Diseases of the feet in humans and their treatment. Symptoms of leg diseases

Diseases of the feet in humans and their treatment. Symptoms of leg diseases
Diseases of the feet in humans and their treatment. Symptoms of leg diseases

Diseases of the feet in people and their treatment in human life are far from last. These pathologies consist in violations of the integrity of tissues, deterioration in the work of the lower extremities or their complete loss. The reasons for their appearance are varied and can be due to both external and internal factors. Leg diseases in humans and their treatment, varieties are presented in this article. We invite you to read it if you are aware of this problem.

Why do my legs hurt?

Often, legs hurt when walking for a long time, significant physical exertion and wearing uncomfortable shoes, which is more common for women striving to keep up with changing fashion.

human foot disease treatment
human foot disease treatment

This pain is temporary and goes away fairly quickly. Very often, legs hurt towards the end of the day in people who are obese or perform heavy work, leading to chronic functional overexertion. Workers are the most affectedmining, engineering, construction industry and agriculture. In men, discomfort in the hips can be a reflection of pain in the groin with problems of the genitourinary system. Problems with the spine often respond with pain in the legs.


Diseases of the feet can conditionally be classified into the following groups:

  • diseases of the joints and periarticular soft tissues;
  • diseases resulting from impaired blood flow;
  • injuries of various origins;
  • skin diseases;
  • other.

Foot diseases in people and their treatment often become the No. 1 problem in a person's life, and this especially applies to the elderly. In particular, honorable advanced years, in addition to a whole bunch of sores that have accumulated over a lifetime, are accompanied by arthritis and arthrosis, leading to the destruction of the joints and disruption of their functions. Also, joint damage can be of endocrine or nervous origin, referred to in medical practice as "arthropathy".

causes of foot disease in humans and their treatment
causes of foot disease in humans and their treatment

Each type of disease is determined by the appearance of painful sensations in the joints, the nature of which can be varied. In order to carry out the correct therapeutic actions, it is important to find out in time the nature of the lesion, which can also cover the internal organs. Joint pain resulting from a disease (otherwise - arthralgia) can appear for various reasons. In any case, you need to seek medical help and undergo an examination.organism.

Joints of the legs hurt: causes

Diseases of the feet in humans and their treatment depend on the causes that caused them. These could be:

  • joint injuries;
  • flu, sore throat, hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases (fungal, bacterial, viral);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • stress, prolonged experiences;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • metabolic disorder.

Signs of disease of the joints of the legs

Diseases in the joints of the legs in humans and their treatment are determined by the intensity of the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • Joint pain most felt at night, early morning and when moving.
  • Morning stiffness lasting at least an hour.
  • Change in the appearance of the joint, its swelling.
  • Redness of the skin over the joint.
  • Fever.
  • Weakness, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite.
  • Formation of rheumatoid nodules.
  • General malaise.

Arthritis: how does it manifest itself?

Arthritis most of all appears on the small joints of the ankles, ankles and knees. Immune cells mistakenly identify joint cells as foreign (bacteria, viruses) and seek to destroy them. This process can take years.

foot diseases in humans symptoms and their treatment
foot diseases in humans symptoms and their treatment

Complete immobility of the joint (aka ankylosis) is the last stage of arthritis. The disease develops over a long period of time with slow progression (chronic arthritis) or occurs suddenly(acute arthritis) and without timely treatment leads to serious complications, including disability.

Treatment of leg joint diseases

Diseases of the feet in humans and their treatment require an integrated approach. Therapy consists not only in the removal of the pain syndrome and the inflammatory process, but also in the elimination of the cause. In this case, various methods of traditional and traditional medicine are used, namely:

  • appointment of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, "Diclofenac"), glucocorticosteroids - anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs ("Prednisolone"), local injections of anesthetics into pain points ("Novocain"), antidepressants in the development of the disease against the background of stress ("Deprim"), muscle relaxants ("Tizanidin"), which relieve muscle spasms that occur against the background of joint pain;
  • changing the mode of stress on the joints (using orthoses, orthopedic insoles, bandages) and nutrition, depending on the type of arthritis diagnosed;
  • courses of various physiotherapy (magnetic, laser, electropulse, shock wave);
  • therapeutic gymnastics;
  • diet;
  • massage and self-massage;
  • foot diseases in humans and methods of their treatment
    foot diseases in humans and methods of their treatment
  • drugs based on bee products;
  • use of arch supports and canes to reduce stress on affected joints;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • phytotherapy;
  • cryotherapy.

