The state of the blood reflects the state of the entire cardiovascular system. The functioning of the whole body, all internal organs depends on the blood, its full access to all systems in the body. The question of how to determine thick blood by analysis worries many patients, because violations in this area can affect the brain, liver, and kidneys. Everyone knows that it is important to maintain its quality at an optimal level.
Thick blood symptoms
If the consistency of this most important fluid in the body changes, it instantly starts the mechanism for the development of many diseases: atherosclerosis, varicose veins and others. There is no such disease as increased blood density. And it can show a general blood test for thick blood in many ailments.
This phenomenon means that the liquid is too viscous, which means that it can stagnate in the vessels. In this case, the likelihood of blood clots is high, which can threaten life in general.
Those who want to know how to find out that the blood is thick without analysis should pay attention to their pressure. If it is increased, and the person himselfconstantly sleepy, easily tired, suffers from depression, dry mouth, migraine and absent-mindedness, he has a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities, and nodules appear in the veins, then it is likely that he is dealing with a similar phenomenon. At the same time, this pathology sometimes proceeds without external symptoms at all, that is, in a latent form. And before the analysis showed thick blood, the person might not have guessed the presence of disorders in his body.

Pathology is revealed in the complex analysis of this fluid for coagulability. Those who wish to know which analysis shows thick blood should familiarize themselves with such a name as a cougulogram. It is this study that provides a complete picture of the characteristics of this fluid and blood vessels in the body.
As a rule, there are several reasons for the occurrence of such a pathology at the same time. So, one of the most significant is the lack of water. After all, this liquid consists of 85% of it. For this reason, it is important to always observe the drinking regime, and then the indicators of thick blood in the blood test will not be observed, they will be normal with an increased degree of probability. Especially the drinking regime must be followed by those who are engaged in physical activity, because the liquid leaves the body with sweat very actively. If a new one does not arrive, problems begin.
A number of diseases, for example, diabetes, also lead to the fact that the blood test shows - "thick". With insufficient activity of food enzymes, food is not completely broken down, and in this case, in the bloodThe system contains substances that are not sufficiently oxidized. As a result, the question arises in patients about when the blood test showed - “thick blood”, what to do.
Also, unbalanced nutrition leads to similar phenomena. So, the use of a large number of legumes, cereals, rice, eggs can cause disturbances in the digestion of food. As a result, amino acids are excreted in large quantities in the body. The result will be the same. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates, sugar, fructose leads to the same outcome.
If the products are environmentally polluted, they contain heavy metals, pesticides, compounds are formed in body fluids that are quite stable. And the person ultimately asks the question, what analysis speaks of thick blood. After all, he is experiencing similar symptoms.
Lack of some vitamins, nutrients leads to the same negative phenomena. We are talking about vitamin C, B, minerals. Otherwise, the food is not fully digested, because there are simply not enough enzymes.
If the kidneys do not perform their functions optimally, strong acids remain in the body. And this leads to acidification of body fluids. If blood vessels are damaged, the patient must take blood tests.
If there is a violation of the liver, it is also important to check regularly with a doctor. Every day, about 20 g of blood proteins are produced in this internal organ. If the process is disturbed, its chemical composition changes significantly. Sometimes the question of how to determine thick blood by analysis is asked by people affected byhyperfunction of the spleen. Parasites present in the body are also capable of provoking such pathologies.
What is this
There are two main components in the blood - formed elements and plasma. Plasma is a liquid, while the elements are cells that contribute to thickening. In cases where the second category becomes larger than the first, all blood on blood tests is thick.

Official medicine does not contain such a concept. In her language, this is called an elevated hematocrit.
Diagnose it by the level of prothrombin, fibrinogen. However, such a liquid can become viscous due to changes in other indicators. We are talking about hemoglobin, glucose and some other elements.
What is the danger

To understand what thick blood means in tests is very important, because such a state of the body is life-threatening. It is through this fluid that all the substances necessary to maintain the vital activity of the body are transferred. If there are violations here, the tissues do not receive all the necessary elements. Some decay products remain in the body, although they are already harmful to it, and they must be disposed of. The heart muscle suffers directly from stagnation, its wear occurs much faster. In addition, the likelihood of blood clots is greatly increased.
In cases where a person eats animal fats, not including beneficial antioxidants in the diet, the blood composition becomes thicker. It always has negativeconsequences.
Often the phenomenon is accompanied by bleeding from the nose. This happens because the tissues lack oxygen, and then the pressure in them rises. Another symptom is that red spots appear on the limbs. They will feel cold to the touch.
What influences viscosity
Damaged blood vessels, improper functioning of the liver, changes in red blood cells, platelets can provoke cell adhesion. The liquid part must be kept within the normal range.

