Sooner or later, but almost all adults and children are exposed to various eye diseases. Conjunctivitis is a fairly common and unpleasant disease. Many are frightened when they see reddened and swollen eyes in the morning. But there is nothing wrong with that. If you notice the symptoms in time and take preventive measures, then this trouble will easily bypass. How is conjunctivitis transmitted? What are its symptoms and treatment? This is what will be discussed in the article.

What is conjunctivitis and its symptoms?
Conjunctivitis is a disease and redness of the colorless, thin layer of the eye (or conjunctiva). It is a transparent membrane that protects the white of the eye and closes the inner surface of the eyelids. The main task of the conjunctiva is to protect the eyes from dust and foreign bodies getting into them, to moisturize and facilitate eye movement. It contains a large number of nerve endings, therefore, as soon as it is irritated,eyes turn red.
How is conjunctivitis transmitted? What causes it? Any, even the most insignificant damage to the eyes (dust or sand getting into them), weakening of the body by various diseases, weakening of the immune system, various allergic diseases or infections - all these components can provoke conjunctivitis in humans.
The symptoms of this eye disease are quite varied. The disease can appear against the background of a beginning allergy. It can also be caused by various infections or bacteria. Exposure to the eyes of various physical or chemical factors can also trigger the onset of conjunctivitis. Often the disease affects people with dry eye syndrome due to insufficient production of tear fluid. Just a strong reddening of the eyes is the first symptom of the development of conjunctivitis. All blood vessels become clearly visible against the background of a white eyeball.
Another symptom is swelling of the eyelids and their redness, a feeling of sand in the eyes. Purulent discharge also begins to appear. Very often, children may have a fever, sore throat. There is a decrease in appetite, poor sleep, after sleep the eyelids are difficult to rise and stick together. There is abundant tearing, the eyes are “afraid” of light.

Conjunctivitis: how is it transmitted? How long does the illness last?
Conjunctivitis is usually transmitted by contact. Viruses and bacteria enter the organs of vision through various sources. It's dirtyhands, swimming in public pools, saunas and baths. Girls can become infected by using poor quality or expired cosmetics.
How is conjunctivitis transmitted in children? They can become infected during colds, acute respiratory infections, measles, etc. The presence of microscopic injuries on the mucous membrane of the eye also provides access to microbes. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays or too bright lighting can also provoke the development of the disease. It is also possible to get sick by using common utensils where bacteria can survive for a long time.
How is conjunctivitis transmitted in children? It is very easy to get infected in childhood: they walked on the street and rubbed their eyes with unwashed, dusty hands. As a consequence - conjunctivitis.
The duration of the disease directly depends on the type of conjunctivitis. It is worth noting that there is no exact recovery time, and no doctor can guarantee that it will be possible to fully recover in 10 days. The illness can last from 5 days or more. You should not delay treatment as soon as the first symptoms begin to appear, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, and then the disease will bother you much less.
Conjunctivitis: types
Today, modern medicine distinguishes many types of this disease: infectious conjunctivitis, which includes bacterial and viral. Also found allergic, chronic, purulent conjunctivitis. Let's consider each of them separately.
How conjunctivitis is transmitted in general cases - we have already found out. Now consider some of its types morein detail.

How is infectious conjunctivitis transmitted?
An eye disease that is caused by viruses or bacteria is called infectious conjunctivitis. How is it transmitted and what are its symptoms? What are the differences between the viral and bacterial variants - we will consider all this below.
It is impossible to say unequivocally what exactly caused infectious conjunctivitis. Symptoms of infectious conjunctivitis are no different from all others: blurred vision, irritated eyes, discomfort from bright light, discharge from the eyes, which leads to sticking of the eyelids. If left untreated, infectious conjunctivitis can last for many months, causing discomfort. In the treatment, cold compresses are usually used, the eyes are wiped with a damp cloth. Do not touch infected eyes with unwashed hands, otherwise the treatment may take a long time. Be sure to contact a specialist.
Bacterial conjunctivitis
Both adults and children can get bacterial conjunctivitis. How is it transmitted? What are its symptoms and treatment? The disease is caused by bacteria, such as staphylococci and pneumococci. Usually the disease is transmitted through dirty hands, with the general use of household items (towels, etc.). It can also be transmitted through air or water. Like other types of conjunctivitis, bacterial has its own symptoms, by which you can easily calculate the onset of the disease. First, it is a yellowish or cloudy discharge from the eyes; secondly, the skin around the eyes and the conjunctiva itself will be dry, thirdly,sensation of a foreign body in the eyes and pain. The same is not necessarily infection of two eyes, very often the disease damages only one eye, and later the second. During treatment, doctors usually prescribe ointments or drops that will help recovery.

