In order to understand how the hormonal system of the body works, it is necessary to understand some of the nuances of human physiology. In comparison with internal organs, for example, the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, heart or brain, it is impossible to touch and say exactly under which rib it is located. The hormonal system is the finest delicate structure. However, a minimal failure in its operation can lead to a number of he alth problems.
What is the "TSH hormone"?
The production of hormones and control over their full functioning in the human body is the main task of the thyroid gland. This system of internal secretion predetermines the implementation of many natural processes. Any disturbance in the functioning of the thyroid gland, associated with the nature of the performance of hormones or their amount produced, can be fixed during the appropriate diagnosis.
The TSH hormone, produced by the thyroid gland, is produced by the pituitary gland, or rather, its anterior lobe. The purpose of this substance, in fact, is the management and coordinationthyroid functions. Just like any other thyroid hormone, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) affects the hormonal balance of the body as a whole through its effects on T3 and T4. These substances are also produced by the thyroid gland.
The importance of having a blood test for thyroid stimulating hormone
When the thyroid hormone TSH is elevated, this indicates that the level of T3 and T4 in the body is too low. Such indicators may indicate the development of a pathology called "hypothyroidism". The process of its occurrence is determined by these thyroid hormones. TSH is lowered if the functioning of the main producing organ has also decreased in direct proportion. Disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland are fraught with serious complications in the life of the whole organism.

A blood test for thyroid hormones TSH is extremely important in the process of diagnostic examination of the organ. When drawing conclusions and making a diagnosis, this indicator is taken into account as a determining one, since it is he who is able to quickly respond to the slightest pathological change. While T3 and T4 have not yet responded to the presence of certain markers in the blood, the TSH hormone of the thyroid gland has already demonstrated its lightning-fast reaction to the identified malfunctions in the hormonal system.
When may this diagnostic be required?
In order for the doctor to refer the patient for this type ofdiagnostic study, there must be good reasons. The indications for the procedure are the following cases:
- exclusion or confirmation of hyper- or hypothyroidism;
- clarification of the diagnosis regarding the pathology of the thyroid gland or related organs and systems;
- monitoring the recovery process in order to timely identify the need to make adjustments to treatment;
- receiving the results of an additional incentive test;
- timely management of T4 suppression present in the so-called cold nodule and goiter.
Periodic TSH testing is the key to timely treatment
In addition, this analysis of thyroid hormones can reveal a lot of other problems with the most important systems for the human body. TSH in patients who have undergone surgery or who have chronic diseases should be under the constant supervision of a specialist. The responses of this analysis clearly reflect the state of the thyroid gland.

If any serious changes are detected at the initial stage or current unfavorable processes in the organ are detected and if treatment is started early, the patient's chances for a full recovery increase several times. In order to avoid complications and take appropriate measures to prevent the deterioration of the patient's well-being, it is necessary to regularly conduct control TSH testing.
Preparing for analysis
Ignorethe need for this simple analysis of the thyroid hormone TSH is highly undesirable. After all, a procedure that is simple in execution technique is capable of giving a detailed informative answer. In the fight for the he alth of a patient with thyroid problems, this particular analysis for thyroid hormones TSH plays a huge role. The norm of its indicators allows you to make sure that the patient is in a satisfactory condition.
Before taking a blood test to detect the hormone TSH, it is advisable to strictly follow some rules.

By following the advice given by doctors about taking a hormonal balance test, the patient will be able to minimize the likelihood of receiving false information in the results of the analysis.
Basic rules to follow before taking the test
So what do you need to do to get your TSH test right?
- It is necessary to pass the study on an empty stomach. You can use only clean running water. 8-10 hours before the diagnosis, it is advisable not to eat anything.
- Analysis should be preceded by a diet. Avoiding fatty, smoked, fried, spicy, and sour foods will avoid potential bias in the study results.
- A few days before the clinical diagnosis, it is important to completely eliminate alcoholic beverages, regardless of strength.
- Don't play sports and don't overdo it with strengthloads. At least a week before the examination, it is important to exclude any physical exercise.
- Also, a couple of weeks before the laboratory diagnosis of blood, it is necessary to exclude the use of any medications as much as possible. If the current course of therapy cannot be interrupted in any case, or a serious malfunction of the whole organism occurs without the use of drugs, it is necessary to provide the doctor with the entire list of medications taken before undergoing the procedure. Since they have the potential to affect blood test data, experts always try to take them into account.
Why is it necessary to prepare specifically for research?
In addition, the recent X-ray, ultrasound may distort the results of the examination. Elevated levels of TSH (thyroid hormone) can provoke stressful situations. Nervousness, anxiety, frustration - all this contributes to the intensive release of chemicals in the body.

