Unfortunately, dermatitis and dermatosis of various origins is what many people face, regardless of age, gender, nationality and other factors. Naturally, skin rashes bring a lot of difficulties to the patient's life. Modern pharmacology, fortunately, offers a sufficient number of remedies that can get rid of the external manifestations of the disease.
Kanizon plus is considered a good drug for dermatosis. Doctors quite often recommend this particular ointment to their patients. This explains the interest of people in the drug "Canison Plus". Instructions for use, price, indications for use, restrictions and reviews are the main points that you should read.
Description of the release form and composition of the drug

This medicine comes in the form of a cream for topical use. The drug is placed in aluminum tubes with a volume of 15 g. Canison plus ointment is a combined remedy, which includesthere are several active ingredients at once, in particular betamethasone dipropionate (640 mcg per 1 g of cream), gentamicin sulfate (1 mg) and clotrimazole (10 mg).
How does the drug affect the body?

Today, many patients are looking for more information about Canison Plus cream. Instructions, price, reviews are, of course, important issues. Nevertheless, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the mechanism of the effect of the drug on the body.
As already mentioned, this is a combination drug. The properties of the Canison Plus ointment are determined by its composition. The drug has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiallergic effects.
Gentamicin, for example, is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Many Gram-negative microorganisms are susceptible to it, including E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, etc.
Betamethasone is a substance belonging to the group of glucocorticosteroids. This component constricts blood vessels, has a local anti-allergic effect, relieves the inflammatory process in skin tissues. But clotrimazole is an antifungal agent. It acts on the fungal cell membrane, disrupting the synthesis of an important component of ergosterol. The substance is effective against dermatophytes, fungi of the genus Candida, mold fungi, vaginal Trichomonas and some other microorganisms.
As you can see, the medicine "Kanizon plus" has a lot of useful properties, which explains its popularity in modernmedicine.
When do doctors prescribe cream?

What are the main indications for the use of the drug "Kanizon plus"? The cream is prescribed to patients with the following problems:
- simple dermatitis;
- dermatitis of allergic origin, when it comes to secondary infection of tissues against the background of an allergic reaction;
- different forms of atopic dermatitis, including the so-called diffuse neurodermatitis;
- eczema of different origin and severity;
- various forms of dermatomycosis, such as versicolor, ringworm, candidiasis; reviews indicate that the cream is indispensable if the skin of the inguinal zone and large folds is affected;
- Chronic simplex.
In any case, do not forget that only the attending physician, after a thorough diagnosis, can prescribe the use of this remedy. Self-medication is always dangerous and fraught with negative consequences.
Kanizon plus drug: instructions for use, recommendations for therapy

Immediately it should be said that you will receive exact instructions from the doctor. The instructions are for general information only. The cream should be applied in a thin layer over the entire affected area of the skin, sometimes capturing some he althy tissue. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day, after gently cleaning the surface of the skin (as far as possible). The duration of the course of treatment is determinedindividually. As a rule, the external manifestations of a disease disappear after a few weeks. If after 3-4 weeks of regular use there is no therapeutic effect, you need to either reconsider the diagnosis more carefully, or try other, more powerful remedies.
Can everyone use the ointment? List of contraindications
Is it advisable to use Canison Plus cream in all cases? Of course, a drug with a similar composition has a number of complications. Contraindications include:
- presence of manifestations of syphilis on the skin;
- tuberculosis of skin tissues;
- some viral infections, including herpes simplex and varicella;
- presence of scratches, damage and open wounds on the skin;
- increased allergic sensitivity to any of the constituent components of the drug;
- presence of skin reactions after vaccination;
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- not prescribed for children under two years of age.
There are also some relative contraindications, in which the use of the cream is possible, but fraught with risk, and therefore requires careful monitoring and monitoring of the condition of patients.
For example, in the first three months of pregnancy, the drug should not be used. However, in the second and third trimester, the use of the cream is possible. The doctor decides whether the medicine can be prescribed to the woman. By the way, the mechanism of action on the body of the mother and fetus is not fully known, since no studies have been conducted on this category of patients.
Caution is not a problem even if you have to treat large areas of skin with a cream for a long time, as the risk of systemic exposure to corticosteroids increases. Care should be taken to apply the cream under occlusive dressings, especially when it comes to treating a child. The fact is that the penetration of steroids into the systemic circulation of children is fraught with dangerous complications, in particular, suppression of the functioning of the adrenal glands and the hypothalamic-pituitary system. During treatment, there may be an increase in intracranial pressure, as well as a decrease in the secretion of growth hormone, which, of course, negatively affects the he alth of the baby.
Possible adverse reactions

Scientific studies, as well as doctors' reviews, indicate that with the correct use of the cream, complications are extremely rare. Nevertheless, the likelihood of developing reactions is possible. Here are the most common ones:
- Possible development of complications from the skin tissue. In particular, sometimes patients complain of dryness, severe itching, burning, hypopigmentation, hypertrichosis. Sometimes, against the background of therapy, folliculitis, atrophy of skin tissues, prickly heat, perioral dermatitis, and allergic contact dermatitis develop. It is also possible the appearance of striae (stretch marks) on the treated areas. Occasionally, maceration of skin tissues begins. It should be noted that these complications develop slowly. In most cases, they are associated with long-term use of too many glucocorticosteroids.
- Clotrimazole can also cause skin reactions, manifested in itching, peeling, tingling sensation. Occasionally, patients develop hives, localized swelling, or severe skin irritation.
If you notice any of these complications, you should see a specialist.
Is there a risk of overdose?
It is immediately worth noting that if we are talking about an overdose of Canison Plus, then we mean the effect that appears on the background of long-term use, and it is associated primarily with the content of glucocorticosteroid in the ointment. These substances are to some extent able to penetrate into the systemic circulation, and then affect the work of the endocrine system. In particular, suppression of adrenal function is possible. The consequence of prolonged overdose is the development of secondary adrenal insufficiency. Occasionally, patients have signs of hypercortisolism, Cushing's syndrome. In turn, long-term use of gentamicin can lead to the emergence of resistant pathogenic microflora.
Therapy in this case is symptomatic. It is worth saying that with the right therapy, all violations are reversible.
Kanizon plus medicine: price and analogues

Not in every case it is possible to use this drug. Therefore, patients are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to replace the Canison Plus medicinal cream with something. Analogues of the drug exist. Moreover, the pharmaceutical market offers a good selection of quality substitutes. For example, inin some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of drugs such as Lokoid, Dermadrin, Elokom. If we are talking about fungal skin lesions, then the drug "Fungotebrin" gives good results. Substitutes include Protopic, Alfoderm, Foretal.
Now you know how the medicine "Canison Plus" (instruction) affects the body. Price is another important point. It is worth saying that the cost of the ointment is quite affordable and ranges from 400 to 500 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the pharmacy where the purchase is made.
Reviews about the drug

It is worth saying that doctors speak positively about this tool, because it does its job perfectly. Patients also note that the main symptoms of the disease, including severe itching, soreness and inflammation, begin to disappear after a few days of therapy. The advantages of the drug include a low number of side effects and contraindications, as well as quite affordable cost.