Serous discharge: causes

Serous discharge: causes
Serous discharge: causes

Serous fluid is a transparent moisture that is secreted by the membranes of the body cavity. Its secretion is a natural consequence of the functioning of the body. The appearance of serous secretions is associated with the filtration of the contents of blood vessels, which is why it contains protein along with leukocytes, mesothelial cells and some other elements in its composition. Against the background of failures of blood and lymphatic circulation, an excessive amount of moisture can accumulate in the body, which is accompanied by copious secretions.

serous discharge
serous discharge


This condition can often occur after surgery. The appearance of such secretions in patients can be observed on the third day after the intervention. In the normal course of the healing process, they disappear by the third week after surgery. But in case of further accumulation and discharge of transudate, additional treatment will be required. Next, find out what are the causes of serous-mucous discharge from the uterus in postmenopause and from the woundafter surgery.

What are the signs of discharge after surgery?

An enlarged area of surgical intervention is considered the main symptom of an emerging disorder. Such a symptom often occurs after liposuction, as well as against the background of plastic surgery for the introduction of implants. Following the removal of a large amount of fat from the internal cavity, serous moisture begins to accumulate in the resulting voids. The introduction of implants may additionally be accompanied by a rejection process, due to which fluid will accumulate between the soft tissues and the foreign element.

Serous discharge is determined by the swelling of the area of surgical intervention. Palpation of this area can cause an unpleasant sensation in the patient. Often, mild pain accompanies the patient and without pressure on the area of edema, it can increase with little physical exertion. As the seroma (the so-called accumulation of serous fluid) passes into severe stages, colic can become more intense.

One of the main signs of the appearance of seroma is skin hyperemia in the area of operation. With moderate serous discharge, this symptom often does not appear. It can occur in case of accumulation of an excessive amount of excess moisture, which will indicate the need for its mandatory removal from the body.

Serous discharge from the suture is a fairly rare occurrence, indicating a severe form of violations. Starting the treatment process often leads to the formation of a fistulous tract, through which excess moisture begins to ooze out.

Nextfind out what are the causes of serous-purulent discharge from the wound against the background of the surgical intervention.

serous purulent discharge
serous purulent discharge

Causes of wound discharge

So, basically, the accumulation of serous fluid is directly related to the extensive wound surface, which is accompanied by detachment of the subcutaneous tissue. Performing surgery must necessarily be accompanied by delicate handling of the internal cavity. It is unacceptable to roughly interact with tissues and use low-quality tools. The incision must be made quickly and accurately in one motion. The use of blunt instruments, along with the unsteady hand of the surgeon, turns the surgical area into a kind of mush of damaged tissues that can bleed and undergo destruction, which will lead to the formation of a large amount of serous discharge.

Extensive wound surface can be accompanied by destruction of lymph nodes at the same time. Numerous injuries of the lymph nodes lead to increased secretion of serous secretions. Unlike vessels, they do not have such a fast healing ability and therefore heal within one day after surgery.

Excessive bleeding of the internal tissue can be the cause of the formation of copious serous discharge. Through small capillaries, blood can enter the operated area, forming hemorrhages. After some time, they tend to dissolve and form a serous fluid.

Another example of the occurrence of serous-purulent discharge isdevelopment of a postoperative hematoma in a patient. Against this background, the source of filling the cavity with liquid is not capillaries, but large vessels, whose damage often leads to bruising. In this case, serous discharge appears only on the fifth or seventh day after the operation. Resorption of the hematoma may be accompanied by the formation of fluid. It is important to closely monitor the patient during the first few days after surgery in order to watch for the occurrence of small blood streaks that are difficult to detect directly during surgery.

In what other cases does serous discharge from a wound occur after surgery?

After plastic surgery, the rejection of the implant is not ruled out. Some patients are over-sensitive to foreign elements. Given this circumstance, their manufacturers strive to use the highest quality biomaterials, which significantly reduce the risk of rejection. But, nevertheless, it is impossible to predict with complete certainty the reaction of the body to implants. Therefore, due to the rejection of a foreign element, serous discharge may also begin to accumulate.

serous discharge from the uterus in postmenopausal women
serous discharge from the uterus in postmenopausal women

Next, let's talk about how serous fluid accumulates in the uterus, and find out what are the main causes of this pathological process.

How does serous-mucous discharge occur in the uterus?

A serometer is a collection of serous fluid in the uterus.

Many wonder what colorserous discharge from the uterus? This substance is transparent and has a special composition similar to blood serum.

Between the muscular uterine tissue and the endometrium there is a serous membrane (it is a film of connective tissue), which is penetrated by many capillaries. Transparent yellow blood plasma can seep through the walls of these tiny vessels. This, in fact, is the same serous fluid. In the event that a woman has scars on the cervix or any other defects that prevent the removal of fluid from the cavity, then it accumulates and stagnates.

Obstacles to the exit of accumulated serous discharge from the uterus may appear due to previous gynecological diseases, various operations on the uterus, malignant tumors and so on. The consequences of such processes may be atrophy of the mucosa along with narrowing or fusion of the tissues of the cervical canal. In more complex cases, fluid also accumulates in the cervical canal, and then the so-called serocervix develops.

Why does serous fluid accumulate in the uterus?

