How to treat lichen in children on the head - a list of drugs. What does lichen look like on the head

How to treat lichen in children on the head - a list of drugs. What does lichen look like on the head
How to treat lichen in children on the head - a list of drugs. What does lichen look like on the head

Many parents are interested in how to treat lichen in children on the head. The most common species are called:

Shearer - the most common. This form of infection affects the hair and skin. There is peeling, burning and itching. Visually looks like pink and red spots.

Pityriasis - most often hidden under the scalp at the base of the follicle. The first symptoms are small yellowish dots, which then turn red or even brown.

How does ringworm start on a child's head?

Lichen is a fungal or viral infection (skin disease). Ringworm on the head in children appears as a pink spot of various sizes and shapes. At the beginning it is one, but it can increase and take on a clearer outline. Itching appears if the disease is caused by a virus. The first symptoms can be detected a few days or hours after contact with the source. Over time, the spots become larger, they increase in size and merge with larger foci. When scratching occurspeeling.

Most of the diseases fall in the summer and autumn. Since lichen is quite contagious, it is easily transmitted from an adult or a pet (cats, dogs). Children with good immune systems will have a much harder time contracting the disease.

To diagnose lichen of the scalp, you need to contact a specialist: a pediatric dermatologist, mycologist, infectious disease specialist. The doctor will visually examine, and also take samples to determine the type of infection, prescribe a course of treatment.

Regardless of the type of disease and the degree of manifestation, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. In some cases, a sick child needs to be isolated from the spread of infection.

terbix instructions for use
terbix instructions for use


Common symptoms:

  1. A rash of reddish, raspberry or red-violet defective shape with a shiny surface appears.
  2. The rash is itchy and in rare cases may be flaky.
  3. Formations appear at the level of the skin, nodules form, and can also be in the form of rings, tubercles, erosions and ulcers.
  4. Pale pink nodules are seen on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.
  5. First formed in groups, and then merge
  6. Fresh formations are seen near those where they have already been.
  7. Hyperpigmented areas form where the rash used to be.
  8. Grooving occurs on the nails with this disease.


Such types of lichen may appear on the head ofbaby:

  • Ringworm. The most common type. It got its name because of the effect of hair destruction, the hair shafts break off at a distance of several centimeters from the skin, as a result of which cracks appear.
  • Pityriasis rosea. A rare type of pathology. This disease is not fully understood by scientists. Both adults and children are at risk of the disease. The peculiarity of this type is the appearance of pinkish spots, there is no destruction of hair, as in the previous form of pathology. Scientists claim that this disease is infectious and allergic.
  • Lichen planus. Its feature is accompanied by the appearance of a red spot, it can be of different shapes and sizes. In the affected area, the hairline completely falls out, as a result of which even hair follicles are not observed.
  • Asbestos lichen on the head. What it looks like, not everyone knows. This species is the least studied. It occurs, as a rule, very rarely, often corresponds to seborrheic dermatitis of an advanced form, and also develops on the background of a fungal infection.


Treatment for lichen is long. It is required to comply with all the rules established by the doctor. To treat fungal pathogens, the hair on the affected areas is cut, the skin is treated with ointments against fungi, systemic antifungal drugs are also taken, the body is strengthened with vitamins, and immunomodulation therapy is carried out.

The doctor may also prescribe antihistamines and corticosteroid ointments for severe itching. If the hair is damaged by a fungus,medicated shampoos with a fungicidal base are used. To prevent the occurrence of lichen in a child, it is necessary to protect from contact with stray animals and infected people, check pets for diseases at the veterinarian. Particular attention should be paid to the body's immune system.

what does lichen on the head look like
what does lichen on the head look like

Ointments and creams

Creams and ointments are one of the ways to treat lichen in children on the head. These are drugs prescribed for external treatment of the affected hairline. In the treatment of lichen, as a rule, the following medications are used:

  • Sulfur ointment is a medication aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora, drying out rashes and accelerating healing. The ointment is applied to the diseased areas every day, once a day until the disease is completely cured.
  • Instructions for the use of "Terbix" indicates that this tool is focused on the elimination of fungi and the removal of inflammation. In order to cure lichen, the drug is applied to the infected areas every day until the absolute healing of the disease.
  • Instructions for the use of sulfur-tar ointment says that this is a medicinal product that disinfects the skin and destroys the fungus. In the treatment of ringworm, the medicine is applied to the affected areas and areas of he althy skin close to them. The instructions for use of sulfur-tar ointment indicate that after application it is rubbed with light circular movements. In the presence of edema, the drug is applied under the bandage.
  • "Microspore" is a remedy,destroying fungal cells. When curing ringworm, it is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas and rubbed with light circular movements. The duration of the cure is 4 - 6 weeks.

Often the use of ointments is combined with the use of iodine. The medicine dries the spots and kills the pathogenic microflora that can cause suppuration. In this case, in the morning the spots are smeared with iodine, and in the evening, before going to bed, with ointment.

