The best remedies for sore throats: sprays, lozenges, tablets, lozenges

The best remedies for sore throats: sprays, lozenges, tablets, lozenges
The best remedies for sore throats: sprays, lozenges, tablets, lozenges

Practically with any cold, there is a sore throat. This symptom is also a sign of a viral illness. However, a sore throat can also be a signal that there is a more serious disease in the body. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to find out the cause of the appearance of such a symptom. Only a doctor can choose a remedy for a sore throat, as well as make an accurate diagnosis.

When choosing a drug, it is worth remembering that each medicine works in its own way. Today, various remedies for sore throats are used: sprays, tablets, lozenges, lozenges and gargles. Each of the drugs has certain properties and has contraindications. So, choose a remedy for a sore throat.

sore throat remedies
sore throat remedies


This sore throat remedy comes in the form of tablets that taste good. The drug "Grammidin" allows you to quickly eliminateunpleasant sensations. In addition, the tablets have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

This drug can be given to children over 6 years of age. Such a remedy is allowed even for pregnant women. However, during lactation, Grammidin tablets are contraindicated. It is worth noting that the drug does not give side effects if taken strictly following the instructions and recommendations of specialists. You can use the medicine "Grammidin" in the treatment of many diseases that are accompanied by a sore throat. The average cost of the drug is approximately 120 rubles.

best remedy for sore throat
best remedy for sore throat


This sore throat remedy comes in aerosol form. The drug is used exclusively for topical use. The medicine contains an antibiotic. The drug allows not only to eliminate discomfort, but also to cure the throat. Aerosol "Bioparox" has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

The drug is contraindicated in children under two and a half years of age. Also, the spray can not be used during lactation. Pregnant women should not use this medicine without a doctor's permission. After all, it contains an antibiotic. The Bioparox aerosol costs within 400 rubles.

Septolete Neo

Some remedies for sore throats have a pronounced antiseptic effect. One of them is "Septolete Neo". It is used mainly to eliminate an unpleasant symptom. Thanks to the antimicrobi althe effect of the drug allows you to cope with the manifestations of the infection at the local level.

remedy for sore throat
remedy for sore throat

It is worth noting that "Neo Septolete" can be used not only to combat sore throat, but also with inflammation of the oral mucosa. Pregnant women and lactating women should use the drug with caution. Contraindication to taking "Septolete Neo" is children's age (less than four years). On average, the cost of the drug is 120 rubles.


Among the drugs that are available in the form of lozenges, Strepsils, according to many, is the best remedy for a sore throat, The drug has an antiseptic and analgesic effect. It helps to overcome a sore throat and soften it, while eliminating the symptoms of a cold. As part of the drug "Strepsils" has natural ingredients that help in the treatment of certain diseases. This drug can be used by children over twelve years of age and adults. During pregnancy and lactation, Strepsils plates should be prescribed by a doctor. The drug costs about 140 rubles.


When choosing a cure for a cold, you always want to buy the best. Many people like the remedy for sore throat "Geksoral". Produced "Geksoral" in the form of a spray. The drug has a powerful antifungal and antibacterial effect. It is used not only to treat sore throats, but also to combat the inflammatory process in some dental or ENT diseases. Assign a spray"Geksoral" not only for adults, but also for children over four years old.

choosing a remedy for a sore throat
choosing a remedy for a sore throat

This medicinal product should be used with caution by pregnant and lactating women. After all, Hexoral is a strong drug. If the rules for taking the spray are not followed, it can cause additional irritation, as well as a sore throat. That is why such funds should be used with caution and only in accordance with the recommendations of specialists. The cost of the drug is about 250 rubles.


At the moment, completely different remedies for sore throats are being produced. Methods of treatment of diseases depend on the type of infection. In some cases, drugs that contain an antibiotic are required. However, there are medicines made from natural ingredients. These include lozenges "Lizobakt". The drug contains lysozyme. This substance has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial effects.

The drug "Lyzobakt" enhances the action of all antibiotics and regulates local immunity. You can take the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindication - age less than three years. Lizobakt costs about 130 rubles.

sore throat remedies sprays tablets lozenges lozenges
sore throat remedies sprays tablets lozenges lozenges

Lugol's solution

We continue to consider remedies for sore throats. One of the effective drugs is Lugol's solution. It is applied with a regular cotton swab to the mucous membrane, where there are signs of an inflammatory process. As part of the drugthere is iodine. This component has an antibacterial effect. In some cases, after using the solution, the pain can only intensify. This is a temporary phenomenon, which is caused by drying of the mucous membrane.

In addition, the drug has some contraindications, which relate mostly to compatibility with other drugs. It is also forbidden to use Lugol's solution for lactation, hypersensitivity to iodine and children under 5 years of age. The cost of the drug is 15 rubles.

Tantum Verde

Remedies for sore throats often have not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. One of these is Tantum Verde. The medicine can be taken by both adults and children. In this case, there are no age restrictions. In addition, the drug is allowed to be used during lactation and pregnancy.

sore throat remedies treatments for diseases
sore throat remedies treatments for diseases

"Tantum Verde" softens and anesthetizes the throat, allows you to effectively fight infection at the local level. The drug is produced in the form of a spray. It is allowed to use it several times a day. The cost is approximately 300 rubles.


When considering remedies for sore throats, one cannot ignore Faringosept. These lozenges provide not only an analgesic effect, but also have a bacteriostatic effect. It is worth noting that Faringosept is a powerful remedy. It cannot be used to treat ailments in children under six years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Take the drug right awayafter eating. After consumption, you can not drink and eat for about three hours. The medicine costs within 80 rubles.
