The first signs of esophageal cancer. Esophageal cancer: first signs, treatment, prognosis

The first signs of esophageal cancer. Esophageal cancer: first signs, treatment, prognosis
The first signs of esophageal cancer. Esophageal cancer: first signs, treatment, prognosis

Esophageal cancer in the list of the most common diseases is in seventh place. That is why in this article I want to consider this disease in more detail. So, the purpose of the article is to learn as much as possible about what esophageal cancer is: symptoms, treatment, signs, causes of the problem.

early signs of esophageal cancer
early signs of esophageal cancer

Introductory word

At the very beginning, you need to understand the concepts that will be actively used in this article. So, the esophagus is the most important organ that connects the human stomach with the oral cavity. At the same time, the esophagus "does not like" hot or cold, too spicy or fried. Due to these factors, the mucous membrane of the organ can become inflamed, which will lead to a problem such as tumors. And if modern medicine can still cope with benign neoplasms, then malignant tumors pose a threat not only to he alth, but even to the life of the patient. The problem is also complicated by the very difficult detection of the disease in the early stages of its onset (lack of symptoms).

About illness

It is worth saying that at the mostearly stages of esophageal cancer is almost impossible to determine. And all because there will be no symptoms that can tell a person that something is wrong with the body. And only after the tumor narrows the esophagus by almost half, a person will be able to feel some discomfort. It is worth mentioning that esophageal cancer in men is 4 times more common than in women. Risk group - people aged 50-60 years. If a person has a malignant tumor, it will affect the organ unevenly. Thus, the upper esophagus will be affected by about 10%, the middle by 40%, and the lower by about 50%.

esophageal cancer first signs
esophageal cancer first signs

Causes of occurrence

The main purpose of this article is to study the symptoms and causes of esophageal cancer. So, among the causes of this disease, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Food. In the first place, the cause of esophageal cancer is the frequent consumption of hot food, as well as the use of alcohol and its surrogates. You also need to exclude too spicy dishes from the diet.
  2. Geographical factor. Scientists have noticed that the place of residence of the patient also affects the occurrence of the disease. But it all comes down to the culture of food consumption. Thus, the incidence of carcinomas is higher in some regions of China, Iran, and also in Central Asia. And all because they love pickled food, mold mushrooms and too hot dishes.
  3. Vitamin deficiency. Lack of vitamins A and C can lead to the development of esophageal cancer.
  4. About three timesthe risk of disease is higher in those who smoke and 12 times higher in those who abuse alcohol.
  5. The risk of esophageal cancer increases if this organ has been burned with alkali. Even if many years have passed since the incident.
  6. And, of course, some diseases can cause the development of malignant tumors. Cancer of the esophagus may be due to achalasia of the esophagus or the so-called Barrett's esophagus.

Symptom 1. Dysphagia

At the very beginning, you need to consider the first signs of esophageal cancer. It is thanks to them that you can determine the disease. So, first of all, the patient will feel difficulty in swallowing food. A person will have a feeling that something in the throat interferes with the normal passage of food, that food is constantly stuck. To avoid discomfort, a person will have to chew everything very carefully. If the disease is started and not treated, then after a while even the liquid will not be able to move normally through this organ. At the last stage of the disease, a person cannot even swallow his own saliva normally. Almost all stages of the development of the disease (except the first ones) are accompanied by painful sensations.

early symptoms of esophageal cancer
early symptoms of esophageal cancer

Stages of dysphagia

Studying the first signs of esophageal cancer, it is worth saying that difficulty in swallowing at the very beginning of the disease occurs periodically, it does not constantly bother a person. That is why it is difficult to determine the disease. After all, if a person is not worried about anything, then there is no point in contacting a doctor. Herselfdysphagia has four stages:

  1. In the first stage, a person has difficulty swallowing large pieces of food, as well as when passing fibrous foods (meat, bread, some vegetables or fruits).
  2. At the second stage, it is difficult for the patient to swallow already thick cereals and mashed potatoes.
  3. The third stage of dysphagia involves difficulty in passing fluid through the esophagus.
  4. The last stage is complete obstruction of the esophagus.

Symptom 2. Pain

What else characterizes esophageal cancer? The first signs are pain. They occur in almost all patients at various stages of the disease. The nature of the pain can be different - it can be both acute and dull. At the same time, discomfort does not occur in the throat itself, but in the neck, between the shoulder blades and in the lower jaw.

Symptom 3. Reflux

What are the first signs of esophageal cancer? So, doctors say that belching (or in scientific language - reflux) can also testify to this disease. However, if it occurs after a heavy meal or after spicy foods and infrequently, this is normal. If belching occurs regardless of food intake at any time of the day or night, this may be a wake-up call to the fact that an urgent need to be examined by a doctor.

Symptom 3. Vomiting, nausea

When the tumor grows, the patient may experience not only nausea, but even vomiting. Anxiety should be caused by bloody impurities in the vomit.

esophageal cancer symptoms and signs
esophageal cancer symptoms and signs

Symptom 4. Blood

Next we consider the first signs of esophageal cancer. As mentioned above, blood can be observed in the patient's vomit. This becomes possible due to the occurrence of wounds and ulcers in the esophagus (leading to the growth of the tumor). Part of the blood can come out with vomit, and part can enter the stomach. That is why an admixture of blood can also be in the patient's stool.

