One of the most important elements that participates in many metabolic reactions and performs a number of vital physiological functions in the body of an individual is calcium. Therefore, any deviations from the permissible limits of the norm lead to pathology and failure of metabolic processes. Blood test for calcium, what is it and why is it needed? This will be discussed further.
The role of calcium in the body
Calcium not only provides strength to teeth and bones. He also takes part:
- hemostasis system;
- atrial and ventricular contraction;
- work of the neurohumoral system;
- exchange processes;
- functioning endocrine glands;
- Mechanisms of cell reception.

The named substance helps the body fight the effects of radiation, reduces the intensity of allergic reactions, and has anti-inflammatoryaction. Therefore, it is important to monitor its level with a blood test for calcium. What it is? This is a biochemical study that includes the determination of indicators of both total and ionized calcium.
In the body of a practically he althy individual it contains about one and a half kilograms. At the same time, only one percent is present in the bloodstream, the rest is in the bone structures. About half of this element is in ionized form, and the other half is in the form of phosphate s alts or compounds with albumin. Calcium metabolism is regulated by vitamin D, calcitonin and parathyroid hormone.
When is a study ordered?
Biochemical blood test for calcium is carried out both routinely and for the purpose of prevention or in case of suspected diseases of the kidneys, bones, heart, nervous system. And also indications for its appointment are the following pathological conditions:
- convulsions;
- osteoporosis;
- polyuria;
- hyperthyroidism;
- cachexia;
- and others.
The results obtained allow a preliminary assessment of calcium metabolism in the body. In case of deviations from the permissible values, the doctor recommends additional types of studies that identify the cause of a decrease or increase in the level of this element.
How to take a blood test for calcium?
To do this, you must first prepare by doing the following simple steps:
- The day before the delivery of the biomaterial, give up heavy physical exertion. try not tooverwhelmed emotionally.
- The day before, eliminate heavy foods, alcohol and foods high in calcium from the diet.
- Reschedule any physiotherapy and hardware examinations to another day.
- Inform your doctor in advance about your medications.
- Blood on an empty stomach.
Why do I need a vitamin D test?
In adult individuals, failure of calcium metabolism provokes serious consequences, one of which is osteoporosis. This vitamin is involved in the metabolism of both phosphorus and calcium. A blood test for vitamin D is shown to all expectant mothers, as this substance takes part in the formation of the baby's skeleton, prevents the occurrence of varicose veins in a pregnant woman, preserves the beauty and he alth of teeth, nails and hair.
In addition, the vitamin is necessary for the full functioning of the thyroid gland, the immune system, blood clotting, cell reproduction. If it is not enough, then there is a tremor, muscle weakness, the work of the heart and kidneys is disrupted.
The role of phosphorus in the body
About eighty-five percent of this macronutrient is concentrated in bone tissue, and the remaining fifteen are found in tissues and body fluids. Together with calcium, it is responsible for strong teeth and bones, is involved in the restoration of muscle tissue, cleansing the kidneys, and cell regeneration. If its level becomes less than the lower limit of the norm, then energy metabolism is disturbed. A slight decrease proceeds without symptoms. An increase in phosphorus is provoked by severe pathologicalconditions: myeloid leukemia, tumors, diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure and others.

Biochemical blood test for phosphorus and calcium doctors recommend taking in pairs in preparation for surgery, suspected gastric ulcer, malignant neoplasm, urolithiasis. If the calcium content is too high, then the concentration of phosphorus decreases and vice versa, with a decrease in calcium, the amount of phosphorus increases. Both violations are considered anomalous.
The norm of calcium in the blood. Factors affecting its level
What is a calcium blood test? The presence of calcium in the blood is considered an important laboratory indicator. It is only due to its presence in the permissible range that it is able to perform its functions. Therefore, the control, which is carried out according to the results of the analysis for total and ionized calcium, is necessary for the normal functioning of the individual's body.
Normally, its concentration should not go beyond the permissible limits: 2, 15–2, 5 mmol / l. In children, this figure is lower. The norm for ionized calcium is from 1.1 to 1.4. The indicators depend on:
- from age;
- metabolic flow in bone tissue;
- reabsorption by the kidneys;
- quality of intestinal mucosal absorption;
- presence of phosphorus and other trace elements.
In addition, the following substances affect its level:
- Parathyroid hormone - excessive production of this substance and high levels of phosphorus trigger processes in the body thatthat inhibit bone formation. As a result, the amount of calcium in the blood increases, and in the bone tissue decreases.
- Vitamin D3 – contributes to an increase in plasma calcium due to increased intestinal absorption.
- Calcitonin - reduces its concentration in the bloodstream and transfers it to the bone tissue.

