based on natural ingredients that can achieve the desired results.
The following are the most common examples:
- Decoction of meadow clover. To normalize the pressure before going to bed, drink 100 ml.
- A glass of yogurt with a pinch of cinnamon.
- Fresh decoction of eyebright (25 g per half liter of boiling water). It is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth. During the day, eye lotions are made from it 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
- 5-6 aloe leaves. They are thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces. Then pour a glass of boiling water and boil for no more than 5 minutes. The created decoction should be washed with eyes 4-5 times a day.
- Squeezed juice from fresh tomatoes. The daily dosage of its use is 1 cup.
- Two peeled potatoes. Rubbed on a grater, placed in a glass and mixed with apple cider vinegar (1 tsp). After 20-30 minutes, the resulting slurry is placed in gauze. The tool is used as a compress 1-2 times a day.
Prevention measures

Knowing what eye pressure is normal for a particular age group, doctors can detect deviations and prescribe treatment. Alternative treatment is also characterized by a good positive effect. Often combined methods are used. But it is extremely important to carry out preventive measures in order to avoid the appearance of the indicated pathology:
- Daily eye exercises.
- Limited computer work.
- Minimize time spent watching TV and eye-straining activities.
- If due to various circumstances (standards of work, study, etc.) you have to work hard at the computer, read books, then you should work in special protective glasses. They can be purchased at any optical store.
- Using drops to moisturize the eyes ("Defislez", "Natural tear", etc.).
- Frequent walks in the fresh air.