Symptom 5. Increased salivation

If a person has cancer of the esophagus, the first signs are hiccups and increased salivation. Hiccups occur due to difficulty in passing air through the esophagus. And increased salivation is a consequence of the growth of the tumor and problems with swallowing one's own saliva. The liquid has nowhere to go, it accumulates in the mouth and makes a person uncomfortable.

Symptom 6. Fatigue, weight loss

Next, recognize the signs of esophageal cancer. So, a person can also have a breakdown, weight loss, a temperature may rise. And all because, due to problems with swallowing, the patient simply stops eating (this way you can avoid pain). And this entails insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, which causes such symptoms. Against the background of a weakening of the body, a variety of colds can “stick” to the patient, which will cause an increase in temperature.

symptoms and causes of esophageal cancer
symptoms and causes of esophageal cancer

Symptom 7. Voice change, coughing

The main and first symptoms of esophageal cancer are frequent coughing and a change in the timbre of a person's voice. All this may arise as a result of growthmetastases in the larynx, bronchi. Hoarseness may appear in the voice, as with a common respiratory disease. Often a person has pain in the vocal cords.

Symptom 8. Bad breath

Well, when the disease is no longer at the first stage, the patient may develop bad breath. Lymph nodes may also increase, which will indicate that metastases have “settled” there. The smell of rot from the mouth will be the result of the decomposition of a cancerous tumor.


Having considered the first symptoms of esophageal cancer, it is worth saying that when a malignant tumor decays, the patient may experience the following complications:

  1. Esophageal bleeding. May be accompanied by vomiting with blood, nausea, loss of consciousness. With prolonged bleeding from the tumor, the patient may develop black stools. These situations require urgent medical attention.
  2. Tumor perforation. The patient may also form a hole in the esophagus, which will lead to the development of inflammation in the mediastinum. All this will be accompanied by pain, fever, and intoxication of the body.
recognize the signs of esophageal cancer
recognize the signs of esophageal cancer


Let's consider further such a disease as cancer of the esophagus. Symptoms and signs - we figured it out. Now I want to talk about the methods and procedures by which you can make an accurate diagnosis. So, it is impossible to limit yourself to only one examination of the esophagus, this will not give a complete picture of the disease. To make a diagnosis, you will needthe following studies:

  1. X-ray. This procedure makes it possible to determine the physiological characteristics of the tumor, as well as to find out its exact location.
  2. Fibrobronchoscopy will help determine the degree of tumor growth into the esophagus, as well as to understand whether metastases have appeared.
  3. Esophagogastroscopy will help to delineate the boundaries of the tumor and clarify the prognosis for the future.
  4. Ultrasound and CT are secondary procedures that help clarify the diagnosis, determine the size of the tumor and the presence of metastases.
  5. Laboratory blood test makes it possible to determine oncomarkers.


Many problems cause cancer of the esophagus. Symptoms and signs, stages, treatment and prognosis - all this is very important and must be discussed with the doctor. So, at this stage, I would like to consider in more detail all those methods of treatment that may be relevant in this case.

  1. Radiation therapy.
  2. Surgical intervention. In this case, the patient's esophagus will be removed. A gastric or intestinal tube plasty will also be needed.
  3. Combination method: radiation therapy together with surgery.

As for chemotherapy, it is ineffective as an independent method.

Loss of the lower and middle parts of the esophagus. In this case, surgical intervention followed by radiation and chemotherapy will be effective. If the tumor cannot be removed, radiation therapy will be used.

If the patient is affected by the upper third of the esophagus, in this caseradiation therapy will be relevant.

If the disease is very advanced, and the patient has the last stage of dysphagia (normal nutrition is impossible), a gastrostomy is applied. This is a surgical intervention, when, under local anesthesia, the patient's stomach is sutured to the anterior abdominal wall, then a feeding tube is inserted into it.

the first signs and symptoms of esophageal cancer treatment and prognosis
the first signs and symptoms of esophageal cancer treatment and prognosis


When the first signs and symptoms of esophageal cancer are considered, treatment and prognosis are also important to talk about. If everything has already been said about the treatment, then it is time to find out the prognosis for the life of patients with this disease. First of all, I would like to say that everything depends on the degree of development of the disease, on the age of the patient and various other factors. That is, each case must be considered separately. However, general numbers can also be provided:

  1. If esophageal cancer has not been treated, the prognosis in this case is not the most favorable. The average life expectancy of patients from the moment of detection of the disease is approximately 6-8 months. If diagnosed early, some patients lived for approximately 5 years without treatment.
  2. If radiation therapy was used, the survival of patients is significantly improved.
  3. With combined treatment after radical surgery, about half of patients live more than five years.
  4. With complex treatment (if metastases were detected), approximately 57% of patients live for more than five years.