Calcium consumption increases under stress, smoking and drinking coffee. This macronutrient is little supplied with limited use of nuts, fish, green vegetables, and strict diets. In case of a lack of vitamin D in the body, it is poorly absorbed and there is a small amount of calcium in the blood. What analysis should be taken to find out its level, the doctor will explain.
Another type of study
A blood test for ionized calcium is another type of testing. This is calcium, which is not associated with substances, it circulates freely in the bloodstream. It is important to remember that it is he who is more involved in metabolic processes.

A blood test for ionized calcium makes it possible to analyze calcium metabolism. It is carried out in combination with the determination of total calcium, as well as acidity. This analysis is recommended in such cases:
- during the hemodialysis procedure;
- diagnosing parathyroid hyperfunctions and oncological diseases;
- taking calcium, bicarbonate and Heparin;
- treatment after surgery,extensive injuries and burns.
Causes of low calcium - hypocalcemia
Most often the reason for this phenomenon is a low amount of albumin, which is part of the blood. In this case, ionized calcium is within the normal range, and the shortage is noted only associated with proteins, i.e., calcium metabolism failure is not fixed. The following factors can also affect its decline:
- Taking antiepileptic and laxatives, glucocorticoids, cytostatics.
- Severe magnesium deficiency.
- Rickets in a baby.
- Kidney disease.
- Severe diarrhea.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- Acute pancreatitis.
- Vitamin D deficiency.
- High blood phosphate.
- Presence of osteoblastic metastases.
- Immunity to parathyroid hormone.
- Dysfunction of the parathyroid glands or condition after their removal.

Signs of hypocalcemia. Food treatment
The main symptoms indicating low calcium levels are drowsiness, confusion, foot and hand cramps, and reversible heart failure. In addition, the individual is concerned about:
- headache;
- memory problems;
- numb fingers;
- pain syndrome in joints and bones;
- pressure drops;
- pain in the epigastrium;
- brittle nails;
- caries;
- periodontal disease.

To raisecalcium levels, it is recommended to adjust your diet to include:
- dairy products;
- dried fruits;
- fish;
- nuts;
- legumes;
- vegetable oils;
- fruit juice;
- chocolate;
- cocoa;
- cabbage;
- bread with bran.
Additionally, the doctor will prescribe medicines containing this element.
Causes of high calcium
If a blood test for calcium showed that the indicators are too high, then this means an excess of all its forms. This condition is characterized as hypercalcemia. Basically, all cases of this condition are associated with its penetration from bone tissue into the blood or from the food consumed, when the renal clearance of calcium is reduced.
Reasons for this condition:
- Cardiovascular pathologies.
- Neoplasms of the parathyroid glands.
- Hemoblastoses.
- Sarcoidosis.
- Kidney disease.
- Thyrotoxicosis.
- Excess vitamin D.
- Prolonged immobilization due to injury.
Symptoms of hypercalcemia. Treatment
The following clinical picture is typical for an increase in calcium in the blood:
- urolithiasis;
- pyelonephritis;
- fatigue;
- nausea;
- vomit;
- constant weakness;
- constipation.
Having identified the cause of the increase, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. It consists in the normalization of the drinking regime. In some cases it is recommendedan increase in the volume of fluid consumed, since in this case the kidneys will more intensively remove calcium from the body. Sometimes they resort to intravenous infusions. It is mandatory to take medications that prevent the destruction of bone tissue. A hardware hemodialysis procedure may be required. In the presence of some concomitant pathologies, corticosteroids are indicated.

Now you know what it is - a blood test for calcium. It allows you to identify and timely begin therapy for pathological conditions that develop with a lack or excess of this macronutrient.