It would seem that adhesions are a natural reaction of the body to the inflammatory process. However, the consequences that may result from the lack of appropriate therapy are not so harmless. What you need to know about this disease, how to respond, identify causes and treat? More on this in the article below.
What are spikes
Under the word adhesions, it is customary to understand connective tissue (strands) in the form of a thin film, which, as it were, splices neighboring organs. From a physiological point of view, this is a normal protective reaction of the body. But if the localization of the adhesive process in the small pelvis is established, then this can lead to problems in the reproductive system. Since the internal organs are covered from the outside by the serous membrane, which is also commonly called the visceral peritoneum, the free movement of the internal organs is carried out due to the peritoneal fluid. This can be observed, for example, during pregnancy, when the growing uterus changes its location somewhat.intestinal loops or bladder.

The very process of adhesions occurs as a result of an inflammatory process, in which tissues swell and fibrinous plaque forms on the visceral peritoneum. By its structure, fibrin is very sticky and therefore it easily manages to connect adjacent tissues. The body reacts in such a way that the inflammation does not affect other organs and does not go further. Unpleasant symptoms left unattended, lack of adequate treatment lead to tissue fusion.
Forms and symptoms of the disease
It is customary to distinguish three stages in the development of the adhesive process in the small pelvis. Symptoms that cannot be overlooked are usually expressed in acute, intermittent and chronic forms.
Gradual deterioration is characteristic of the acute stage of the adhesive process. A woman may complain of pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, nausea, heart palpitations and fever. At the doctor's appointment, the abdomen is palpated and at the same time the woman feels pain. These symptoms may indicate bowel obstruction. Left untreated, kidney failure may develop and the woman's condition may worsen.
At the intermediate stage of the adhesive process in the small pelvis, signs of the disease may either appear or disappear. The woman notes that for periods she is disturbed by disorders in the work of the intestines.
The third stage, chronic, is marked by a temporary manifestation of unpleasant symptoms that occur after intercourse, witha sharp change in body position, physical exertion, during examination on a gynecological chair. Most often, the adhesive process in the pelvis is diagnosed when a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time. During the diagnosis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis is determined.

Reason for appearance
The development of adhesions in the pelvis can be influenced by several factors:
- inflammation in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, adnexitis, endometritis, salpingitis;
- endometriosis, manifested in the growth of cells similar in structure to the inner surface of the uterus; noted that wherever endometriosis is located, it will inevitably lead to the development of adhesions, since in itself it is a consequence of the development of the inflammatory process;
- surgery - abortion, caesarean section, curettage;
- tuberculosis of the female reproductive system;
- Intrauterine device installation;
- ovarian apoplexy, ectopic pregnancy, as well as other heavy bleeding that occurs in the pelvis and peritoneum, since the protein contained in the blood acts as a catalyst for the formation of adhesions.
Normally, the pelvic organs are separated from the abdominal cavity by the muscular abdominal wall, a kind of layer, which consists of a thin film and is called the peritoneum. Due to the fact that its surface is smooth, the movement and fertilization of the egg occurs without any obstacles. Also, the growth of the fetus occurs in a natural form. If aan adhesive process is formed in the small pelvis, then it can interfere with the internal movement of fluids, the movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes.
Surgical intervention as one of the reasons
Most often, the cause of the adhesive process in the pelvis is an operation. For example, some women develop pathology after a caesarean section. Do not exclude other surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. Hemorrhage that occurs during surgery provokes the development of aseptic inflammation and adhesions. Moreover, indirect signs of an adhesive process in the pelvis can be perceived by a woman as a consequence of the development of completely different diseases.
Doctors are trying to use less traumatic methods of surgical intervention to reduce the risk of complications. The longer the operation takes, the higher the risk of adhesion formation.
Methods for detecting disease
During the examination, the doctor can only indirectly diagnose the adhesive process in the pelvis. During ultrasound diagnostics or MRI, it is possible to obtain an almost 100% answer to the question of the presence of an adhesive process. Hysterosalpingography can tell about the patency of the fallopian tube. If there are problems, then the spikes are almost certainly the cause.

The presence of an inflammatory process is confirmed by smear tests for microflora, which is taken from the vagina, and PCR analysis for the presence of latent infection. It is possible to visually determine the development of the adhesive process as a result of laparoscopy. Simultaneously with the inspectionand dissection of adhesions.
If this study is carried out only for the purpose of diagnosis, then as a result the degree of the course of the disease is determined:
- Adhesions do not interfere with egg capture, are located around the ovary or oviduct.
- When it is difficult to capture the egg, the cords are between the ovary and the oviduct, or between them and neighboring organs.
- There is no possibility of egg capture due to blockage and torsion of fallopian tube adhesions.
What complications may occur
If a woman does not treat the adhesive process in the pelvis, inflammatory disease and infections penetrate into the appendages, fallopian tubes, the body begins to produce inflammatory exudate. It can be purulent or serous, spreading throughout the oviduct. The danger lies in the fact that an inflammatory secret can enter the abdominal cavity, which then provokes the loss of fibrin. It is able to close the abdominal opening of the fallopian tube, and over time lead to its complete blockage. In this case, the doctor can observe that the fallopian tube has become closed.
In the event that the opening of the fallopian tube remains open, but purulent discharge takes place, there is a risk of them entering the uterine cavity, and then into the vagina. There is another point - the defeat of the ovaries through the circulatory system, into which the infection penetrates.
Inflammation left untreated leads to changes in the size and shape of the tubes and ovaries. They become larger, and the latter resembles a ball in shape. Developmentadhesive process in the small pelvis, namely in the oviduct, occurs as a result of desquamation or exfoliation of the epithelium. Surfaces located opposite each other are glued together, forming partitions. During the diagnosis, the doctor can visualize the saccular formation, which consists of several chambers.

