Chest discharge before menstruation: causes, nature of discharge and treatment. Is this a norm or a pathology?

Chest discharge before menstruation: causes, nature of discharge and treatment. Is this a norm or a pathology?
Chest discharge before menstruation: causes, nature of discharge and treatment. Is this a norm or a pathology?

Chest discharge before menstruation - normal or pathological? After childbirth, colostrum appears from the mammary glands in girls, which are fed to babies. And if fluid from the chest appeared in nulliparous women, or who had long ceased to feed, then this indicates that a pathological process is developing or a hormonal failure has occurred in the body. Rarely, but sometimes it signals an oncological disease. Self-medication is not recommended. This will only aggravate the course of the disease.

Varieties of liquid

Specialist consultation
Specialist consultation

Chest discharge before menstruation can be of different shades. There are transparent, yellow, green. The consistency is liquid or slimy. It is necessary to highlight such cases:

  1. When mastitis is often observedgreenish discharge. In addition, additional symptoms appear, which manifest themselves in the form of breast enlargement and pain.
  2. Ductectasia is a colorless discharge from the mammary glands in women over 35 years of age. Doctors say that if they appeared before critical days, this is a normal physiological process.
  3. While carrying a baby and feeding it with milk, a yellowish liquid often appears.
  4. Often there is a discharge from the chest before menstruation after an accidental injury to the mammary gland. First, yellowish water oozes out - this indicates that damaged tissues are being restored.
  5. In fibrocystic breast disease, a yellowish liquid comes out of the nipple and there is pain in the chest. If there is a liquid discharge from the mammary glands, you need to contact a mammologist. Since this may indicate that an oncological disease is developing. If there is severe pain while pressing the nipples, then this should be a cause for concern. In this case, it is important to immediately undergo a thorough medical examination.
  6. If the vessels are damaged, dark discharge from the mammary gland appears. They often occur as a result of the development of a cancerous neoplasm or cystic mastopathy.
  7. During the development of the tumor process, bloody fluid is released from the breast. Malignant neoplasms damage blood vessels. Under such conditions, timely treatment should be carried out.
  8. Hemorrhage is a disease that requirestimely therapy. With this disease, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is disturbed. In addition, a white liquid in the form of colostrum oozes.
  9. Dark discharge from the chest before menstruation is a sign of the development of cancer. In this case, it is important to see a doctor and determine the nature of the tumor (benign or malignant).

Natural causes of discharge

There are several other reasons why nipple discharge may occur before menstruation. After all, this symptom does not always indicate that a serious disease is developing. But it is still better to visit a medical professional and undergo a thorough physical examination. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify the presence or absence of pathologies. The physiological processes of discharge from the chest include:

  1. During the bearing of the baby, fluid appears from the mammary glands - the body is preparing for lactation. Most often, the symptom appears in the eighth or ninth month of pregnancy. Under such conditions, the tone of the uterus often increases. The liquid has a white or yellowish tint - this process does not affect the general well-being of a woman.
  2. Lactation after a miscarriage. Colostrum can be released from the mammary glands 7-30 days after the termination of pregnancy. If you feel significantly worse, then you should visit a doctor - this may indicate that complications have arisen.
  3. Treatment with birth control pills stimulates lactation. Under these conditions, you may notice yellowish discharge from the nipples before menstruation.


Pain with mastitis
Pain with mastitis

As medical practice shows, there are several major diseases that provoke the appearance of fluid from the mammary glands. These include:

  1. Ductectasia. With such a disease, the glands become clogged, which causes the development of a strong inflammatory process. In particular cases, the disease occurs in women after 35 years.
  2. Mastopathy is a benign change in the mammary glands. With such an ailment, white discharge from the chest appears before or after menstruation. Also, during the development of the disease, a greenish liquid often appears. This indicates that harmful microorganisms multiply in the mammary glands, which provoke an inflammatory process and suppuration. If a clear, odorless liquid oozes, this is a symptom of galactorrhea, which is often caused by an excess of the hormone prolactin.
  3. Mastitis - most often the disease occurs in women after childbirth. In the process of development of the disease, a strong inflammatory process occurs. Under such conditions, the patient experiences pain in the mammary glands and discomfort during lactation.
  4. Cancer is a malignant neoplasm that occurs as a result of uncontrolled cell division.
  5. Intraductal papilloma - with this disease, blood is present in the fluid from the mammary glands.

There are many factors under the influence of which discharge from goody may suddenly appear. Only a doctor can identify the main cause of their occurrence after a thorough examination.patient examination.

