Even a very attractive appearance can be spoiled by stale, inflamed, pimple-strewn skin. For the treatment of acne, spot rashes and acne, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics. In some cases, when the pathology has not reached a clinical form, inexpensive pharmacy ointments with subcutaneous acne can also cope. With proper and regular use, skin can be cleansed and look he althy.
To choose such a remedy, you need to seek help from an experienced dermatologist who will select the necessary drug and give recommendations on its use. We will talk about the best ointments for subcutaneous acne in this article. But first you need to find out why this pathology occurs.

Causes of acne
To establish the cause of the rash, it is necessarycontact the doctors. First, you should visit a dermatologist. Perhaps, after conducting a visual examination and receiving the results of some laboratory tests, he will recommend that the patient additionally consult with a gastroenterologist, allergist, endocrinologist, hematologist or infectious disease specialist. It is likely that a nutritionist and a cosmetologist will be involved in the treatment.
It should be remembered that successful skin treatment depends on the timely identification of the causes of its external change and diagnosis. Only after eliminating the causes of the pathology can one count on the effectiveness of ointments for subcutaneous acne on the face and body. Skin rashes can trigger:
- stress, emotional upheaval, nervous strain;
- thyroid disease;
- hormonal imbalance;
- use of birth control pills, corticosteroids;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, most often the intestines;
- malnutrition - the predominance of fried and fatty foods, fast food, sweets and bakery products in the diet;
- nicotine and alcohol, which provoke metabolic disorders;
- allergic reaction;
- cosmetics that are not suitable for skin type, for example, excessively oily products.

Popular and most effective ointments
As a rule, the composition of such special products includes anti-inflammatory, antibacterial components, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the rash. In the ranking of remedies for the treatment of subcutaneous acne, acne are in the leadointments, most of which can be bought without a prescription at a pharmacy. We offer an overview of the most effective of them below.
Tetracycline ointment
Well known antibacterial drug. It is also used against subcutaneous acne. The ointment contains an antibiotic (tetracycline), which neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation. The drug is applied morning and evening on cleansed and dried skin with a thin layer of massage in a circular motion and rubbed into the epidermis.
With regular use, the expected effect occurs in three to four weeks. The drug effectively eliminates papules with purulent contents, painful formations. Judging by the reviews, tetracycline-based subcutaneous acne ointment has several contraindications:
- It is strictly forbidden to use it during pregnancy and lactation, due to the presence of an active substance that, when it enters the circulatory system, is transported to all points of the body, easily overcoming the placental barrier.
- With extreme caution and under the strict supervision of a pediatrician (if absolutely necessary), it is allowed to use for the treatment of young children. As a rule, the drug is prescribed for severe development of the inflammatory process.

An effective remedy for subcutaneous acne, which belongs to the class of antibacterial drugs. Zinerit acts locally on the skin, therefore it allows you to avoid various problems whenthe use of drugs in this group. The active substance of the drug is erythromycin, which affects protein processing in bacteria and streptococci. It reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result, this reduces the activity of harmful organisms. The composition cleanses the surface of the skin, removes white pimples, black dots, even in cases where the area of rashes is quite large. With caution, the drug should be used by people with sensitive and dry skin. Treatment continues for 12 weeks.
Salicylic ointment
A drug containing in its composition from 2 to 60% salicylic acid. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The tool is designed to get rid of purulent acne. In addition, the ointment brightens the top layer of the skin after acne. It is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer no more than twice a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed three weeks.

This ointment is aimed at fighting inflammation, destroying pathogenic infections, and renewing the skin. From subcutaneous acne on the face in adolescents, it is used quite often. The drug in its composition contains two active substances that provide a stable effect when exposed to the focus of pathology:
- Chloramphenicol. Synthetic antibiotic that violates the integrity of the membranes of Staphylococcus aureus. The substance destroys the pathogenic environment, relieving inflammation, significantly reducing acne foci. The ointment is especially effective in the treatment of purulentacne, as the composition "pulls out" their contents.
- Methyluracil. Immunostimulant that accelerates the healing process of the dermis. It contributes to the restoration of the subcutaneous layer, helps to quickly return the skin to a he althy appearance. Such an effective interaction of the components of the drug allows you to get rid of many dermatological problems for a long time.

