Thistle is a bright Asteraceae with pink-purple blooms. Its distinguishing feature is the inflorescences, surrounded by leaves with prickly tips along the edge. Thistle at different times was credited with magical properties. For example, today in rural areas, many are wary of people growing this plant on the site. It, according to legend, settles in those places where evil spirits are.

Thistle, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in this article, is designed to fight the devils, where, in fact, its name comes from. It was hung over the front doors so that evil spirits could not get into the house. The flower of this plant was often plucked and carried with them, trying to protect themselves from damage and the evil eye.
Thistle (useful properties and contraindications are described below) grows on roadsides and meadows. At the moment, there are about 100 species, among which the most common are termera, curly, prickly, small-headed and drooping. In traditional medicine, the leaves, stems, roots and flowers of this plant are used. Its greens are harvested throughout the summer, and rhizomes are dug up in autumn and spring to get the maximum benefit from the plant.
In this article we will learn what thistle is. Properties, uses and contraindications, as well as the magical properties of this plant, will also be considered below.
Active ingredients
Thistle contains a large amount of active substances in its composition: silymarin, bioflavonoids, saponins, essential oil, traces of alkaloids, tannin, oxalic, malic, malonic, glycolic and citric acids.

Thistle has a variety of useful properties and contraindications, which depends on the chemical composition of the plant. It contains natural proteins, vitamin K, other macro- and microelements. In addition, the thistle belongs to the honey plants. Collecting pollen from flowers, bees process it into honey, perga or propolis, which have amazing properties for maintaining human immunity.
Thistle: description, medicinal properties, application
The plant is used by traditional healers on its own, as well as in collections with various medicinal herbs. This weed strengthens memory, helpsto cope with the arisen neuroses, helps with liver diseases, in addition, improves blood circulation. With the help of the plant, you can also cure cough in children.
The main indications for taking thistles are diseases of the female genital organs, menstrual disorders, pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as diseases of the joints and heart. The plant has anticonvulsant and antidepressant activity, diuretic effect.
In addition, the fresh juice of the plant is widely used for boils and open wounds, while a decoction of its roots is used to treat cancer. Healers use it to treat babies for fear. There is information that it can cure anthrax, as well as improve sexual activity in young people. The plant fights the following ailments:
- colds;
- cystitis;
- urethritis;
- hemorrhoids;
- edema of various origins;
- cough;
- bronchial asthma;
- cold;
- laryngitis.
The plant also has a positive effect on the body with hepatitis, jaundice and toxic liver damage, helps to remove bile.

Insomnia is treated with the plant, for which they use a decoction of their dried flowers. It is simple and easy to prepare, it is enough to brew a tablespoon of raw materials in 200 g of water, boil, and then set aside for an hour. Next, you need to take 100 grams every day up to 4 times a day.
In the treatment of tetanus, rheumatism, gout, diseases of the bladder and kidneys, freshly squeezed juice of the leaves of the plant is used, a teaspoon per day.
Useful properties of thistle oil (milk thistle) are used as a wound healing and anti-burn agent. It is extracted from a young plant, which is also used to cleanse the liver.
Use in gynecology
It is also good to use the herb thistle to restore the functions of the human endocrine system. Due to vitamin E, which milk thistle is very rich in, all inflammatory processes are perfectly removed - this allows you to create a quick healing of wounds and erosions.

The use of herbs in cosmetology
Milk thistle grass, enriched with a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, has found application as an effective cosmetic product. Plant oil, acting favorably on the skin, can cause the following actions:
- helps heal wounds;
- reduces inflammation;
- rejuvenates and regenerates tissues;
- smoothes wrinkles;
- moisturizes the skin;
- improves skin tone;
- accelerates microcirculation;
- increases the protective functions of the skin (for example, with frostbite, the negative effects of the sun's rays, chapping).
In addition, the medicinal properties of thistles help with healing:
- allergic skin reaction;
- acne;
- burns;
- dermatitis;
- vitiligo;
- eczema;
- psoriasis.
Frequent use of milk thistle oil improves the overall condition of the skin, thereby prolonging beauty, youth and he alth.

Urological applications
It should be noted that thistle, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we consider in this article, is also consumed in the form of tea. It contains vitamin K, necessary for the normal functioning of the urinary system. Tea has antioxidant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. The effect of using this tea is as follows:
- eliminates the inflammatory process;
- removes kidney stones;
- protects against the negative effects of toxins;
- normalizes kidney function.
With pyelonephritis and inflammation of the bladder, it is used as an effective disinfectant.
Thistle has a variety of medicinal properties and contraindications. About the cases in which it is used, we have already talked. Now let's find out which plant has contraindications.
Before using funds based on it, you should consult a doctor. Individual intolerance to some constituent elements of thistle may appear. When used in small doses, the plant is able to have an exciting effect on the central nervous system, depressing - in large doses. In the presence of diseases, including appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis or hepaticcolic, plant-based preparations should be taken with caution.

In the modern world, you are unlikely to meet a bunch of this magical plant above the threshold in a house or apartment, but in the villages they still use old signs. This is probably why their life is much more peaceful and calm.