Recommended to avoid strenuous exercisephysical nature: heavy physical labor, long walk.

General recommendations

Various herbal compresses (for external use), as well as decoctions and infusions based on them (for internal use) will help to successfully defeat foot diseases in people, and their treatment and prevention will please with a good result. In food, it is recommended to use foods rich in vitamins, since beriberi is a common cause of leg disease. You should also limit the use of foods with a large amount of carbohydrates (jam, sugar, sweets, flour products), as they can cause obesity, causing joint deformity. Nutrition should be complete, with the maximum amount of vegetables, fruits - sources of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances involved in metabolic processes.

Effective treatment is guaranteed with a complete rejection of bad habits: smoking, overeating, alcohol abuse, which slow down the recovery process and are an additional burden on the body.

Diseases of the periarticular tissues of the legs

Near-articular tissues are tendons and muscles surrounding the joint, places of attachment of tendons to the bone, mucous bags. The inflammatory process can be localized in any of the formations and cause diseases such as trochanteritis (in the area of the hip joint), subcalcaneal and prepatellar bursitis (in the knee area).

Successful therapy lies in correct diagnosis using ultrasound todetecting the presence of exudate (a fluid that accumulates in tissues during an inflammatory process), possible ruptures of ligaments and tendons, as well as determining the exact concentration of an inflammatory focus.

General approaches to therapy are:

  • in complete rest of the affected limb and limiting the load on it;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy, including the use of ointments "Dolgit", "Diclofenac", "Fastum-gel";
  • application of compresses with a 30-50% solution of "Dimexide" on the painful area;
  • topical injection of corticosteroids at the site of injury;
  • magnetotherapy, laser therapy, vitamin therapy, mud applications, biostimulants that promote the activation of metabolic processes.

When inflammation subsides, but still the limitation of active movements, massage with the development of the joint, balneotherapy, electrophoresis is used.

Gout: foot in a trap

Gout (translated from Greek as “foot in a trap”) is a common disease of the legs, affecting the joints due to the deposition of uric acid s alts in them. The end product of the metabolism of certain substances either accumulates excessively in the tissues or is excreted in insufficient quantities, causing, with an increased content, the crystallization of urates and their deposition in the joints, which provokes the appearance of severe pain and inflammation.

foot diseases in humans and their treatment
foot diseases in humans and their treatment

The disease often affects the toes and knee joints and is manifested by severe pain in the joints (especially at night), swelling,redness (sometimes bluishness) of the skin over the sore spot. The general condition of the body worsens and is accompanied by fever, headache, fatigue. Causes of illness:

  • some blood pathologies;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • preferred in the diet of fatty fish, smoked meats, meat products;
  • kidney failure;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • stressful situations.

The above factors cause an increase in the level of uric acid and urates (its s alts) in the blood. Also, foods with an excess amount of purines - generally recognized risk factors for the development of gout - are mushrooms, peanuts, tea, coffee, chocolate, kidneys, liver, tongue, legumes.

With gout, it is recommended to constantly monitor the level of uric acid in the blood, eat right and follow a he althy lifestyle. As preventive measures, physical education, physical labor, spa treatment should be used.

Feet hurt: poor circulation

Diseases of the feet can often be caused by circulatory disorders that slow down the metabolism and cause the development of hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Against the background of a lack of oxygen in the tissues, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities develop.

Common causes are:

  • heredity;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • complications after infectious diseases;
  • lack of mobility.

Symptoms of suchdiseases are similar:

  • swelling of the feet and legs;
  • presence of heaviness in the legs;
  • the formation of spider veins;
  • repeated seizures;
  • appearance of intertwining venous nodules under the skin;
  • tired.

Dangerous atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, characteristic mainly of the male sex, is determined by the first clinical symptom - intermittent claudication. Cramping or bursting-burning pain appears in the calf muscles. There is also a feeling of incredible fatigue of the limb. The pains appear at an early stage of the disease, are undulating in nature: they intensify when walking, subside at rest. Then, as the disease develops, they become permanent and disturb even at night, manifesting themselves in the form of convulsions. Left untreated, nail brittleness, cyanosis (cyanosis), dryness, luster, flaking of the skin, and tissue necrosis with the appearance of ulcers that can cause gangrene appear.