As a result, the diagnosis is made based on what the discharge was. Purulent ones speak of pyosalpinx, serous ones - of sactosalpinx or hydrosalpinx. If at this stage the treatment has not been carried out, then a purulent tubo-ovarian formation occurs. These diseases are characterized by the need to treat the adhesive process in the pelvis. In this case, the place of attachment of adhesions can affect the ovaries, oviduct, uterus, pelvic walls along with the intestines, omentum.
Treatment methods
After identifying the cause and diagnosing the disease, the question arises of how to treat the adhesive process in the pelvis? There are two options: conservative method and surgical intervention. The first is that a woman after the operation is immediately recommended a special diet, moderate physical activity. In practice, it was noted that if you start getting out of bed early, normalize bowel function, then already in the hospital you can start a process that prevents the development of adhesions. Meals should consist of small portions, 5-6 times a day. Excessive loads are also excluded at the moment when the adhesive process developed not as a result of an operation, but due to an inflammatory disease.
In the postoperative period, doctors prescribeantiplatelet agents and anticoagulants that improve blood circulation. Physiotherapeutic treatment, for example, a course of electrophoresis with a Lidase solution, has proven itself positively.
When diagnosing sexually transmitted infections, a course of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. Hormone therapy is indicated for the establishment of genital endometriosis.

In the event that indirect treatment has not yielded results, it remains to resort to surgical intervention. The main indicator for the operation is the acute form of the disease. Depending on how difficult the degree of adhesive process in the small pelvis, the appropriate scheme of the operation is selected. It is customary to distinguish three types:
- electrosurgery, when adhesions are cut with an electric knife;
- aquadissection - the process takes place under strong water pressure;
- laser therapy with a special laser.
How the incision is made is decided by the doctor during surgery.
Treatment of chronic adhesive process
Here you also can not do without physiotherapy with fibrinolytics, hirudotherapy, massage, exercise therapy. A positive result was noted when using tampons with Vishnevsky ointment in the vagina. Reducing pain spasms is possible with the help of Papaverine, No-shpy preparations.
In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to do yoga, and breathing exerciseswill improve blood circulation. During the exercises, the pelvic organs are massaged, which contributes to the resorption of adhesions. This method of treatment is considered one of the available ones, it takes a little time and can be done at home.
Complications of adhesions
The most difficult form of the disease is acute, in which a sharp deterioration in he alth is possible. A woman may feel a severe headache caused by a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, lethargy. In this case, it is recommended to immediately contact a medical institution or call a doctor.
Since the development of the adhesive process may cause twisting and necrosis of ovarian tissues, the development of ectopic pregnancy and other complications, it is impossible to delay. In some cases, urgent surgery is required.
Traditional medicine
If the adhesive process of the small pelvis is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in combination with the main one. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe and select methods of therapy for yourself. Only after consulting a doctor, you can try to resort to folk recipes. For example, take honey and aloe juice in a 1:1 ratio. Apply this mixture to a tampon and insert into the vagina for 6 hours, but no more than 8. The duration of therapy should be controlled by a doctor.

If the adhesions are single, then you can use herbal infusions to relieve the inflammatory effect, for example, this one: crushed bergenia root (60 gr.) Pour 1.5 tbsp. hot water. It is advisable to leaveovernight or 8 hours. Douching should be carried out with a filtered solution (for 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of the solution). Course 10 days.
Pregnancy and adhesions - is it possible?
Pregnancy with spikes is possible. Since they do not always have a running form or are numerous. In the event that adhesions are uncomfortable, doctors recommend monitoring nutrition and bowel function. So you can avoid constipation, dull pain, heartburn.
It is worth monitoring your well-being, to be wary of the development of inflammatory diseases. They can worsen well-being and adversely affect the development of the fetus. Moderate physical activity will stimulate normal blood circulation. The attending physician will separately monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and advise the necessary therapy.

Preventive measures
To prevent the re-development of the adhesive process, it is recommended:
- have an annual check-up with a gynecologist;
- treat inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs in time;
- do moderate exercise.
If the disease has not yet passed into a neglected form, then the treatment gives quite tangible relief and recovery. And subsequent preventive measures will help to avoid their reappearance.