Eye pressure: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Eye pressure: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Eye pressure: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Intraocular pressure is an indicator of the force with which eye fluids act from the inside on the wall of the eyeball itself. This parameter is actually always constant, because the eyeball has the same shape throughout human life, and this allows you to keep your eyesight in good condition.

Which indicators are optimal?

Blue eyes
Blue eyes

Normal eye pressure ranges from 14 to 25 millimeters of mercury. During the day, the parameters may fluctuate, and this is normal. Deviations reach about 2-5 millimeters of the mercury scale, and the difference between different eyes is no more than 4-5 millimeters. However, the data may change depending on certain factors:

  • type of measuring device;
  • human age;
  • time of day;
  • presence of a chronic form of hypertension;
  • intensity of loads on the eyes themselves.

The norm of eye pressure can be unstable. The highest pressure is observed in a person in the morning, and closer to dinner, the indicators decrease, in the evening you can observe the lowest possibleoptions. Doctors say that all deviations from the norm are alarming signals, and the problem needs to be addressed. Now you know what eye pressure should be, and you can move on to the essence of the problems that arise with it.

Deep into the details of intraocular pressure

beautiful eye
beautiful eye

As mentioned, normal intraocular pressure is 14 to 25 millimeters of mercury. The more stable the intraocular pressure is, the he althier and more correct the visual system works. Eye pressure in adults and children can be elevated, normal or low. Of course, a parameter that is within the normal range is considered not pathological. Low or high blood pressure is a consequence of disorders in the activity of the eye system that require therapy, otherwise big problems can begin with vision. If you do not know what to do with eye pressure (increased or reduced) and do nothing about it, then visual impairment will gradually develop, and in the future everything will develop into blindness. If the parameter stays low for a long time, then dystrophy of eye tissues will begin, and this will provoke defects in this organ.

What are the types and subtypes of intraocular pressure problems?

The main ones are:

  • Stable high or low blood pressure, which indicates the development of chronic glaucoma or hypotension of the eyes.
  • Labile decrease or increase in pressure inside the eyes is partly considered normal, as areappearing short-term causeless deviations that are neutralized by themselves.
  • Transient rise or fall due to brief pressure problems. This often happens due to high blood pressure, prolonged eye strain, stress or extreme fatigue.

Real and emergency therapy requires only the second type of pathology, while the other two can be ignored. Most importantly, if you feel problems with your eyes, you should not put off going to the doctor, this is a reason to be wary.

High pressure symptoms in the eyes

Eye he alth check
Eye he alth check

If you have high eye pressure, the symptoms will be:

  • burning;
  • headache;
  • eye fatigue;
  • redness;
  • the appearance of flies, black dots before the eyes;
  • nausea;
  • insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane;
  • deterioration of vision, reduced clarity.

Pay attention to these symptoms of eye pressure. If you observe something in yourself, you should seek help from a doctor! Intraocular pressure is an insidious thing, it can masquerade as a minor ailment. The person will think that he has a normal overwork and will not take any action to eliminate the problem. And the disease will progress, new symptoms of eye pressure will appear, which can lead to serious consequences, including causing glaucoma.

Causes of symptoms

Here are somereasons why eye pressure may increase:

  • stress, emotional outbursts;
  • injury, dry eyes;
  • overwork of the visual system;
  • poisoning;
  • headaches;
  • heredity;
  • taking certain medications.

Eye pressure may show symptoms slowly, but it will indicate that a start has been made for many ailments. There are also complaints about a feeling of fullness in the eyes, so patients immediately turn to an ophthalmologist. However, do not forget that discomfort is not always associated with the visual system, it can be the consequences of migraine, flu, conjunctivitis, hypertensive crisis, iridocyclitis, keratitis, SARS, and so on.

What diseases does high eye pressure cause?

Eye massage
Eye massage

First of all, it's glaucoma (it doesn't matter if it's open or closed angle). The following ailments may also occur:

  • neurological;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • colds;
  • endocrine;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammatory;
  • farsightedness;
  • kidney failure;
  • heart failure;
  • mechanisms of tumor formation.

And if a person does not have high eye pressure, but low, then what diseases can occur?

  • Hypotension.
  • Ketoacidosis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the eye system.
  • Liver damage.
  • Retinal detachment.

Howbeing diagnosed?

Vision check with a tonometer
Vision check with a tonometer

If high blood pressure is directly related to glaucoma, then it is worthwhile to identify the deviation of indicators in a timely manner. It is mandatory to visit an ophthalmologist, and this is especially true for people who are over forty years old.

How is eye pressure measured? The following techniques are used for this procedure:

  • pneumotonometry;
  • tonometry;
  • electrotonography.

What is used most often? This is a tonometer for measuring eye pressure called Maklakova. This is a very accurate technique that uses weights in the work. How is eye pressure measured? Before the procedure, the patient is instilled with anesthetics in the eyes in order to avoid infection of the eyeball. Don't worry, the procedure is completely painless.

Pneumotonometry is also used everywhere. Special equipment is involved in the work, which affects the retina by a directed air jet. You should not worry again, the procedure is also completely painless, and there is no chance of infection of the eye.

Electrotonography allows you to determine the increase in pressure in the eyes with increased production of intraocular fluid and the acceleration of its outflow.

Small remark: the sooner the doctor determines the cause of this symptom, the sooner he can begin treatment and keep the patient good vision.

Starting treatment

Eyesight check
Eyesight check

When the cause of eye pressure is determined, the treatment will beit is easier to prescribe, the main thing is that a specialist does it. Treatment will need to be directed to the elimination of the main ailment, which led to such an unpleasant condition. That is, the causes are eliminated first, and then everything else.

