Problems with potency and their solution

Problems with potency and their solution
Problems with potency and their solution

Problems with potency, unfortunately, begin in many men at a young age. Therefore, today I would like to devote a short article to this topic. If you feel that something is happening with your erection, in no case should you postpone a visit to the doctor. If you do not know which one, then I will tell you about this now.

problems with potency
problems with potency

When there is a problem with potency, you must first visit a urologist. This doctor should be the first to know about all your problems. It is he who will collect all your complaints and then analyze them in order to start moving in the right direction. In the event that you do not have the courage to discuss potency problems with an outsider, ask for a questionnaire to be filled out.

Next, the doctor appoints you special clinical studies. This is necessary in order to exclude or confirm inflammation or infection in the prostate gland. An examination of the vessels of your penis may also be prescribed. This diagnosis is also called a pharmaceutical test. It helps to detect violationsinflow and outflow of blood into this organ, which can cause problems with potency.

potency problem
potency problem

When a patient goes through all these procedures and they don't talk about any physiological disturbance, it can only point to one thing. Your problems with potency are of psycho-emotional origin. In this case, you will need to see another doctor called a sex therapist. You may also be referred to a sexologist, psychologist or psychotherapist. But you go to these specialists only after you visit a urologist.

If these doctors are competent, then they should immediately ask if you have been to a urologist. If the answer is no, you will be directed to him first. Sexologists and sexopathologists have a similar area of interest, which is related to mental problems of a sexual nature. Absent or insufficient erection, which is associated with phobias and complexes, is called psychogenic erectile dysfunction. But what kind of problem you have, you should not decide on your own, but only with a doctor.

how to increase potency in men
how to increase potency in men

How to increase potency in men? This question interests a lot of people. Doctors say humans are not sex machines. An erection always depends on what you ate, what mood or well-being you have, how attractive your partner is, and so on. Therefore, if this happens occasionally, you should not panic. But if such failures occur constantly for several months, a trip to the doctor is simply a must.

Erectile dysfunctiondue to the fact that a person has insufficient swelling of the penis. In this regard, it cannot be inserted into the vagina. What exactly should be worrying you? Loss of erection during intercourse, it is not possible to complete the act in a natural way, that is, there is no ejaculation. If you notice this for yourself, and this has been happening for more than three months, feel free to contact your doctor. Only in this way can you regain your masculine power and be a full-fledged sexual partner.