Often there is a similar mechanism for the occurrence of pathology. The thyroid gland is oppressed, then the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Bile enters the duodenum late. The stomach empties, the pressure in it falls, and in the intestines it rises. For this reason, bile is in the stomach, reacting with hydrochloric acid. The latter is neutralized. Namely, it dissolves the blood. When this happens repeatedly, the blood becomes thicker.
Thrombophlebitis is manifested in the gluing of blood vessels. Then the limbs begin to go numb, cold and sweat. Worst of all, if the same process extends to the vessels of the head. After all, there is an organ responsible for all body systems, as well as for their interconnection. Injuries to the head always have a very serious impact on the functioning of the entire body.
As a result, a person experiences memory impairment, suffers from drowsiness, lethargy, and quickly gets tired. Often, violations extend to the organs of vision. The muscles of the eyes are always tense, and therefore they need more volume.oxygen. However, the vessels stick together, and as a result, myopia or astigmatism develops. Farsightedness is less common. Later, when the process spreads to the largest vessels, there is a risk of a stroke or heart attack.
Modern medicine offers more and more ways to test for thick blood. As a rule, hemoscanning is carried out: it is enough to enlarge a drop of live liquid on a microscope. The patient is present next to the specialist. Thanks to this study, a very detailed picture of the current state of the immune system emerges. When choosing which tests for thick blood the patient will take, doctors often prefer hemoscanning, since it has no contraindications.

The indicator of blood viscosity indicates how long the heart and blood vessels will last. The thicker this liquid, the faster the cardiovascular system will wear out. Roughly speaking, a blood test for thick blood tells whether a person will get up tomorrow morning or not.
The quality of this essential fluid in the body is influenced by many factors. The indicators are very different. If the indicator reaches a critical level, this indicates that the organism is on the verge of survival.
The cardiovascular system must be able to withstand increased density if the body does not suffer from pathologies such as heart failure, high or low blood pressure. In such cases, blood tests for thick blood become especiallyimportant, because the slightest change in the results greatly increases the likelihood of sudden death.
It is generally accepted that the density of this liquid is determined by proteins. But in fact, it is extremely important to evaluate the reaction of erythrocyte sedimentation. This is the ability of cells to settle down to form plasma. The response time is 1 hour. The lower the indicator, the thicker the most important fluid in the body. Many do not pay absolutely no attention to it, but meanwhile, the heart muscle is constantly overloaded, pumping heavy thick fluid throughout the body.
As a rule, dark-field microscopes are used in research. With their help, a number of other studies are carried out that outline how easily the liquid moves through the vessels. Their results reveal what the current loads on the heart muscle are, whether they are normal.
The most numerous proteins in blood plasma are prothrombin and fibrinogen. Plasma makes up about 50% of all this fluid. And if the researcher pays attention only to them, then he misses a lot of factors that also affect the density of the blood. For this reason, it is not enough to find out which tests for thick blood are given, it is necessary to process their results correctly.

The consistency is also influenced by the protein content of albumin. It does not participate in the performance of coagulation functions, but is involved in the binding of toxins. This allows them to be transferred to the excretory organs: liver, kidneys. Thus, it is albumin that helps to cleanse the body and blood. Hispresence determines the consistency of the blood, and resistance to allergies, and the state of immune forces.
High or low red blood cells
Erythrocytes are the most numerous blood cells. They carry oxygen and nutrients to all internal organs. There is a lot of hemoglobin in red blood cells, it is he who is responsible for the binding of oxygen and its subsequent release. If their content goes down, this is the main sign of anemia. If it increases, this indicates the beginning of dehydration in the body.
What are red blood cells
RBCs are blood cells, the most abundant cells in this fluid. The edges are thicker than the middle. Due to their special structure, they are quickly saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide. They are created in the red bone marrow due to the action of a hormone produced by the kidneys.
Mature erythrocytes do not have nuclei, they do not synthesize hemoglobin. The duration of activity of one erythrocyte is at least 120 days. Throughout this time, there is a gradual deterioration of these cells. By the end of life, obsolete, already exhausted erythrocytes are destroyed. And since they are constantly reproduced, even with the destruction of old cells, their number does not normally change, it remains constant.
Two-thirds of their composition is hemoglobin. It is a protein containing iron. Its main function is to carry oxygen, hemoglobin is always red.
Eating with thick blood
If blood tests revealed thick blood, something needs to be done about it, how canquicker. After all, the heart wears out much faster, and the risk of sudden death may soon increase. Since the viscosity is affected by how much liquid a person drinks per day, it is necessary to start correcting the situation by regulating the drinking regime.
Often this phenomenon occurs when the proportions of the cell mass to the liquid component are violated. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day to avoid such symptoms. Useful green tea, herbal. It is best to choose it based on the advice of your doctor. After all, each plant has its own effect on the body, and there may be contraindications. Freshly squeezed juices will do. Grape juice will be especially useful. The thing is that it contains a lot of bioflavonoids, which has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.
It is necessary to balance the diet, putting in order the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. It is important that a person gets enough proteins with amino acids. Their main source is meat. At the same time, it is not recommended to choose fatty varieties, saturated fats will interfere with the restoration of normal blood consistency. Protein is best obtained from sea fish, dairy products, eggs, chicken meat.

Fatty acids are contained in olive oil, it also contains many biologically active substances, which favorably affects the patient's condition. Thin the blood products with the amino acids taurine. It's about seafood. It is best to eat 400 g of squid, shrimp per week. It is important to take into account thatthe intensity of heat treatment of these products leads to a decrease in the content of taurine. For this reason, the diet will need to be supplemented with high-quality dietary supplements.
Sometimes the condition of such patients is affected by radiation. Lasers can affect the thickness of the blood, especially if there are too many cells. As a result, the blood supply is normalized, oxygen to the internal organs begins to flow more efficiently. Laser exposure is also recommended for tissue hypoxia. This is how oxygen starvation of tissues is called in medicine. The result of laser exposure comes very quickly. Before the procedure, you need to take tests for thick blood, then the patient himself compares the test results before and after exposure to the device.