With the help of the eyes, a person, especially in the modern world, receives an impressive amount of information. More of the brain is devoted to sight than to hearing, taste, touch and smell combined.
The visual system can be summarized as follows: light enters the pupil and is focused on the retina at the back of the eye. The retina converts the light signal into electrical impulses. The optic nerve then carries the impulses to the brain, where the signals are processed.
Auxiliary elements of the eye
Other structures such as eyelids, eyelashes and tear ducts are also important. Eyelashes protect our eyes from getting dust in them, if at the same time we need to see what is happening around us. That is, if you cross the street and a wind with dust blew in your face, your eyes are automatically covered, the cilia are intertwined, forming a network that is transparent, but impenetrable to dust. Eyelids prevent larger objects from entering the eye and also moisturize the cornea. The tear ducts work like a pump. They bring tears to cleanse the eye, and small particles either come out with a tear, or go back into the tear ducts, after which they alsoare brought out.
The structure of the eye
The eye is an organ, part of the visual analyzer that provides vision, that is, the process of perceiving the shapes, sizes and colors of objects. And also it provides our orientation among all these objects. The visual analyzer itself includes the eye, the optic nerve, the subcortical center of the brain and the visual zone of the cerebral cortex.

Free movements of the eyeball are provided by the oculomotor external muscles, the precise and coordinated work of which allows us to see the world around us.
The eye as an optical system
The eye is a complex optical system. The action of the cornea, lens, retina and vitreous body, which forms the eye, is similar to the action of a converging lens. The property of the lens to change its convexity allows the eye to clearly see both distant and near objects. The retina performs the function of a screen, that is, it perceives light excitation. The main condition for clear vision is the need for the image to be obtained on the retina. Farsightedness is a feature of the eye, consisting in the fact that images of distant objects are focused behind the retina. It is corrected by wearing glasses with a convex lens. The lens of a myopic eye focuses light rays closer to the retina. Myopia is corrected by wearing glasses with concave lenses.
The most refractive structure of the eye is the cornea. A sharp, reduced and upside-down real image of the object appears on the retina.
Final analysis andthe perception of the information received by the eye occurs already in our brain, in the cortex of its occipital lobes. Violation in the state or blood supply of any structural element of the eye can adversely affect the quality of vision.
Impaired normal vision
As with any part of the body, vision problems can occur due to illness, injury or age. The following are just some of the conditions that can affect the eyes.
- Amblyopia often begins in childhood. One eye does not develop properly because the other, stronger eye dominates.
- Astigmatism. The cornea or lens is not properly curved, so light does not focus properly on the retina.
- Cataract is a clouding of the lens. Causes blurry vision and, if left untreated, blindness.
- Colorblindness occurs when the cone cells are missing or not working properly. Colorblind people have difficulty distinguishing certain colors.
- Conjunctivitis is a common infection of the conjunctiva that affects the front of the eyeball.

- Retinal detachment is a condition where the retina is weakened and needs urgent treatment.
- Diplopia, or double vision, can be caused by several conditions that are often serious and should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.
- Floating spots are spots that drift across a person's field of vision. They are normal, but can also be a sign of something more serious, such as a detachment.retina.
- Glaucoma. Pressure builds up inside the eye and can damage the optic nerve, eventually leading to loss of vision.
- Myopia, otherwise myopia. With such a disturbance, it is difficult to see things that are far away.
- Hyperopia. With it, a person distinguishes well objects that are far away, but encounters problems when the eye cannot focus on nearby objects.
- Optical neuritis.
- Squint. Eyes point in different directions; this is especially common among children.
In this article, we will take a closer look at myopia (nearsightedness).
Vision indications
From the very childhood, when we were at the appointment with the optometrist, we were accustomed to a percentage scale indicating the sharpness of the optic sight:
- 100% - excellent,
- 90-75% - good,
- 74-60% - satisfactory,
- less than 60% is bad.
This interpretation is more understandable to patients, but does not carry specific information for specialists. Today, a different, additional scale has been developed, indicating the power of diopters, which should correct a certain sharpness.
Conventionally, indicators of ophthalmic he alth can be divided into several categories:
- 1 - excellent;
- 1, 5-2 - good;
- 2-4 satisfactory;
- 4-7 - bad;
- more than 7 is very bad.

The presented scale can be adjusted depending on the specifics of the disease. If amake an appointment with an ophthalmologist, they will tell you which field is more suitable for you - “+” or “-”, and, accordingly, they will prescribe the correct treatment. Today we will talk about what to do if vision is minus 8. Is it dangerous for he alth, should it be treated and what should be done? If in your personal medical card they wrote: “Vision 8”, what should I do? In a simpler and more understandable language, the patient does not see what is happening after 10 meters, but is clearly aware of what is happening directly at arm's length. Looking at the above categories, we can say with confidence that the patient has very big problems and it is simply impossible to do without surgery, long-term drug treatment and constant inpatient support.
Myopia Diagnosis
Let's analyze the situation, if vision is 8: what does this diagnosis mean. Let's start with the fact that 8 (+8) indicates the presence of obvious symptoms of myopia. The causes of the disease can be very diverse: head injuries, heart disorders, endocrine system failures, genetic predisposition, work with intense concentration of vision on small text, details, constant exposure from gadget screens, etc. Since 8 diopters is the amount, which falls into the third category of myopia (high myopia), then treating the disease with the usual methods is useless.
Vision 8: how does one see?
With this vision, human activity is sharply limited. If you do not use glasses and lenses, you may experience great discomfort ineveryday life.