Viral conjunctivitis
Various viruses cause viral conjunctivitis. How is it transmitted? What are the symptoms and course of the disease? It usually accompanies a cold, SARS, so the first symptoms may be fever, discomfort in the throat. Viral conjunctivitis affects only one eye at first. Symptoms: strong lacrimation; swelling of the skin around the eyes. The most common eye disease is viral conjunctivitis. How is it transmitted? Most often, it is transmitted from an infected person by airborne droplets, when sharing personal items. Treatment should be started immediately, usually with antihistamine drops to reduce itching and reduce inflammation.
Allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when a person interacts with various allergens. It can be house dust, poor quality food, plant pollen, pet dander, or strong odors. How is allergic conjunctivitis transmitted? Unlike other types of this disease, allergic is not contagious. In the event of this type of conjunctivitis, the cause of the allergy should be immediately established and its sources eliminated. How can you tell if a person has allergic conjunctivitis? Its symptoms are:edema of the conjunctiva and eyes begins, an unpleasant burning sensation is felt, sensitivity of the eyes to light. Usually, allergic conjunctivitis affects both eyes at once. Treatments include antihistamine drops to reduce itching, and artificial tears to reduce dry eyes.

Acute and chronic
The causative agents of the acute form of conjunctivitis, as a rule, are various microorganisms, viruses, etc. Most often, this form of conjunctivitis develops when personal hygiene is not observed and usually spreads in children's institutions (kindergartens or preschool institutions). Acute infection with adenoviruses can cause adenovirus conjunctivitis. How is this type of disease transmitted? You can become infected through any contact with a sick person. In this case, you must urgently contact an ophthalmologist.
With purulent discharge from the eyes, purulent conjunctivitis can be diagnosed. With such a disease, you should definitely consult a doctor, self-medication can be dangerous. How is purulent conjunctivitis transmitted? You can get infected through any contact with a sick person, even after shaking hands.
Chronic conjunctivitis develops when the eyes are exposed to harmful substances, irritants or allergens for a long time. Chronic conjunctivitis also worsens in people with weakened immune systems, vitamin deficiencies, or visual impairments.
Conjunctivitis Consequences
The consequences of this disease can be different. Today, about 30% of patients who come to the ophthalmologist justsuffer from this disease. If you turn to the doctor in time and do not postpone going to the doctor, then conjunctivitis is successfully treated with ointments or drops under the supervision of the attending physician. However, if you start the disease, it can lead to rather sad consequences. Firstly, neglected conjunctivitis can lead to other severe inflammatory processes of the eyes, which take longer to heal and the load on the eyes will increase significantly. Second, in some people, conjunctivitis can become chronic. Thirdly, this disease can lead to partial or complete loss of vision, but this happens in the absence of treatment.

Such a common and such an unpleasant eye disease is conjunctivitis. Is it possible to somehow avoid it or reduce the chances of getting sick? Any disease is easier to prevent in time than to treat. Conjunctivitis is no exception. In order for the disease to disturb both adults, and especially children, as little as possible, it is worth observing some preventive measures. Only personal items should be used (face towels, etc.); returning from the street, be sure to wash your hands or use an antibacterial agent. Strengthen the immune system by taking vitamins, observe the daily routine, do not abuse alcohol, eat right, play sports. Keep the house clean, be sure to ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.
Prevention of conjunctivitis for children is especially important: it is worth protecting the child from sitting for many hours beforecomputer monitor or TV screen; provide him with the right lighting when writing or reading to reduce eye fatigue; from an early age, make sure that the child does not rub his eyes with dirty hands, and, of course, carefully monitor his allergic reactions. Such seemingly simple rules will help to avoid not only conjunctivitis, but also other diseases.

Treatment with folk methods
Treatment of conjunctivitis with folk remedies is in some cases quite effective, and today you can find as many ways as you like. It is best to use those recipes that our mothers and grandmothers tested on themselves.
The most common way is to apply lotions from brewed tea to inflamed eyes. This method is very effective. Relieve eye irritation. However, it is worth monitoring the concentration of the solution, as too "cool" tea can only do harm.
Another method is to apply lotions of herbs and chamomile. Brew with boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, carefully strain the solution, as small particles can get into the sore eye. Apply on eyelids for 10 minutes. This method will help soothe the eyes and reduce puffiness.
Another proven method in the fight against the disease is the use of potatoes. Grate the raw potatoes until they turn into gruel, add the egg, mix. Stir until smooth and apply as a compress on sore eyes for 15 minutes. This procedure should be repeated 3-5 times.
Also, lotions from a solution of bay leaf, propolis, honey and rose hips also help.
However, it is worth noting that folk remedies will not help, if there is severe redness of the eyes, then you should immediately consult a doctor.
So, conjunctivitis is a fairly common eye disease that occurs not only in children, but also in adults. The reasons for its occurrence are different, bacteria and viruses, non-observance of personal hygiene rules, allergies, etc. Fortunately, today modern medicine is able to cope with this scourge quickly and very effectively. Conjunctivitis is successfully treated at any age without he alth consequences.