Artificial coma - a state in which the patient is introduced solely for medical reasons. A similar procedure is intended to treat certain diseases and injuries of the brain.

Artificial coma: is it dangerous?
Of course, like any other procedure, putting patients into this condition comes with some risk. But this kind of coma is a process that is almost completely controlled by doctors. In most cases, patients are successfully brought back to life.
Artificial coma and indications for its implementation
As already mentioned, patients are introduced into this state solely for medical reasons. As a rule, a similar procedure is used to treat certain brain injuries:
- For example, quite often this method is used in the presence of extensive cerebral hemorrhages, which are accompanied by severe edema and tissue compression.
- In some cases, patients who need a series of complex operations are introduced into an artificial coma - the patient is much easier to endure all procedures while in this state.
- Sometimes this technique is used by neurosurgeons, especially if the patient needs complex surgical treatment. In such cases, the procedure is much easier, as well as the rehabilitation period - the chance of success of the operation is higher.
- In some cases, artificial coma is used to bring the patient out of severe status epilepticus, especially when all other therapies have failed.
- Recently, who has been used to treat rabies. This technique is currently at the experimental stage. However, recent studies have shown good results. It is worth recalling that until recently, rabies (in the absence of appropriate treatment in the first few days after infection) did not respond to treatment, it was accompanied by severe brain damage.

Artificial coma: how is the procedure?
To put patients into this condition, two methods are used:
- administration of anesthetics into the blood - in most cases barbiturates are used;
- gradual cooling of the body to thirty-three degrees (rarely used).
Once again, it is worth recalling that this process is constantly monitored by doctors. The work of the circulatory and respiratory systems is supported with the help of special medications or devices.

During a coma, changes occur in the human body. The anesthetics used slow down blood circulation in the brain, resulting in a decrease in intensitymetabolism, blood vessels constrict. Thus, the swelling of the nerve tissues gradually disappears, intracranial pressure decreases. This technique prevents the development of tissue necrosis and gives the body time to recover naturally.
As soon as the main symptoms of the disease or the consequences of the injury disappear, the doctor prescribes a series of studies, the results of which make a decision to remove the patient from the above condition.
Artificial Coma: Consequences
As already mentioned, this type of treatment comes with some risks. However, the chances of success are high. After anesthesia, the patient will have to go through a rehabilitation period. Restoring normal body functions may take some time. Some people recovered from the illness within a year. During this period, the patient must undergo regular examinations and appropriate treatment.