On the street, people with such vision find it difficult to distinguish people's faces, they may not even recognize their relatives. Road signs are indistinguishable, which can be life-threatening. Inscriptions, any signs, house numbers, street names - everything that contains alphabetic and numeric characters, is in principle indistinguishable for such poor eyesight. They are stratified, superimposed on each other, and a person is not only unable to read, for him the whole text is a blurry fused homogeneous spot. It is known that in good daylight we see much better than at dusk.
And how does a person see with vision minus 8 at night? No matter how it sounds, but without aids that increase visual acuity, it is better not to go out at all. You may not notice even large objects, because without lighting their contours merge together. Such a person can crash into another pedestrian, not notice a cyclist, stumble over something on the ground, etc. With all this, posture also worsens. This is especially common among schoolchildren and students, as well as among people whose work is related to writing. After all, if you do not wear glasses or lenses, in order to better see what you write or read, you constantly bend over, stoop, and all this becomes chronic.
So, if vision is minus 8, how does a person see, what to do and how to deal with it?
Methodology for the treatment of myopia of the 3rd degree
With the 3rd degree of myopia, in no case should you fight in the same way as with the first. Someunscrupulous ophthalmologists say that the nature of the disease is the same and it is only appropriate to increase the intensity of restorative measures. But it's not. In such cases, it is suggested to resort to laser surgery.
The eyelids are fixed to the patient so that during the operation they do not block access to the main structures, a local anesthetic is dripped into the eyes. After that, with a special tool, the robot (since extreme precision is needed here) cuts the cornea. The attending physician removes the cornea with a special needle, but does not tear it off, dries the liquid that remains under the cornea. All these manipulations are performed in order for the laser beam to act directly on the lens, changing its curvature. When all actions with the laser are completed, a special physiological solution is poured into the place under the cornea again, the cornea returns to its place.
During the entire operation, the patient is conscious, this is very important. After all, a rehabilitation course is needed, which includes restrictions on reading time, lack of physical exertion, excessive mental work, and more. This period can last from several days to a week. As a result, normal (100%), or zero, vision returns to the person.

On the other hand, laser correction is contraindicated for a huge number of people, because this type of operation has a huge impact on the entire body, especially on the cardiovascular system. Also, it is not prescribed to children under the age of 18, women who have never given birth,pregnant. Your doctor may then recommend another type of surgery that will provide the same benefit. As strange as it may sound, but eye gymnastics and a special revitalizing massage can be your lifesaver in resolving this issue. Gymnastics can be done both with a specialist and elementary at home. Undoubtedly, this way of getting rid of the disease will be longer and requires constant systematic efforts, but the sharpness will increase in a few weeks.
Vision glasses 8
Glasses can be prescribed even at minus 1. Then which of them are prescribed for poorer vision? The glasses vary in thickness. The worse your vision, the thicker the lens should be in them.

Good choices for nearsighted spectacle lenses include high index lenses with anti-reflective coatings. Also, consider photochromic lenses to protect your eyes from ultraviolet and high-energy blue light and reduce the need for a separate pair of sunglasses when outdoors. If you are nearsighted, the first number ("sphere") on your eyeglass or contact lens prescription will be preceded by a minus sign (-). The higher the number, the more myopic you are.
Lenses must be made to order, after the doctor writes out an appointment. In no case should you thoughtlessly take and wear glasses that are not suitable for you. As a result of improper wearing, vision will not only not improve, but may also fall significantly lower. Also canbe frequent headaches, loss of strength and a general decline in mental capacity. Poor vision in an 8-year-old child may be treated. To prevent a decrease in eye acuity, it is recommended to spend more time outdoors and engage yourself and children in outdoor games.

Such tricks, especially in the modern world, where a person practically does not move his eyes due to work and games on a computer, smartphone and other things, will help keep the eye muscles in good shape and prevent visual acuity from dropping from 0 to 8. If your child has poor eyesight at the age of 8, then immediately consult a doctor and he will prescribe the correct treatment, if possible, because in childhood it is possible to correct an unwanted violation faster and more effectively so that the person is already he althy by adulthood.
Age Recovery
With age, the eye changes its structure, and more than 90% of people become farsighted by the age of 40-50. But what if you had myopia and vision 8? There is a small chance that your vision will gradually improve, since farsightedness is essentially the opposite of nearsightedness. Visual acuity will tend to 100%, but nevertheless, such age-related changes will not be enough if you had a high degree of myopia.