With diseases of the genital organs during childbirth and against the background of cleaning, many women face, but not all of them accumulate serous fluid in the uterus. It is not a post-menopausal disease and can also appear in younger women.

Contribute to the occurrence of serous stagnation, for example, exposure to the female body of nicotine or alcohol, along with hormonal disorders as a result of a longpremenopausal birth control use.

profuse serous discharge
profuse serous discharge

Serous discharge from the postmenopausal uterus

At the beginning of the onset of postmenopause in the female body, hormonal changes are already completely over. A decrease in the level of sex hormones affects the condition of the uterine mucosa. Regular renewal of the endometrium is completed. The cleansing of the uterine cavity from physiological fluids also stops. Stagnant processes are the cause of unpleasant symptoms, for example, serous discharge from the uterus can be observed. In each case, when there are deviations, the choice of the method of therapy is approached individually.

Factors that increase the risk of discharge

These factors include the following:

  • Decrease in physical activity, which causes a violation of the blood supply to organs. Age-related changes lead to thinning of blood vessels, and in addition, to the appearance of areas of expansion and narrowing. The blood flow can slow down, and the pressure on the vascular walls increases, and thus their permeability increases.
  • Bad metabolism along with malnutrition. Against the background of the abuse of fatty foods, cholesterol can be deposited in the vessels. The human body spends a lot of energy on the processing of fatty foods, so the load on the vessels increases significantly.
  • Vaginal dryness. This is the most characteristic symptom of menopause. Thinning of the vaginal mucosa leads to the appearance of microcracks, because of this, certain inflammatory diseases easily occur.diseases. In addition, the composition of the microflora is disturbed. Against the background of all this, the infection is able to freely penetrate into the uterus, which will lead to a change in the tissue structure of the cervix and uterine cavity. The douching procedure only worsens the situation and increases dryness.
  • Treatment with hormonal medications to relieve menopause symptoms.
  • The appearance of polyps, fibroids, cysts and endometriosis that violate the structure of the surface of the uterus.
  • serous discharge from the wound after surgery
    serous discharge from the wound after surgery

Indirect causes

In addition to these, there are other factors that can indirectly affect the appearance of serous discharge during menopause:

  • Presence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes.
  • Having a viral or bacterial infection of the genital tract.
  • Untreated endometriosis.
  • Performing unsuccessful abortions or operations that left large scars on the uterine lining.
  • Passion for bad habits. The fact is that smoking and alcohol can cause swelling, and in addition, lower the tone of blood vessels.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals. It should be noted that against the background of s alt metabolism disorders, the risks of edema increase.

So, serous discharge - what is it?


At the initial stage of the appearance of discharge, when not much fluid has accumulated in the uterus, a woman may not even notice this disorder, since the body itself does not clearly signal thiswill be. In the genital tract in women can normally be up to one and a half liters of fluid. But when serous secretions begin to accumulate, viruses and bacteria develop in them. At the same time, the liquid presses on the abdominal wall, as well as on the urinary canals, and against the background of all this, the following unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • There is a frequent urge to urinate.
  • Reduces bladder capacity.
  • Painful urination occurs.
  • There are pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region.
  • Girth of the abdomen increases.
  • Profuse liquid discharge occurs.
  • what does serous discharge look like
    what does serous discharge look like

With a serometer, the uterus in women begins to expand and, as it were, pushes the abdominal wall forward, in fact, an increase in the volume of the abdomen is associated with this. Liquid discharge against this background may have a yellowish or gray color. They usually do not smell, but if a bacterial infection has joined, it can become unpleasant.

In the event that an infection has been added to the serous secretions, then the woman may have a high temperature due to the toxic waste of microorganisms absorbed into the blood with fluid from the uterus. Advanced cases lead to pathologies of the uterus and fallopian tubes.

It is important to remember these symptoms and consult a doctor in time, because serous discharge during menopause in advanced cases can end very badly, namely uterine rupture. This usually happens not very often, since the organ has very strong muscles, but, nevertheless, its volumealso limited.

We looked at what serous discharge looks like.

Providing treatment

Immediately, all women should be warned against such useless therapies as the use of diuretics or herbs and any folk prescriptions for treatment, since all this will definitely not help to remove fluid from the uterus.

Serous discharge should be treated by a surgeon. As part of the treatment, the cervical canal is expanded, and then the contents of the uterus are drained, but the therapy process does not end there. After removal of the fluid, mucosal samples should be taken for histological examination. This will make it possible to accurately determine the reasons for the deviation. Such diagnostics help to detect inflammatory processes and neoplasms caused by infection.

After histological analysis reveals the cause of the accumulation of fluid in the uterus, the woman will need to undergo postoperative treatment. In the event that malignant or benign tumors served as a factor in the emergence of serous fluid, they must be removed, and if it is an infection, then it must be cured with antibiotics or antiviral drugs.

serous discharge from the uterus looks like
serous discharge from the uterus looks like

What serous discharge from the uterus looks like is now known. During menopause, they often appear in women. This pathological condition can signal serious he alth problems, so with such symptoms you need to go to the doctor. Conventional drainage of the uterus will only temporarily remove the accumulation of serousliquid, and in order to prevent the next occurrence of pathology, it will be necessary to eliminate the cause.