The drug is effective against the vast majority of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, rickettsiae, spirochetes, chlamydia. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist before starting treatment, carefully study the instructions, familiarize yourself with the restrictions. You can use Levomekol ointment for subcutaneous acne three times a day. For this, a napkin is treated with a tool and applied to the problem area. It should be remembered that the duration of such applications should not exceed five minutes. Otherwise, redness, swelling may occur.
Do not make cosmetic masks with Levomekol ointment and lubricate the entire face. The drug has a greasy texture and not the most pleasant smell, so the procedure is unlikely to give you pleasure. At the same time, Levomekol has practically no contraindications. It can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Zinc Ointment
Zinc-based ointment helps to get rid of subcutaneous acne. It is used to treat many skin conditions (other than acne), bedsores, burns and scratches, and wrinkles. All ingredientsmedicines are harmless, so it can be used by pregnant women and children. The composition of the ointment is extremely simple - zinc and petroleum jelly.
Affordable and virtually no contraindications remedy, besides being easy to use, eliminates serious dermatological problems. Many patients believe that zinc ointment for subcutaneous acne is very effective, because it quickly relieves redness and pain in the affected areas, the skin heals very quickly, there are no scars or spots left.
Zinc, which is part of the ointment, is the main active ingredient with regenerating, antimicrobial, soothing and protective properties. The astringent effect of this substance, which allows you to narrow the pores, significantly reduces the chances of new foci of inflammation. It should be noted that this component is included in many expensive preparations intended for skin treatment, including children's creams. With regular use, zinc ointment reduces sebum secretion, stimulates healing and restoration of the skin.

