Pathological conditions of the pancreas negatively affect various functions of the body and can manifest themselves as a variety of dyspeptic disorders and severe pain syndrome. This gland, despite its small size and weight, plays a very important role, since it is directly involved in the processes of digestion and is responsible for the production of the necessary enzymes, as well as insulin.
Any functional failures in the functioning of this organ can cause very dangerous consequences, so you need to seek medical help at the first sign of gland disease.

Functions of Organ
The pancreas is located deep in the abdominal cavity and fits snugly against the walls of the stomach. In adults, iron is an organ weighing approximately 70-80 g, and its dimensions are about 25 cm. It performs two main functions:
- Exocrine function,which characterizes the pancreas in that it is responsible for the production of pancreatic juice, necessary for the full process of digestion. It is in the pancreatic juice that the most important enzymes are present that contribute to the breakdown of the main substances that enter the body. In addition to enzymes, this liquid contains specific substances that can neutralize the acidic environment of the juice produced by the stomach and protect its mucosa from various damages.
- Endocrine function, which is the production of the hormone glucagon insulin. These substances play a direct role in carbohydrate metabolism and regulate blood sugar levels. When a person has insufficient production of insulin, he develops such a dangerous disease as diabetes mellitus.
Main causes of pathologies
The main predisposing factors for the development of various diseases of the pancreas are:

- All kinds of pathologies of the duodenum or biliary tract.
- Impaired outflow of secretion, which is a consequence of tumor processes.
- Mechanical injury of the pancreas.
- Congenital anomalies (genetic factor).
- Chronic alcoholism.
- Some infectious diseases.
- Influence of carcinogens and various toxic substances.
- Incorrect or poor quality food.
- Psychosomatic factors associated with the presence of severe stress.
The effect of alcohol on the pancreas is very ambiguous. In certain cases, patients who suffer from chronic alcoholism often avoid inflammatory processes, while drinking even a small amount of alcohol for non-drinking he althy people can sometimes result in a fatal outcome, which will be the result of destructive changes in the pancreas.
It often happens that organ damage is directly related to defects in the anatomical structure (kinks, abnormal structure of the ducts, hypoplasia, etc.), severe infections of the fetus and mother during pregnancy. In addition, the age and gender of the patient, the environmental situation, his lifestyle, the harmfulness of production, as well as the presence of some concomitant diseases (diabetes, cholecystitis, hepatitis, etc.) can play a certain role in the development of diseases of the gland.
Before considering pancreatic treatment, let's describe the symptoms.
Symptoms of similar diseases
The main signs of diseases of this organ are moderate or severe pain, a change in the shade of the skin, a variety of dyspeptic disorders.

Pain syndrome
Pain in the event of pathologies of the gland can be dull and pulling, or sharp and intense (in acute inflammatory processes). They are observed in the epigastric region and constantly haunt the patient, they can be in the nature of seizures and manifest themselves with changes in the usual way of eating.(for example, after eating fatty or spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, overeating), as well as after stressful situations. Pain, as a rule, radiates to the left hypochondrium, back and shoulder blade, or is of a general girdle character in diseases of the pancreas. The signs don't end there.
Pain syndrome may decrease when taking a certain posture, for example, lying on the left side with legs bent at the knees. It is possible to alleviate the patient's suffering with the help of cold compresses, while the use of heat contributes to a sharp increase in pain and the further development of the inflammatory process. With pancreatic necrosis, such a syndrome is so pronounced that it can sometimes lead to a painful shock in a person, which (like the underlying disease) poses a threat to life.
Dyspeptic disorders are usually accompanied by lack of appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. At the initial stage, there may be bloating, stool retention, flatulence, which is directly related to enzyme deficiency and a lack of bile acid production. A few days after constipation, frequent loose stools may occur. At the same time, the patient is haunted by excruciating thirst, weakness, dry mouth, and the temperature and sweat may also rise.
What causes pain in the pancreas?
This reaction of the body is due to its general intoxication and, as a rule, does not bring relief. At first, the contents of the stomach may be present in the vomit, and after that only bile comes out. Frequentbouts of vomiting can cause loss of electrolytes and fluids, leading to dehydration.
In some particularly severe cases, this condition may be accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbance. If acidosis occurs, the patient may lose consciousness, which in most cases is a consequence of hypovolemic shock.
The skin becomes icteric. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the edematous gland begins to compress the bile ducts. In addition, due to severe intoxication of the body and the occurrence of respiratory disorders, some cyanosis appears in the region of the nasolabial triangle, as well as in the navel.
In addition, certain specific symptoms may be observed during palpation of the abdomen, which can only be determined and evaluated by a specialist. Laboratory tests, instrumental methods for diagnosing pancreatic pathologies, as well as determining hormonal imbalances also help to establish a diagnosis.
The most common diseases of this organ are:
- Pancreatitis of various etiologies (acute, reactive, chronic).
- Tumours of a benign or oncological nature, pancreatic cysts.
- Pancreatic necrosis - necrosis of organ tissue.
- Cystic fibrosis.
- Presence of stones in the pancreas.
- The damage to the organ, which is associated with the occurrence of diabetes.

