Problems with potency at 40: causes, symptoms, age and psychological characteristics

Problems with potency at 40: causes, symptoms, age and psychological characteristics
Problems with potency at 40: causes, symptoms, age and psychological characteristics

Many men know firsthand about problems with potency at the age of 40. For the representatives of the stronger sex, this age is a peculiar feature, because, according to reviews, every third mature man develops sexual disorders.

Speaking about the causes of problems with potency, you need to consider a number of factors. Moreover, both one of the adverse conditions and the whole complex can lead to erectile dysfunction. These are chronic diseases, and an unhe althy lifestyle, and a lack of full-fledged physical activity, etc. Depending on the cause of sexual impotence, in each case, the doctor decides what to do. Problems with potency should not be started, as they can be a manifestation of more serious and dangerous disorders of the genitourinary system.

What contributes to the development of the disease

In order to understand what exactly caused the disorder, it is necessary to think about the presence of factors predisposing to the development of the disease. These include excess weight, bad habits. Problems with potency at the age of 40 may be the result ofirregular sexual life. Harmful working conditions, poor ecology, and an unbalanced diet are also capable of creating the ground for the development of impotence.

problems with potency which doctor
problems with potency which doctor

Main reasons

However, if there is only one unfavorable background, problems in intimate terms, as a rule, do not arise. For the development of a sexual disorder, the influence of a powerful provocative factor that triggers the pathological process is necessary. In this sense, the cause of erectile dysfunction can be called:

  • chronic diseases of the urogenital tract (cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, BPH, prostate cancer);
  • diseases of the endocrine system, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid tumor;
  • change in prolactin and estradiol levels, decrease in testosterone;
  • disorders of a neurogenic nature;
  • untreated sexual infections;
  • inflammatory and tumor processes in the spinal cord;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • postponed acute cardiovascular disorders;
  • hernia in the groin or spine;
  • prolonged use of NSAIDs, antihypertensives, corticosteroids, hypoglycemic drugs, opiate analgesics;
  • anatomical anomalies in the shape of the penis;
  • complications after surgery on the pelvic organs.

To pinpoint the root cause of potency problems, the doctor will refer the man for a comprehensive examination.

Fatigue and stressas a cause of impotence

Sometimes diagnostic results show that a forty-year-old man with erectile dysfunction is absolutely he althy. What, then, actually causes problems with potency and which doctor should I contact? In this case, we can talk about a psycho-emotional disorder.

problems with potency causes
problems with potency causes

Not every man can admit that he needs help, so wives often turn to a psychologist for advice. If the husband has problems with potency, it is likely that their appearance could be provoked:

  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • lack of proper rest;
  • frequent stressful and conflict situations;
  • apathy or depression;
  • physical and moral exhaustion.

Expect failure syndrome

Erectile disorders of a psychogenic nature can be caused by internal insecurity and complexes, low self-esteem and self-hypnosis. Psychologists call this phenomenon the failure expectation syndrome. Problems with potency often occur in men who are dissatisfied or disappointed in their partner, her actions.

A negative first sexual experience or a tense family situation can also leave a mark on further intimate life. In response to the action of factors, the psyche of a man creates a kind of block that prevents the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which the sexual organ stops responding to stimulation of arousal and the erection disappears. If no action is taken, the patientself-doubt may develop. Which doctor should I contact for problems with potency? In this case, you will need to consult a psychologist and a sex therapist.

Long abstinence

The lack of constant intimate relationships with women is one of the main factors that provoke problems with potency at 40 and even earlier. Irregular sexual life leads to the fact that the body begins to consider reproductive functions unnecessary and unclaimed, and contributes to their extinction. The process is reversible: stable sex and a periodic change of scenery will help to correct the situation, introducing elements of diversity into the love relationships of a man and a woman.

problems with potency which doctor to contact
problems with potency which doctor to contact

Smoking kills male power

If problems with potency begin, the first thing a man should think about is to say goodbye to cigarettes. Despite the banality of the statement, the body is under enormous stress from the regular intake of nicotine and tobacco tar. According to statistics, 25% of men in their forties who smoke at least one pack of cigarettes a day are unable to achieve a full erection and have difficulty achieving orgasm. In addition, we must not forget how dangerous tobacco smoke is for the cardiovascular system. If once and for all it is not possible to delete the addiction from your life, you should at least try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day and do not smoke a few hours before the planned intimacy.

Alcohol is the enemy of potency

SimilarlyAlcohol also affects men's he alth. The negative impact of the "green serpent" was felt even by those representatives of the stronger sex who drink alcohol extremely rarely. An intoxicated man usually has a strong erection, but an orgasm cannot be achieved. Against the background of frequent alcohol consumption, this condition causes an aggressive mood and psycho-emotional disorder. Over time, the erection can completely fade away, so the only measure that can be taken in this situation is the categorical refusal of the glass.

husband has potency problems
husband has potency problems

Age changes

In young men under 20, testosterone levels are at their peak, after the concentration of the male hormone begins to decline. Closer to forty years, this may be manifested by a weakening of erection and libido. Sexologists conditionally distinguish several periods in the life of men:

  • Up to 20 years. During this period, young men have a maximum erection, and after each sexual intercourse, completed by ejaculation, a quick recovery occurs.
  • 20 to 30 years old. The concentration of male hormones changes slightly, but the frequency of orgasms becomes less. By this age, a man is already able to control himself and manage the duration of intercourse.
  • From 30 to 40 years old. Potency problems are caused by a natural drop in testosterone levels of 1% every year.
  • From 40 to 50 years. About 7% of men experience impotence at this stage in their lives.