With a responsible and high-quality approach to the procedure, the result of a blood test for the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone will maximally correspond to the real picture of the patient's he alth. Thanks to accurate information, it is possible to take timely preventive measures to prevent thyroid diseases or begin treatment of an already existing progressive pathology. In some patients, such restrictions can cause a lot of indignation, however, in order to obtain reliable data on the state of the organdesires and ambitions should be neglected. This is the only way to avoid re-analysis.
How to decipher the analysis for TSH - the norm or not?
TSH testing is generally considered mandatory for patients with thyroid disorders. Surgical treatment of this organ in the past is also a direct indication for regular testing. In order to correctly decipher the analysis and determine whether the level of hormones being investigated is normal, or there are abnormalities in the blood, the endocrinologist relies on several fundamental points.
Firstly, male and female levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone should normally differ from each other. In the fairer sex, it can significantly exceed the values \u200b\u200bthat in a blood test for men reflect thyroid hormones (TSH). The norm for women is about 4.2, while in men the figure rarely exceeds 3.5. However, this is not the limit. During pregnancy, thyroid hormones can also increase. TSH (the norm in women allows you to determine the degree of increase in the concentration of substances in the blood) in expectant mothers sometimes reaches 4, 7.
What determines the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood?
In addition, thyroid-stimulating hormone in the body can change its concentration depending on many features due to the biorhythm, age, the presence of other chronic diseases, etc. When compiling an anamnesis, it is extremely important to provide the specialist with detailed information on this issue.

A highly qualified doctor is capable of making objective conclusions from the test results and predicting further developments. He can clearly answer questions about certain indicators in the analysis, whether they are the norm, or serve as direct evidence of severe disorders in the body.
Often, patients try to decipher the indications of the test for the hormone TSH of the thyroid gland. False conclusions and experiences of benefit have not yet been brought to anyone, therefore it is better for a doctor to interpret the test results.
Causes of elevated TSH
In case of deviations from the results, urgent action must be taken. You should figure out if there is a threat to he alth if the thyroid hormone (TSH) is elevated. What to do in this case depends on the reason that provoked an increase in its concentration in the blood. The main factors that contribute to this:
- certain forms of thyroiditis;
- post-surgical syndrome in case of complete removal of the thyroid gland or its individual lobe;
- benign or malignant pituitary growths;
- thyroid cancer;
- cancerous processes of the breast, lungs or other organs;
- adrenal malfunctions;
- complicated degree of toxicosis at a long gestational age;
- absence of gallbladder due to removal;
- mental and somatic illnesses.
How does an increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone work?
Many manifestations of such violationsit is difficult to single out a separate group of characteristic symptoms.

Signs of increased TSH hormone in the body are:
- lethargy, lethargy, general weakness;
- disorders of the sleep-wake cycle;
- inhibition of reaction, slow thinking;
- carelessness;
- psycho-emotional disorders that do not appear before (tantrums, moodiness, irritability);
- rapid weight gain with almost no appetite;
- nausea, vomiting;
- constipation;
- body swelling;
- low body temperature.
Reduced blood test for TSH: causes
Early action should also be taken when thyroid-stimulating hormone levels are low, as this condition also indicates the presence of problems in the patient's body:
- benign thyroid tumors;
- Plummer's disease;
- Sheehan syndrome;
- decrease in the efficiency of the pituitary gland;
- extreme emotional stress;
- incorrect and uncontrolled medication intake;
- starvation or significant dietary restrictions (due to lack of sufficient calories in strict diets, including single-component diets).
Symptoms of low thyroid-stimulating hormone
With a reduced level of TSH in a patient, as a rule, there is an increase in blood pressure, subfebrile temperature. Cardiopalmus,trembling limbs or the whole body are also signs of low levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood.

Severe headaches in this case are not uncommon, and they often lead to mental disorders, malfunctions of the digestive system. In this case, a person may experience an unnatural appetite.
Treatment of disorders caused by deficiency or excess of TSH
Based on the presence or absence of characteristic symptoms, the attending physician will prescribe the correct specific treatment. You cannot categorically take any drugs on your own. The consequences of unreasonable drug therapy can be the most deplorable.
In the case of an increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone, its synthetic analogue or T4 is mainly used. Doses and duration of the treatment course are set by a specialist, since each patient has an individual susceptibility to the actions of drugs of this type. Dangerous disorders and malfunctions in the functioning of other organs and systems are the result of arbitrary treatment. An effective method of controlling the hormonal system in the human body is a systematic examination. Only in this way can appropriate measures be taken in time to prevent or treat the disease.