The individual first aid kit is very well known to the representatives of the older generation of people. In the days of the Soviet Union, when we were all in a state of permanent cold war, this means of protection had to be in every enterprise, in every educational institution, and even in homes. The individual first-aid kit was the minimum set of medicines that could be useful to people in case of war.

But every year the requirements for protecting human he alth are changing. So, until recently, an individual AI-2 first-aid kit was mandatory, which was intended to provide mutual assistance and self-help when exposed to weapons of mass destruction. She was supposed to help with some infectious diseases, fractures, burns and wounds. It contained an antidote (a radioprotective agent in case of a nuclear attack), an antibacterial agent and an anti-chemical package designed to repel an attack.nerve agents.

In 2005, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation issued an order according to which all formations were obliged to purchase individual AI-4 first-aid kits for the regular number of their people. All power structures, emergency services, army units should have them. The personal first-aid kit AI-4 has a set of medicines necessary for the protection of the civilian population. It contains a radioprotective, antibacterial, anti-chemical and anti-toxic agent.
Individual first aid kit, the composition of which is represented by the most modern and most effective means of protection, can be used as a reserve in case of emergencies. It, like the AI-2, is a bright orange plastic box (9x10x2 cm) with a cross on the lid. Inside it, in separate cells, there are small plastic cases with medicines and detailed instructions for their use. It is packed in a plastic bag, which indicates the date and place of its production. There are 3 types of AI-4 equipment. The first-aid kit, in addition to the above drugs, includes the following medicines: analgesic, antibacterial agents No. 1 and No. 2, antiemetic, reserve antidote.

Unfortunately, domestic representatives of the rescue services for many years do not even try to somehow diversify the composition of the individual first-aid kit. Unlike Russian medical devices intended forIn order to minimize the consequences of emergencies, much more attention is paid to drug packaging abroad. Unlike ours, an individual foreign first-aid kit (for different countries the equipment is somewhat different) contains not only preparations that protect against weapons of mass destruction, but also many other means of protecting human he alth, which are more likely to come in handy in any extreme situation, for example, when natural or man-made disaster.