If it is necessary to cleanse the skin before the procedure, it is treated not with water, but with disinfectants - "Rivanol", potassium permanganate, furacilin. Hormonal creams are used only as prescribed by the doctor: despite the fact that they reduce the symptoms of shingles, their use leads to the rapid reproduction of the fungus.

sulfur tar ointment instructions for use
sulfur tar ointment instructions for use


Gels are also an option how to treat lichen in children on the head. These are pharmaceutical preparations that have optimal absorption capacity, do not leave marks on the skin and clothes, and do not have an intense aroma. When curing ringworm, as a rule, the following substances are used:

  • "Exifin" is a medication that destroys the fungus and is used to treat the affected areas twice a day for three to four weeks.
  • "Mikogel" - KMP - is a drug that has not only antifungal, but also antibacterial action. When curing lichen, the medicine is applied twice a day for three to four weeks.
lamisilointment price
lamisilointment price


Solutions - products that penetrate well into the layers of the skin and do not pollute the curls on the head. When curing ringworm, the following substances are used:

  • "Yodicirin" is a medical preparation, the main active elements of which are iodine and glycerin. The tool helps to restore the skin and exfoliate the scales. When cured, it is used as a lotion: a disinfected napkin is moistened with a substance and left on the affected area for 20 minutes.
  • "Vokadin" is an iodine-based agent that destroys fungi and sterilizes the skin. When curing ringworm, apply for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • "Nitrofungin" is a productive antifungal medication applied to the affected areas three times a day until absolute treatment.
  • how does lichen begin on a child's head
    how does lichen begin on a child's head


Pills have a systemic effect and in the treatment of lichen on the head are prescribed together with external agents.

  • "Orungal" is an antimycotic drug that stops the development of the fungus, destroys its shell and is used for fifteen days.
  • "Griseofulvin" is a medication that stops the reproduction of fungi and is used until the disease is completely cured.
types of lichen on the head of a child
types of lichen on the head of a child


"Lamisil" against lichen in children is a cream and gel, whose activity is focused on stopping the growth of the colonyfungi and their elimination. The course of cure is 5-6 weeks, and improvement begins on the fifth day.


This form is used by adults and children over 12 1-2 times a day. The dose depends on the indications and advice of the doctor. Before using the Lamisil ointment, the price of which is within 200 rubles, you need:

  • thoroughly wash and dry the skin layer;
  • apply a thin layer on the diseased areas of the dermis;
  • lightly rub cream;
  • lesions can be covered with a layer of gauze.

Cure time is usually 2 weeks. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

Reducing the severity of the clinical picture is observed after the first use of the drug. With irregular use of the substance, infection may begin to develop again. If there is no result, you must consult a doctor to verify the diagnosis.


Spray - an analogue of the Lamisil ointment. The price of the drug is 400 rubles, allowed for children after 12 years. Apply "Lamisil" only once a day, regardless of the severity of the disease. Before the procedure it is necessary:

  • wash and dry the skin layer;
  • apply the gel to the diseased dermis and tissues close to it;
  • in case of diaper rash, cover the area with gauze.

Cure duration is one week. In no case is it recommended to exceed the indicated dose, so as not to provoke unnecessary consequences and exacerbationsdisease.

lamisil against lichen in children
lamisil against lichen in children

Folk remedies

How to treat lichen in children on the head? Various decoctions, tinctures, lotions and ointments are used:

  1. Mix beetroot decoction with honey (1:1) and lubricate all affected areas. It is not recommended to rinse off this mixture.
  2. Garlic and onion gruel wrapped in a gauze bandage is applied to the inflamed skin. Care should be taken so that it does not fall on he althy areas of the body.
  3. Spread lichen with a warm mixture made from a small amount of hot sulfur (yellow) with olive oil. This procedure is carried out until the sore disappears completely.
  4. The radish gruel is mixed with bee honey (1:1) and the inflamed areas are treated.
  5. To get rid of lichen in a baby, you should pour boiling water over chamomile, cool and rub into inflamed places until the disease is completely gone. The duration of this treatment does not exceed a few weeks.

Depending on how lichen looks like on the head of children, it is treated in the following ways:

  • In addition to treating the disease itself, the child's immune system is boosted and the body is strengthened.
  • You can also chop the cabbage finely and add sour cream, and make such lotions several times a day.
  • Many special decoctions can be taken orally, for example, based on celandine, calendula, licorice root and some other plants. To do this, the components are brewed in the usual way: a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with boiling water and infused indark place for a few hours.
  • If the lichen is extensive, it is recommended to take special therapeutic baths. 100 grams of medicinal collection is brewed in a water bath and baths are prepared. Recommended to take within half an hour.
  • If the rashes are strong, then it is advisable to mix St. John's wort, string and chamomile, pour boiling water and insist in a dark place for about an hour. Rinse your hair with this solution.

It is advisable to wash your child's hair with shampoos and balms, which are based on only natural products.

  • They take 50 grams of honey and pour it with 200 grams of alcohol, then close the lid and insist for several days in a dark place. Then it is recommended to treat the inflamed areas well.
  • To make the disease go away from the scalp, it is recommended to take a small chicken egg. Separate the protein from the yolk and lubricate the sores with protein, apply cellophane and wrap with a sterile bandage. The effect will be noticed in a few days.
  • Also, black raisins are used to treat lichen. To make a special healing ointment, it is recommended to grind the steamed raisins and lubricate the inflamed areas. In parallel, they drink various medicinal decoctions.

Shampoos are recommended to be enriched with essential oils based on olives and avocados, as well as rose petals. Some experts advise making a compress with yeast dough. To do this, it is applied to lichen and kept for several hours. The disease resolves within a few weeks.

You can soak washed peas in water for a few minutes and then boil. Afterit will cool down, lubricate the baby with all the affected areas. Thanks to this procedure, you can quickly get rid of skin peeling and itching.

You can also crush cranberries or viburnum (1:1) and lubricate the affected areas for the child (repeat several times a day). Thanks to this procedure, you can forget about the disease after a few weeks.