This does not mean at all that after 55-60 years, male power disappears completely. Cause of declinesexual activity most often become a significant deterioration in he alth, general well-being. Even at an older age, 70% of men can have sexual intercourse with a woman without stimulant drugs.

Main symptoms

Male problems with potency after 40 years of age most often have a physiological origin, as they develop against the background of the progression of certain diseases of the urogenital tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems, hormonal failure, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms of sexual disorder in the stronger sex are:

  • weakening of libido, that is, sexual attraction to women;
  • incomplete or no erection;
  • premature ejaculation, inability to control the duration of intercourse.

If erectile dysfunction has a psychogenic origin, a man can maintain a spontaneous erection, while during intercourse the penis remains unerect. If you experience one or all of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor for advice.

potency problems doctor
potency problems doctor

Diagnostic features

The diagnosis itself is not difficult for specialists. Even a novice doctor can recognize erectile dysfunction in a man. Another thing is to identify the real cause of sexual frustration. To do this, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination.

First of all, men are concerned about the question: in case of problems with potency, which doctor shouldapply? The first stage is a visit to the urologist-andrologist. After collecting an anamnesis and examining complaints, the doctor can refer the patient to a cardiologist, phlebologist, neuropathologist and other highly specialized specialists.

If impotence is caused by psycho-emotional disorders, you will need the help of a sex therapist. With erectile dysfunction of the organic type, the following studies are carried out:

  • blood test for PSA, total cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar;
  • test for hormones, including testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, insulin, prolactin, estradiol;
  • Prostate ultrasound;
  • angiography of the vessels of the penis.

In addition to these diagnostic procedures, ECG, ultrasound of internal organs, thyroid gland, scrotum are additionally prescribed.

Can erectile dysfunction be cured at 40

If a husband has problems with potency, some women turn to doctors themselves, because sometimes men deliberately refuse to visit a doctor because of a sense of embarrassment, shame. But it is impossible to prescribe an effective treatment in this way, because a specialist will not be able to determine the exact cause of a sexual disorder, and this, as you know, plays a major role in choosing a therapeutic program.

Regardless of what caused problems with potency after 40 years, treatment should begin with the following recommendations:

  • lead a he althy lifestyle;
  • to have a good rest;
  • exercise regularly.

In addition, appropriate adjustments must be made to the diet. First of all, fromthe menu eliminates smoked meats, convenience foods, trans fats, canned food, chips, fast food, energy and caffeinated drinks.

Devices and preparations

For erectile dysfunction, the use of various mechanical devices is recommended. Most of them are sold in adult stores, but they are designed not only to diversify the intimate life of partners, but also to improve men's he alth. Treatment devices include vibration stimulators and prostate massagers, expanders, vacuum pumps and erectile rings.

In addition to mechanical devices, drugs from the group of selective PDE-5 inhibitors are used for erectile dysfunction. These are synthetic pathogens that can produce both one-time and long-term therapeutic effect. For example, the notorious drugs Viagra, Sildenafil, Levitra, Cialis are used immediately before intimacy. Erection after taking the pill can last for several hours.

potency problems what to do
potency problems what to do

Unlike artificial stimulants, which have a lot of contraindications, homeopathic formulations are used to treat impotence, but there are no unequivocal reviews about their effectiveness. Many even claim that under the guise of advertised dietary supplements, useless pacifiers such as "Thor's Hammer", "Peruvian Maca", etc. are produced.

Male impotence has long been treated with folk remedies. To return the representative of the stronger sex to self-confidence, they used:

  • St. John's wort;
  • leuzea tincture;
  • ginseng root extract andginger.

About the prevention of impotence

Like any other disease, erectile dysfunction is easier to prevent than to treat. In order not to lose male power, you must:

  • keep fit;
  • do not overwork, get enough rest and sleep;
  • prevent obesity;
  • move more, exercise more, be outdoors more often;
  • eat vegetables and fruits, focus on seafood, nuts, parsley, cilantro, dark chocolate;
  • have sex regularly.

To avoid congestion in the pelvic organs, doctors recommend periodically taking a course of physiotherapy. Electrophoresis and magnetotherapy procedures are beneficial and safe, ideal for preventing erectile dysfunction.

male potency problems after 40 years
male potency problems after 40 years

After 40, every man should be more attentive to his he alth. At this age, it is important to undergo annual preventive examinations, because potency is negatively affected:

  • heart problems;
  • inflammatory processes of the prostate gland;
  • disturbances in the endocrine system;
  • high blood sugar and cholesterol.

In addition, every six months it is recommended to take tests for testosterone levels.