Acute pancreatitis
This disease of the pancreas is a sudden onset of inflammation, which is accompanied by swelling and damage to the organ. In some cases, a very serious condition develops, for example, necrosis of the organ, accompanied by suppuration of the tissue and hemorrhage, which often leads to death even during intensive care.
The causes of such an acute condition can be alcohol consumption, overeating, taking certain medications, concomitant pathologies of the gallbladder. The process of inflammation is triggered by a violation of the discharge of pancreatic secretions, which provokes an increase in pressure in the main ducts. Active enzymes begin to penetrate into the tissues of the organ and cause the development of edema, a violation of the excretion of digestive enzymes. As a result of these processes (instead of breaking down food), enzymes begin to digest gland cells.
During an acute attack of pancreatitis, a person experiences very severe pain, which is poorly relieved by medications. This condition is exacerbated by vomiting, nausea, lowering blood pressure, changes in heart rate. With the development of such a pathology, the patient needs emergency care and hospitalization in a hospital.
How to treat the pancreas? Consider further.
Chronic pancreatitis
The course of this disease is long and is usually accompanied by periodic exacerbations. During periods of remission, pain is absent, and during exacerbation, shingles appears.pain syndrome of varying degrees of intensity.
There is a decrease in appetite and nausea, there are single bouts of vomiting of bile or food. There is also bloating, stool instability, flatulence. As a rule, an exacerbation of the disease occurs due to a violation of the diet, after stress, drinking alcohol, exacerbating diseases of the gallbladder, etc. What else can provoke pain in the pancreas?
Tumor diseases
Hormone-dependent tumors and malignant neoplasms (cancer) can occur in the pancreas. Tumors of a hormonal nature are malignant and benign, develop due to an excess of hormones produced by the pancreas. Such processes are often accompanied by a violation of the metabolic process in the body.
Cancer of the gland is quite common. In the initial stages, nausea, fatty stools, lack of appetite, bloating, and weight loss may occur. The pain may be constant aching. In the later stages, the patient's condition is complicated by frequent bouts of vomiting and profuse diarrhea, and the skin has an icteric hue.

Pancreatic cysts
With a small cyst, the severity of pain is very weak, but if the neoplasm is large, it begins to compress the nerve endings in the gland, which causes acute pain. When the head of this organ is affected, weight loss, bloating, and frequent stools are noted.
In cases where a cyst forms innausea also occurs in the body or tail of the gland, but constipation and discolored stools are the characteristic symptoms. A large cyst can even be felt through the wall of the peritoneum. With suppuration of the neoplasm, the patient's condition is complicated by hyperthermia.
In cystic fibrosis, there are acute pains in the intestinal area, fatty and loose stools appear, the volume of which exceeds the norm. A characteristic symptom in this case is a decrease in appetite, dry mouth, flatulence, muscle weakness, and small s alt crystals appear on the skin.
Diabetes mellitus associated with the cessation of insulin production by the gland, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain syndromes. The main signs of this disease are constant thirst, increased urine volume, skin itching, a sharp feeling of hunger during the development of hypoglycemic crises, nausea, weight loss, sweating.
Pancreatic necrosis
This pathological condition is accompanied by an acute and sharp pain behind the sternum, while the pain can radiate to the lower back, back, and collarbone. Sometimes a pain syndrome of this strength leads to a state of shock, accompanied by loss of consciousness.
Treatment of the pancreas
Therapy of such diseases depends on the type of pathology and is carried out taking into account the general condition, severity of symptoms, the presence of concomitant diseases and contraindications. The basis of such activities is drug therapy and diet. Acute forms of diseases are treated in a hospital. Tumors, stones and cysts are removed surgically. Otherpathologies that are associated with comorbidities (cystic fibrosis, diabetes, liver disease) need specific therapy.

Drug treatment of the pancreas is based on the use of drugs that reduce the secretion of gastric juice, and the use of enzymes that do not contain bile components. Eliminate nausea will help drugs "Cerukal", "Motilium". Antispasmodics "No-shpa", "Mebeverine", "Papaverine" and others are recommended for pain syndrome.
With functional disorders of the gland, as a rule, therapy with medications containing enzymes is used. They significantly improve digestion, absorption of substances from the intestines, reduce excess gas formation, increase peristalsis and stimulate the removal of unnecessary substances from the body.
In addition, in the treatment of the pancreas, traditional medicine based on the use of herbal decoctions is widely used. In this case, wormwood grass, dandelion roots, parsley, St. John's wort, and some fruits - garlic, oats, flax seeds, etc. are used.
For pathologies of the pancreas, medicines should be taken only according to the instructions.
In the acute form of pancreatitis, you should refuse to eat, at this time only mineral waters and green tea are recommended. In other pathological conditions, when eating is allowed, a special menu prescribed by the doctor applies.

For the pancreas, the menu might look like this.
- Oatmeal, rice or buckwheat porridge.
- Meat patty steamed.
- Tea with milk.
Second breakfast:
- Low fat cottage cheese.
- Kissel or dried fruit compote.
- Vegetable soup.
- Mashed potatoes.
- Meat dish in the form of a soufflé.
- Kissel or apple compote.
- Crackers from white bread.
- Decoction of rose hips.
- Steamed egg white omelette
- Semolina porridge.
- Kefir or tea.
You can drink teas, mineral water, compotes.