What factors provoke the development of diseases?

Unhe althy Lifestyle
Unhe althy Lifestyle
  1. If colostrum is secreted from the breast in early pregnancy, this may indicate that a chronic disease has worsened, which was identified even before the conception of the baby.
  2. During the development of the disease of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, discharge from the breast appears before menstruation, as these organs regulate and stabilize the hormonal background.
  3. Discharge from the chest also occurs as a result of an unhe althy lifestyle. Due to smoking and alcohol abuse, problems with the reproductive system often begin.
  4. Systematic fatigue and prolonged medication.
  5. Cold diseases.

Signs of a tumor

Pain in the breast
Pain in the breast

When a malignant neoplasm occurs in women, the following symptoms occur:

  • the presence of blood in the fluid that is secreted from the chest;
  • severe soreness in the mammary glands;
  • breast shape and nipple color change.

Many are wondering if brown discharge from the mammary glands before menstruation is normal or not? Most likely, this is a sign of a tumor disease.

Causes of disease

For what reasons can an illness occur? Fibroadenoma and cancerous growths most often develop as a result of smoking and alcohol abuse. Unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, systematic fatigue can be the causesdevelopment of many diseases. Many people ignore the need to cleanse the body of helminths, fungi and toxins.

As medical practice shows, cancer is most often diagnosed in women with a hereditary predisposition to the disease. If there are strange discharge from the mammary glands, you do not need to self-medicate. You should visit a mammologist - the doctor will prescribe an individual therapy regimen.

Essence of treatment

doctor and patient
doctor and patient

There was a discharge from the mammary glands before menstruation - what to do? At home, it is impossible to carry out therapy, it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination in order for the doctor to identify the factor that provoked the development of the pathological condition. Depending on the identified disease, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy. Taking into account the severity of the disease, the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient's body, the specialist will recommend effective medications.

If the mammary glands hurt before menstruation and the discharge causes discomfort due to hormonal failure, then therapy is carried out with the help of Bromocriptine. The dosage of the drug is 2-4 mg per day. The dose is determined strictly by the attending specialist. Thanks to treatment with pills, hormonal levels can be stabilized. It is recommended to use folk remedies only after consulting a doctor.

How to prevent the development of diseases?

Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

To prevent the appearance of discharge from the nipples, you must follow the advice of your doctor, which will helpmaintain breast he alth. These include:

  1. Don't be nervous about trifles, avoid stressful situations. Nervous strain is a common cause of hormonal failure. Under such conditions, many female diseases develop.
  2. You should eat right and lead a he althy lifestyle - do not abuse alcohol, have a good rest. Thanks to such recommendations, it is possible to increase the protective function of the human body.
  3. Mammary gland changes can occur due to obesity, so it is important to control your weight.
  4. It is not recommended to take contraceptives for a long time. It is necessary to select the drug strictly according to the recommendation of the attending physician. If you experience pain in the mammary gland, you must undergo a thorough medical examination.

Women over 49 need to visit a mammologist every 6 months.

Reviews from women

Many women have had breast discharge before menstruation - patient reviews confirm this fact. It can be concluded that such a sign indicates that prolactin is elevated. Many patients were diagnosed with euthyroidism, since thyroid diseases affect the hormonal background of a woman. Thanks to "Mastodinon" and "Eutiroks" it is possible to eliminate an unpleasant symptom of a pathological condition.

Normalizes the work of the gland and dietary supplement "Alba". Most often, colostrum is secreted from the breast with increased prolactin, less often - indicates a successful conception. According to the girls, it is necessary to visit a mammologist, since the development of an unpleasanta symptom may indicate that a strong inflammatory process has occurred or a malignant tumor is developing.

Note to patient

Physician and patient
Physician and patient

If liquid is released from the breast before menstruation, then it is necessary to visit a mammologist. It is better not to risk your he alth and play it safe. In some cases, the appearance of such a symptom indicates that an oncological disease is developing. To keep the reproductive system working, women are advised to undergo regular medical examinations. In the process of development of many diseases, discharge from the mammary glands appears. Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics and other types of research, it is possible to detect the presence or absence of pathologies.


It is not recommended to take hormonal drugs on your own to improve your well-being - self-medication will only provoke the development of serious complications. Folk remedies are not harmless treatments. Many medicinal herbs contain plant hormones, so they can harm the entire body. At the initial stage of the onset of the disease, therapy is carried out by medication. When the disease is advanced, the problem can only be solved surgically.