Despite the obvious advantages of this ointment, it has contraindications - it can cause allergies, so people who are predisposed to such body reactions should use it with caution and only after a preliminary sensitivity test. It is forbidden to use zinc ointment for a long time and on large areas of the skin, as this can cause an unnatural and unaesthetic cyanosis. In addition, the use of this drug shouldrefuse to patients with individual sensitivity to the components (Vaseline or zinc oxide).
Erythromycin ointment
This drug is most often used in complex therapy in combination with other therapeutic agents. The active substance of ED erythromycin is especially effective in the treatment of subcutaneous purulent acne. The ointment is allowed to be used for no more than a month.
Sulfur ointment
Effective for subcutaneous acne and sulfuric ointment. It has antiparasitic, disinfecting and antifungal properties. Penetrating deep into the skin, sulfur molecules destroy bacteria and microbes. The regenerating property of this drug accelerates the process of epidermis recovery. In its composition, the ointment contains precipitated sulfur, which has an antimicrobial and drying effect.
With regular use of sulfuric ointment, it is possible to get rid of subcutaneous acne and rashes, as the drug reduces the production of subcutaneous fat. The sulfides included in the ointment heal small wounds. Treatment with this drug lasts no more than three weeks. It has a softening effect, helps to cope with skin inflammation as quickly as possible.
Sulfur ointment is not easy to wash off. To do this, use vegetable oil, which is pre-boiled in a water bath for half an hour. Then a swab is moistened in it and wiped over the skin. If the ointment is applied correctly, then negative reactions do not occur. The disadvantages of this drug, patients include a persistent and unpleasant odor. Sometimes after applying the ointment, dryness and tightness of the skin occur. It is easy to get rid of this if after the procedure onapply moisturizer to the skin.
Ichthyol ointment
Another effective and time-tested remedy for subcutaneous acne that contains ichthyol. This is a rather specific product that has an unpleasant odor and a dark color, which is due to the composition of the product. Ichthyol ointment is produced from oil shale resins processed in a special way.
From subcutaneous acne, ichthyol ointment is used as part of a complex treatment: it quickly relieves inflammation, unpleasant painful sensations that accompany the appearance of subcutaneous rashes. The ointment is applied pointwise, on the surface of the pimple - this accelerates its maturation. You can apply it no more than once a day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Vishnevsky's ointment against subcutaneous acne
This remedy is used for many dermatological problems. It is in many ways similar to ichthyol ointment, although the drugs differ in their action. Many people who suffer from frequent inflammation of the skin are well aware of the following situation: a pimple on the face or body is ripening, it seems that it is about to open, after which healing will begin. But this does not happen, and the pimple remains under the skin. It can painlessly disappear on its own, which happens extremely rarely, and again become inflamed at the slightest exacerbation. He may remain inflamed for a long time, causing discomfort. And this can be repeated several times.
In such a situation, Vishnevsky's ointment will help get rid of subcutaneous acne. According to doctors, the drug deeply warms the affectedarea, increasing blood circulation in it. As a result, the capsule with pus is released from the contents, and healing is much faster.
The natural composition of the ointment accelerates the maturation of the existing subcutaneous formation and helps to dissolve only the emerging ones. The composition of the preparation includes natural substances: birch tar, which is known as a natural antiseptic, a substance that absorbs seals.
And castor oil in this case plays the role of a conductor: it softens the skin, helps it quickly restore a he althy look. A contraindication to the use of this remedy may be individual intolerance. Dermatologists do not recommend the uncontrolled use of Vishnevsky's ointment for subcutaneous acne on the face, because in some cases, although quite rare, it can aggravate the situation. Consult a specialist.
Retinoic ointment
An effective drug that improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It instantly stops the inflammatory process in the skin at any stage. As a result, the skin is cleansed of blackheads, blackheads, subcutaneous pimples, removes unpleasant greasy shine. The skin relief is leveled, the structure of the epidermis improves. The affected surface is saturated with nutrients and moisture.
The ointment contains retinol, but this is not the vitamin that is included in many multivitamin complexes, but its bioactive form. You need to know that this ointment has quite a few contraindications, often causing side effects. Its use is allowed only after consulting a doctor. Medic althe employee can determine the appropriateness and safety of using this tool.

The main active ingredient of the ointment is isotretinoin, which has a diverse effect on the skin:
- keratolytic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- sebostatic;
- regenerating.
The drug is characterized by dermatoprotective properties. In the pores, after the elimination of inflammation, normal blood circulation and microcirculation are restored. Biologically active substances and oxygen enter the damaged tissues. The epidermal layers are gradually restored, the pores are narrowed, the skin surface is leveled.
Using a retinoic ointment avoids scars, scars and blemishes. But when using this facial treatment, don't expect instant results. You need to be patient and strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. The course of treatment can last from a month to two. In some cases, the dermatologist may extend the treatment.
The duration of therapy depends on the following factors:
- number of inflamed sebaceous glands;
- individual sensitivity to isotretinoin;
- level of body resistance to pathogenic bacteria.
Ointment "Calendula"
This ointment, made from natural ingredients, is designed to treat subcutaneous acne on the face. The ointment contains an extract from the stems and flowers of calendula and petroleum jelly. Viscous, oily agent has antibacterial properties. When applied toaffected areas, it has a reparative effect.

The drug also has antimicrobial properties, which allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process and normalize the integrity of the upper layers of the skin.
Ointments for subcutaneous acne: patient reviews
The choice of drug in the treatment of acne is the prerogative of the doctor. The specialist selects the drug in accordance with the results of laboratory tests, taking into account the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body.
People suffering from skin inflammation note that today there are many ointments for subcutaneous acne. According to reviews, trying to get rid of the pathology on their own, many tried most of them and, unfortunately, did not always succeed. This is due to the fact that, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and only after that proceed with therapy.