Do you have high eye pressure? What drops should be purchased then? Usually this medicine is supposed to have an antibacterial effect, increase fluid outflow and ensure that the tissues of the eyes need nutrition and hydration. The pressure rises due to overwork or against the background of dry eyes, then moisturizing drops, vitamins and even eye exercises are prescribed to the patient.

Interested in how to reduce eye pressure? In addition to medicines, it is also recommended to use "Sidorenko's glasses", which include infrasound, vacuum massage, phonophoresis and color pulse treatment. Medicines do not help, and you no longer know how to reduce eye pressure? Then the only way out is laser correction or microsurgical surgery aimed at removing excess fluid from the eyeball and normalizing pressure indicators.

Folk treatments

Never try to lower eye pressure with glaucoma on your own, however, folk recipes can be used in combination with medications.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Signs of illness will reduce a decoction of red clover. It is brewed like ordinary tea, but it will take five to six hours to insist. It is required to drink a drink before going to bed for half a glass.
  • Normalizes the pressure indicators of the golden mustache, which was previously infusedon vodka. Ten to fifteen knots of grass are taken and half a liter of vodka is poured, everything is corked and kept in a dark place for a couple of weeks. Every three days, the vessel is shaken with medicine. Drink a teaspoon before breakfast.
  • Kefir is a great way to solve problems with ophthalmotonus disorders. The product is required to drink a glass daily. The effect can be enhanced by adding a pinch of cinnamon powder to the composition.
  • Aloe will also help normalize blood pressure. To prepare the remedy, take crushed aloe leaves, two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Mix the ingredients, cook everything over low heat for seven minutes. Filter the tincture and make eye lotions out of it. Rinse your eyes a couple of times a day, this will be enough.
  • You can prepare an herbal collection for the eyes. Mix motherwort, chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain leaves in different portions. Take a tablespoon of the collection and pour the product with boiling water, let it brew for thirty minutes. Filter the medicine, take it by mouth in a tablespoon twice a day.

If you do not want to harm your eyes, then before using this or that recipe, you should seek the advice of a specialist. It happens that the patient is allergic to a particular product, or maybe the doctor will prohibit the use of the prescription for other reasons. Yes, folk recipes contain exclusively natural ingredients, but all herbs have side effects that you may not even be aware of. If aif you don't want to risk it, you should talk to your doctor before using the prescription so as not to make yourself worse.

Is there any prevention of the disease?

Eyelid massage
Eyelid massage

It is possible to avoid pressure if you follow these recommendations:

  • Observe the regime of work and rest. Do not overwork, rest at least eight hours a day. Chronic lack of sleep is directly related to eye diseases, even scientists have proven this. Lack of sleep, coupled with other predisposition factors, most often provoke the development of eye ailments. Believe me, glaucoma and hypotension are far from last.
  • Work breaks need to be taken regularly to give your eyes a rest. Usually every hour you need to take ten to fifteen minute breaks and spend this time, of course, not at the computer.
  • Organization of physical activities. It is important to monitor not only breathing, but even the position of the head, if you want to keep your eyesight normal. It will be necessary to ensure a stable blood flow to the head. If you lower your head and the blood constantly flows to the head in this state, it will create strain on the eyes, so it is better not to allow such situations. Be careful when exercising.
  • Give up bad habits. All bad habits entail disturbances in the functioning of the body, so they must be abandoned, otherwise there will be no sense. It happens that this cannot be done immediately, then you will need to limit alcohol consumption or simply reduce its amount, also watchby the number of cigarettes smoked. Do not abuse coffee and energy drinks.
  • Perform eyelid massage.
  • Make it a rule to do eye exercises. It is enough for five to ten minutes just to rotate the eyeballs up and down, left and right. You can also imagine a point on the window and focus on it, and then look through it.
  • He althy eating is the key to success. Avoid foods that increase your cholesterol levels, which also negatively affects the eye system. It is better to refuse daily consumption of fatty or excessively s alty foods, smoked meats. Enrich your diet with minerals and B vitamins.
  • Drink your vitamins when natural fruits and vegetables are out of season.

Glaucoma can be prevented if you seek medical help in time. If he finds you have increased pressure in the eyes, he will definitely prescribe the necessary treatment.

Don't forget to avoid stress, overload, and if your work is connected with a computer, then let your eyes rest, then massage your eyelids to relieve tension.

Today, only a few people have excellent vision, therefore it is so important to pay special attention to the eyes, protect them from injuries, burns, detect diseases in time and treat them. Never neglect preventive examinations, they can prevent eye diseases and keep your eyesight in good condition.

How else can you lower the pressure in your eyes?

Massage your eyelids regularly, change your surroundings, and go out into the fresh air. All this will only have a positive effect.before your very eyes. Include blueberries in your diet, they are great for the eyes and are extremely beneficial. It is worth increasing the consumption of sea fish, carrots. It is worth buying yourself vitamin and mineral complexes and various vitamins for the eyes. For example, "Blueberry forte", "Lutein", "Tears". These preparations contain in large quantities all the substances necessary for the eyes, which tone the eye system. The main task of these complexes is the normalization of pressure, they have the ability to reduce the load to normal levels. Do not forget about sports, because regular exercise reduces the likelihood of developing this disease. Why do eyelid massage? These simple manipulations will increase fluid circulation and blood flow. Also, do not forget to regularly visit an ophthalmologist, because only a specialist will be able to detect the symptoms of the disease in time and eliminate it.

What is the result?

Problems with intraocular pressure are already commonplace in the modern world of ophthalmology. Yes, it is not always easy to deal with problems, but with the right treatment of pathology, you can win.