"Besalol": instructions for use, composition of the drug, analogues and reviews

"Besalol": instructions for use, composition of the drug, analogues and reviews
"Besalol": instructions for use, composition of the drug, analogues and reviews

In this article, we will consider the instructions for use and reviews for the Besalol preparation.

It is a combination drug that is part of a group of drugs with antispasmodic and anticholinergic effects. The drug has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system and the metabolic process. In addition to antispasmodic and analgesic properties, Besalol has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hyposecretory effects.

To the drug "Besalol" instructions for use are very detailed.

besalol instructions for use
besalol instructions for use


The drug is produced in the form of tablets and is packaged in packs of 6 pieces each. The preparation contains two active ingredients at once:

1. Belladonna extract.

2. Phenyl salicylate.

In addition, the composition of the tablets is supplemented with a number of auxiliary components:lactose monohydrate, stearic acid, croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, etc.


Belladonna extract contains alkaloids from the atropine group, namely hyoscyamine, scopolamine and atropine, which provide antispasmodic and analgesic effects. The listed alkaloids are inhibitors of m-cholinergic receptors, under their influence the tone of the smooth muscles of the organs decreases and the secretion of the gastric, salivary, bronchial and lacrimal glands, as well as the gallbladder and ducts, the bladder and urinary tract is suppressed.

Phenyl salicylate has the ability to break down in the alkaline environment of the intestine into two components - salicylic acid and phenol. The latter has antiseptic properties, having a depressing effect on the harmful flora. Salicylic acid, in turn, shows anti-inflammatory properties. Prolonged use of phenyl salicylate does not provoke the development of dysbacteriosis in the intestines.

"Besalol" is well absorbed when it enters the gastrointestinal tract. The components of the drug are excreted by the kidneys, and the active substances penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk.

besalol instructions for use analogues
besalol instructions for use analogues

Indications and contraindications

According to the instructions for use for Besalol, it is prescribed to relieve soreness and spasms in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as colitis, enterocolitis, etc.

There are quite a few conditions when taking the drug is prohibited, for example:

1. Acute bleeding.

2. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Pathologies of the digestive system, which are accompanied by obstruction: esophageal achalasia, intestinal atony, etc.

4. Chronic heart failure.

5. Ischemic heart disease.

6. Arterial hypertension in severe form.

7. Atrial fibrillation type.

8. Tachycardia.

9. Mitral stenosis.

10. Angle-closure glaucoma.

11. Prostate adenoma, accompanied by a violation of the process of urination.

12. Thyrotoxicosis.

13. Kidney and liver failure.

14. Hyperthermic syndrome.

15. Tendency to allergic reactions, spastic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

16. Intolerance to the components of the drug.

besalol tablets instructions for use
besalol tablets instructions for use

Uses and side effects

As the instructions for use for Besalol indicate, adult patients are prescribed one tablet twice or thrice a day. The largest allowable dosage of the drug per day is 6 tablets, that is, one package of Besalol. The duration of therapy should be determined by the doctor on an individual basis, taking into account the severity of the disease and its form, the effectiveness of the drug and combination with other drugs.

Against the background of taking Besalol, the following adverse reactions may develop:

1. Dry mouth.

2. Increased intraocular pressure.

3. Dilated pupils.

4. Visual impairment.

5. Paresis of accommodation, or the ability to distinguish small details from a short distance.

6. Headache, dizziness and sleep disturbance.

7. Increased heart rate, arrhythmia, tachycardia.

8. Constipation.

9. Allergic reactions.

10. Urinary retention.

What else does the instructions for use tell us about Besalol tablets?

When the dosages prescribed by a specialist are exceeded, the following symptoms may occur:

1. Dry skin and mucous membranes.

2. Rash.

3. Constant thirst.

4. Increased psychomotor reactions and overexcited state.

5. Dysphagia.

6. Intestinal atony.

7. Convulsive syndrome.

8. Urinary retention.

medicine besalol instructions for use
medicine besalol instructions for use

The appearance of the listed symptoms should be accompanied by the withdrawal of the drug and a visit to the doctor. Antidotes are prozerin and physostigmine.

This confirms the instructions for use for Besalol.

Take with care

When treating, pay attention to the following recommendations:

1. Do not take pills for patients whose work is related to visual acuity, as well as those whose activities are accompanied by physical and mental stress, and also require quick response.

2. Medical supervision requires taking the drug by those patients who have a history of pathology of the cardiovascular system, for example,bradycardia.

3. With hereditary lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, Besalol should also be limited, since it contains lactose.

4. If prolonged use of the drug is required, it is necessary to control the level of uric acid and blood composition.

5. It is allowed to take the drug in the third trimester of pregnancy, but with increased caution.

So it says in the instructions for use for the drug "Besalol".

drug besalol instructions for use
drug besalol instructions for use

Interaction with other drugs

1. When taken simultaneously with diphenhydramine and diprazine, the effect of Besalol increases.

2. The risk of increased intraocular pressure increases when taken with systemic corticosteroids, nitrates and haloperidol.

3. In combination with sertraline, there is an increase in the depressive effect.

4. Simultaneous administration with penicillins causes an increase in the therapeutic effect of both drugs.

5. "Besalol" is able to enhance the effect of taking anticoagulants.

6. The effectiveness of drugs that remove uric acid while taking Besalol is reduced.

7. The risk of kidney damage increases when combined with sulfonamides.

8. In combination with NSAIDs, taking Besalol can cause stomach ulcers and bleeding.

9. Antacids and antidiarrheals reduce the absorption of Besalol.

We reviewed the instructions for use forBesalolu.

drug besalol
drug besalol


Complete analogues of "Besalol" in composition do not exist. However, you can find drugs similar in properties. The most popular among them are:

1. Becarbon.

2. Bellastezin.

3. Gastromed.

4. "Gastropin".

5. Gastric drops based on valerian, mint, belladonna and wormwood.

instructions for use analogue
instructions for use analogue


"Besalol" is a drug of the old generation, it has proven itself well and has proven its effectiveness. On the Internet you can find quite a lot of positive reviews about the drug. The advantages are its affordability and high efficiency. Patients say that Besalol helps to cope with the symptoms of gastritis, colitis, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, eliminates pain in the pelvis and abdomen.

Some negative reviews are due to the development of allergies in patients to the components of the drug. Separate comments are related to the opinion about the low efficiency and outdated composition of Besalol. This is due to the lack of expected effects on the body. However, there are no negative reviews about taking the drug as prescribed by the doctor. The article provided detailed instructions for use with Besalol.
