Recently, cancer has become very common. The causes of pathologies are different. This is mainly a genetic predisposition, poor quality food, poor ecology. If cancer is suspected, experts recommend visiting the hospital and undergoing a diagnosis.
A few key recommendations
How to get tested for cancer? Which doctor should be consulted? These and many other questions are asked by people who suspect oncology in themselves. First of all, you should sign up for a consultation with a specialist. A doctor who diagnoses and treats cancer is called an oncologist. How can I be tested for cancer during the examination? The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe laboratory tests. If necessary, the doctor will recommend an ultrasound, computed tomography, mammography and other diagnostic procedures, depending on the expected location of the tumor. Of great importance arethe results of laboratory tests, since you can check for the presence of cancer in the early stages by passing a routine analysis for tumor markers. After all these events, the specialist decides on the need for a biopsy. During the procedure, a small piece of tissue is taken for histological examination. This method, according to many experts, is the most accurate method of diagnosing. A biopsy reveals which cells the tumor consists of. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it does not cause any particular inconvenience. After all these manipulations, it will become clear whether a cancerous tumor is present or not.

How often should I be examined?
Specialists note that at very early stages, when the size of the neoplasm is small and it does not poison the body with its decay products, a false diagnosis can be made. If the problem continues to bother, you can re-examine. Since you can get tested for cancer during a routine check-up, it is advisable to visit doctors once a year at the age of forty, and after - twice a year (in the absence of complaints). Preventive examinations will reveal pathologies at stages that can be treated.
Why do we need diagnostics?
Timely examination for oncology can not only save human life, but also prevent a decrease in its quality. That is why experts recommend undergoing examinations and taking tests regularly. In addition, it should be noted that the diagnosissignificantly increases the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in the event of such a need. Thanks to the latest achievements in the field of medicine, the detection of pathologies is carried out as quickly and accurately as possible. Patients only need to pay attention to the state of their he alth.

Where can I get tested for cancer?
In addition to ordinary clinics and hospitals, there are specialized cancer centers. Almost every major city in Russia has such institutions. In Moscow, for example, examinations for oncology are carried out at the European Clinic (NPC of Modern Oncology and Surgery, Tulskaya metro station), City Oncological Hospital No. 62 (Tushinskaya metro station), Soyuz Multidisciplinary Clinic (Sokolniki, Elektrozavodskaya metro station) and others centers. Where can children be tested for cancer? In 2011, a specialized scientific oncology center of federal significance was opened in Moscow. This clinic is considered the most technologically equipped and largest in Europe.
Who should get tested?
First of all, visiting an oncologist is recommended for people who fall into the "risk group". These include women and men over 55 years of age, who often drink alcohol and smoke, who are overweight. Those who abuse fast food, stay in the solarium and in the sun, without using sunscreens, should also undergo an examination. Inspection is also recommended for people with low physical activity. Equally important is hereditary (genetic) predisposition. If aif one of the relatives is diagnosed with cancer, then you should pay full attention to the state of your he alth and regularly visit a specialist.

What is a survey?
Precancerous condition is considered a harbinger of the development of a malignant neoplasm. It must be identified in a timely manner. Today, this is more than possible, since you can get tested for cancer both in a regular clinic and in a specialized center. For a more accurate detection of pathology, the most modern equipment is currently used, highly qualified specialists work. The examination usually lasts one or two days. It is carried out on an outpatient basis under the close supervision of a doctor. In accordance with the results of the examination, the patient receives complete information about the state of his he alth. The specialist will also answer all your questions. If necessary, treatment is immediately prescribed, the patient receives prescriptions and recommendations. How much does it cost to get tested for cancer? Prices for the study depend on the list of tests and diagnostic measures recommended by the doctor. On average, a general examination costs from 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars.

What tests should I take for oncology?
Effective diagnostic methods have now been developed for almost all common types of cancer. In particular, the doctor may order a mammogram. This is a breast study. To identifya malignant neoplasm in the uterus, a cytological analysis of the smear is recommended. To diagnose the pathology of the large intestine, the stool is examined with an occult blood test. General diagnosis of oncology may include several activities. In particular, it is recommended to donate blood (detailed analysis), undergo MRI, computed tomography (positron emission), colonoscopy and gastroscopy, biopsy. The specialist may also order a bone marrow aspiration and laparoscopic examination. Ultrasound is of particular importance in the diagnosis of oncology. This procedure often gives an idea of the dynamics of the development of pathology. The biopsy is usually performed under CT or ultrasound guidance. Additionally, in many cases, cytogenetic, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and thoracoscopy (biopsy and visual examination of the chest organs) are prescribed.
What does a blood test show?
In oncology, lab results can be mixed. However, a blood test is required. A detailed analysis allows you to determine the level of tumor markers for each organ, to establish the presence or absence of cancer cells in the body. Thanks to all the above measures, the specialist establishes the degree and nature of damage to systems and organs, as well as the presence of foci and metastases. As a result, the necessary treatment regimen is selected for each patient individually.

Diagnosis of oncology of the chest and gastrointestinal tract
One of the most common cancers todayis lung cancer. If you suspect the development of a tumor, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. How to get tested for lung cancer? What diagnostic measures can be prescribed by a specialist? The examination includes an instrumental examination of the chest - X-ray. Pictures allow you to see the presence of a node or neoplasm. Pathological changes of a small size invisible on the radiograph are recognized during computed tomography. If the patient has a cough accompanied by sputum, then it is examined under a microscope. A necessary study is a biopsy of the lung tissue. It can be carried out in various ways. In particular, a doctor can take a piece of lung tissue during bronchoscopy - checking the condition of the lungs using a special thin tube (bronchoscope) with a light source. The bronchoscope is inserted directly into the organ cavity through the larynx. A biopsy can also be performed with an open method. Thoracoscopy is performed through a small incision made at the base of the neck. The doctor inserts instruments into the mediastinum and takes the tissues of the lymph nodes for analysis. How to get tested for bowel cancer? If a malignant neoplasm is suspected in this area of the gastrointestinal tract, a colonoscopy is prescribed. Using a special probe, the doctor examines the inner surface of the intestine and assesses its condition.

The opinions of specialists about the preventive diagnosis of oncological pathologies are very ambiguous. Screening studiessignificantly reduce mortality among the general population. This is mainly due to the ability to diagnose the early stages of pathology using modern equipment. At the same time, there is a high probability of prescribing adequate treatment, ridding the patient of the neoplasm. However, there is also evidence that in the process of preventive research, quite a lot of benign neoplasms are detected. As a result, invasive diagnostic methods are used, in which patients are exposed to unnecessary risk. Today there is no unequivocal and precise answer to the question of the need for preventive examinations. Attempts are being made to scientifically justify the benefits of each existing method and to determine which groups should be screened first.