Radical treatments for this disease have not been found, so it is important to have time to stop atherosclerosis at an early stage, using paraffin and herbal medicine methods, diet, etc.


Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the venous wall, causing the formation of a blood clot. The causes of the disease are:

  • slowing blood flow through the veins;
  • change in blood structure;
  • infections;
  • thinning of the venous walls;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

Often this disease occurs as a postpartum complication. You can determine the disease with thrombophlebitis by the following signs:

  • severe pain in the calf muscles;
  • high body temperature;
  • significant swelling of the entire limb;
  • shine and cyanosis of the skin;
  • development of multiple tissue inflammation along the thrombosed vein.

Foot diseases in humans, symptoms and their treatment affect almost a third of the world's population. Many of these ailments require a fairly long-term therapy. So, the treatment of thrombophlebitis is carried out by a conservative or surgical method and can last from 10 days to 3 months, with a chronic stage - about 1 year. In addition, during normal activity of the cardiovascular system, it is advisable to drink about 3 liters of fluid per day and give the legs an elevated position in order to ensure venous outflow, reduce pain and swelling.


Varicose veins is a disease in which veins swell and protrude under the skin, associated with poor blood circulation in the lower extremities and impaired functionality of vascular valves. Most often, the disease affects the veins in the feet and legs, since these parts of the body bear the maximum load when walking and standing.

The risk group includes:

  • pregnant women. During this period, the weight of the expectant mother increases by 15%, and the load on the legs - 2 times;
  • overweight;
  • people of sedentary professions and those whosework involves constant standing;
  • having bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking.

Treatment of varicose veins involves both traditional and folk methods. Particularly difficult cases require surgical intervention, which consists in pulling out the affected vein from a small incision on the surface of the skin. Such an operation does not completely eliminate the disease, since the load on the blood flow from the superficial veins is transferred to the vessels located deeper. There is also a reason for the appearance of this disease. Therefore, treatment is required to be carried out comprehensively.

foot diseases in humans and their treatment
foot diseases in humans and their treatment

Diseases of the feet in humans and methods of their treatment are known to many people firsthand. These pathologies require effective preventive measures: therapeutic exercises, contrast showers, foot massage, sports activities, namely: cycling, walking, swimming. In the initial stages, it is recommended to use therapeutic baths and compresses based on medicinal herbs. You can not take hot baths with varicose veins, go to the sauna and bath, stay in the sun for a long time.

The human foot most often suffers from corns - limited growths of the upper layer of the skin, wedge-shaped protruding into it in places of growth.

diseases of the feet of people and their treatment, prevention
diseases of the feet of people and their treatment, prevention

Most often they occur on the toes and soles and can be painful due to the pressure of the keratinized mass on the nerves located on the skinendings. Diseases of the foot of a person, the treatment of which is quite effective with folk remedies, requires a timely response in order to avoid deterioration of he alth.

An unpleasant phenomenon for the foot is considered to be corns, which are thickenings of the hardened skin of the sole without a core and causing severe burning and pain when walking. Unlike corns, they are characterized by a firmer brownish consistency and transparency. Removal of corns is done by applying a keratolytic cream, which must be applied to the affected area and sealed with a plaster on top. You can not get rid of corns with a razor, this provokes their growth in width.

Diseases of the human foot: treatment with folk remedies

You can get rid of corns in the following way: grate potatoes and onions (1 each), mix, put in gauze, which is applied to the corns. This will cause her steaming and speedy healing.

Effective in the fight against calluses aloe leaf, which is recommended to cut and attach the inside to the affected area. Top cover with polyethylene and fix the compress with a band-aid. It is advisable to use this method at night. Then, with a pumice stone, remove the steamed part of the corn and anoint it with camphor oil or a fat cream. Such procedures should be repeated until complete recovery.

Feet diseases in people and their treatment by non-traditional methods are well known to folk healers. An ointment of onion peel and garlic works well, which should be placed in a jar and poured with table vinegar, coveringfully. Insist for 10-14 days, then pull out the husk, let the liquid drain and leave to dry. Before going to bed, the husk should be applied to the corn with a 2-3 cm layer, the skin around the sore spot should be treated with petroleum jelly. Bandage the leg and leave the compress overnight. In the morning, you need to wash your leg, carefully remove the corn. Repeat the procedure until complete cure.
