What is the pulse in the understanding of the layman? These are the rhythmic jolts that accompany us all our lives. If a person is in love or worries, then the pulse rate accelerates, if he is frightened to trembling in the knees, it slows down, and at first we can hear muffled heartbeats and observe the trembling of those parts of the body where the arteries and veins are located closest to the surface of the skin. From a medical point of view, which is not immediately considered by everyone with this issue, the pulse is an expansion of the walls of blood vessels, synchronous with the beating of the heart. This characteristic of the pulse is very important, as it is directly related to changes in the cardiovascular system.

Norm or pathology
If a person feels that something is happening with his pulse that does not fit into the framework of the ordinary, he begins to check its frequency on his own, that is, by palpation. To do this, it is enough to attach two fingers (middle and index) to the place where the pulsating walls of the capillaries and veins are heard most clearly. Such places include the wrist, chest area where the heart is located, neck, temple. As soon as they heard the first characteristic push, you need to note the time,equal to 60 seconds. Based on the results of a simple experiment that will tactilely demonstrate what kind of pulse a person has at the moment, one can detect violations in the cardiovascular system or realize with relief that there are none. Naturally, if any kind of problem is found, it is best to contact the doctors, who will conduct a full examination, and, if necessary, place the patient in a hospital.

Common Heart Rhythm Abnormalities
If we take one minute as a temporary basis, then the state of the body at the moment depends on the number of strokes.
- Less than 30 beats - this indicator may indicate atrioventricular blockade.
- Approximately 40-60 beats is a wake-up call for sinus bradycardia or atrioventricular block with junctional rhythm replacement.
- 60-90 beats is a normal rhythm that matches the heart rate.
- 90-159 - tachycardia or atrial fibrillation.
- 160-250 beats is a very serious symptom, the cause of which may be hidden in paroxysmal atrial or nodal tachycardia, as well as atrial flutter with atrioventricular blockade.
- 251-350 beats - a rather rare pulse rhythm, indicating atrial flutter with atrioventricular blockade. Such patients are a priori indicated for bed rest and inpatient treatment.

The concept of pulse deficit
Exceptthe above deviations from the norm may be another, often encountered in medical practice. This symptomatology is called "pulse deficit", or as it is also called "Jackson's syndrome". It is almost impossible to determine it yourself. This requires at least two people, one of whom will count the heart rate, and the second - the pulse rate. If for a single period of time there are more or less heart beats than pulse waves, then there is precisely a pulse deficit. You should not immediately sound the alarm and try to treat yourself with all available "grandmother's remedies", including "miraculous" drugs and herbal decoctions. From now on, you need to be especially attentive to your he alth and try to eradicate the pathology before it reaches alarming proportions and brings along some more brethren in the form of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Causes of the Pulse Rhythm Phenomenon
The main prerequisite for the occurrence of such a discrepancy in the human body is the incorrect functioning of the heart, when this organ, for whatever reason, performs the duties assigned to it by nature incorrectly, everywhere losing its rhythm.

At the same time, the portions of blood pumped by the main muscle of the body are uneven, their volume is not full. If the heart contractions are weak, then a pulse deficit often occurs in people of different ages and sex, it can be provoked and the fact that the flow of bloodso powerless that it does not reach the capillaries distant from the organ. Simply put, the heartbeat is heard clearly enough to be identified, and there is no vibration at the wrist or neck. What to do, trying to avoid the diagnosis of "pulse deficiency", how to determine if there is a threat to he alth? To do this, you need to carefully monitor your he alth.

Specific features of the violation
Sometimes on one hand the rhythm of the pulse and its strength can be higher (lower) than on the other. This is a signal that the blood flow stumbles upon an obstacle that is insurmountable for it, capable of weakening the force of oscillations along the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Pulse deficiency can be a precursor to the diagnosis of diseases such as atrial enlargement or tumor foci.
Abnormal vascular development
You can not discount and genetic abnormalities, manifested in the abnormal configuration of blood vessels. At the same time, such a characteristic of the pulse will accompany a person throughout life or become more pronounced in middle and old age.
Proper nutrition and a lifestyle that meets the canons of he alth - these are the two factors that can transform everyone's body beyond recognition, even if pulse deficiency has become a constant companion. There are no barriers for those who love their body, and everyone has a huge potential for he alth.