Some people who like to relax and drink some kind of alcoholic drink cannot stop in time, as a result of which their he alth leaves much to be desired in the morning. At the same time, the state of he alth depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. So that you do not suffer after the holidays or a fun weekend, let's try to figure out what a hangover is and how to deal with it.
Reasons for this condition

Before we talk about what are the symptoms of a hangover syndrome, let's understand why it occurs at all.
Among the main reasons are the following:
- general intoxication of the body;
- vitamin deficiency;
- violation of metabolic processes;
- offset of acid-base balance;
- disturbance of sleep phases;
- water imbalance.
Almost any alcoholic drink contains ethyl alcohol, which is a poison to our body. In addition, alcohol abuseespecially low-quality, the probability of poisoning is high. Depending on its severity, a person may experience various dangerous complications, which often lead to death. Therefore, if you do not want to completely give up your addiction to alcohol, then you should at least minimize the amount of alcohol you drink.
Physical manifestations of the post-intoxication state
What to expect? Consequences after drinking alcohol can be very different. At the same time, the symptoms can make themselves felt both all at once, and individual of them.
The most common physical signs of a hangover after drinking are:
- Dry mouth.
- Intense thirst.
- Body ache.
- Nausea.
- Lack of appetite.
Most often a person has a strong thirst caused by dehydration. No matter how much liquid he drinks, he cannot drink. In addition, ethanol, which is found in many alcoholic beverages, does not allow the body to enter a state of deep sleep, therefore it aches the whole body.
Manifestations of the brain and central nervous system

What should I pay attention to first of all? Hangover symptoms in women and men, associated with the response from the central nervous system, are always the same. With prolonged drinking, nerve cells die in the brain, which, in turn, disrupts the functioning of many organs and systems. A person begins to react much more strongly to externalirritants and experiencing severe pain.
In addition, he has the following symptoms:
- heightened emotionality;
- irritability from bright light and loud sound;
- memory problems;
- violation of the functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
- trembling in the fingers of the upper limbs.
Signs of a hangover after a long binge are always pronounced. One of the most common symptoms is a severe migraine, which is not always relieved by pain medication. This is due to the fact that not only nerve cells die, but capillaries also become clogged, as a result of which the normal blood circulation of the brain is disturbed and it receives less oxygen and essential nutrients.
Features of the hangover syndrome
Let's take a closer look at this. If a person has been drinking alcohol for several days in a row, then the signs of a hangover will be much more intense than with a single drink, since the body simply does not have time to recover. Severe intoxication requires professional medical attention, so you should immediately go to the hospital.
Warning symptoms that should not be ignored are:
- trembling all over;
- involuntary muscle contractions;
- mental disorders;
- impaired brain activity;
- problems with coordination.
If a hangover or hangover syndrome (symptoms of a post-intoxication stateimpossible to confuse with any disease) are accompanied by trembling in the fingers, severe headache and malfunction of the central nervous system, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible.
Possible complications from drinking alcohol

This issue should be given special attention. If a person went overboard with alcohol the night before, then he not only shows pronounced signs of a severe hangover, but various serious complications can develop, related to both physical and psychological he alth. Normal sleep is often disturbed. A person is constantly tormented by nightmares, which leads to chronic fatigue. Against the background of a depressed state, depression can develop. A decrease in brain activity leads to the fact that it becomes very difficult to cope with even simple tasks. In addition, there is confused thinking and inadequate perception of the world around. Any creativity, sense of humor and the concept of morality disappear.
Why is it better not to hangover?
So what do you need to know about this? Some people think that if they drink a little alcohol in the morning, their hangover symptoms will disappear. However, this is not the case. The condition will not only not improve, but even, on the contrary, can be greatly aggravated. In addition, an ordinary hangover can turn into a long binge, from which only a few manage to get out on their own without the help of specialized specialists.
Against the background of general intoxication, a new dose of ethyl alcohol significantly enhancesintensity of symptoms, since not only will there be more toxins, but their toxic effect will also increase. As medical statistics show, various diseases of the digestive system can develop, problems with the liver and pancreas, kidneys and gallbladder will begin.
Hangover first aid
Every person who has bad habits is concerned about the question of how to remove the signs of a hangover. As mentioned above, it is impossible to fight the post-intoxication state thanks to alcoholic beverages. But here it is possible to improve the well-being of a person with the help of certain methods. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to immediately wash the stomach with plain water. This will prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream. If several hours have passed after drinking alcohol, then washing will not work in this case. An excellent option would be to take activated charcoal or other similar drugs at the rate of one tablet for every 10 kilograms of weight.
When providing first aid, it must be taken into account that it should be aimed at solving the following problems:
- restoration of water-s alt balance;
- relieve pain;
- cleansing the body of toxic substances;
- restoration of normal reaction and spatial orientation.
Only an integrated approach to the fight against a hangover will relieve symptoms and minimize the harmful effects of toxins on he alth.
A few words about nutrition

The absence of a hangover, the signs of which were considered earlier, after a stormy holiday does not give reason to think that there are no he alth problems. If there are no pronounced manifestations, then you can refrain from taking medications, but great attention should be paid to nutrition.
Alcohol leaches nutrients and minerals from the body, so replenishing them is critical. You need to eat foods rich in calcium, magnesium and mineral s alts. Good options would be honey, raisins and grapes. You can also take a few tablets of ascorbic acid, which is an excellent source of vitamin C. You should also take a shot of vitamin B, as it improves the elimination of toxins from the body. To restore the acid balance, you need to consume fermented milk products, such as kefir and koumiss.
The importance of he althy sleep in hangovers
How does rest affect the general condition of the body? If the main signs of a hangover are increased irritability, loss of interest in everything that happens, depression and pain throughout the body, then a full he althy sleep will be the best medicine. It is he who will allow the body to recover quickly. If you have trouble sleeping, you can eat one tablespoon of honey with a glass of cold water. Motherwort or valerian tincture will help calm the nervous system. In rare cases, sleeping pills are allowed, but you need to be very careful with them.
Medical care for severe alcohol intoxication

It is far from always possible to defeat the signs of a hangover in girls and men on their own. In case of very severe poisoning, the help of a doctor is needed.
Severe cases are usually accompanied by the following symptoms:
- vomit;
- unbearable migraine;
- trembling in upper limbs;
- pain in the abdomen or chest area;
- palpitations;
- high blood pressure;
- cold sweat;
- panic and fear attacks;
- general weakness.
If you notice the symptoms listed above, you should seek help from a qualified narcologist as soon as possible. The doctor will perform a general examination and select the most appropriate therapy program. In most cases, intravenous drugs are prescribed to help cleanse the body of toxic substances. Also, a person is prescribed vitamin complexes that increase the effectiveness of treatment and speed up the recovery of the patient.
Hangover drugs

Today, pharmacies sell a huge number of different medicines that relieve the unpleasant state of hangover. Some of them really help to make you feel better, while others are almost completely useless.
Among the most effective means are the following:
- "Alka-Prim";
- "DrinkOFF";
- "Limonar";
- "Bison";
- "Duphalac";
- "Anti-hangover";
- Medichronal.
Any of these drugs has a complex effect, therefore, not only relieves pain, but also relieves the symptoms of intoxication, improves overall he alth and helps cleanse the body.
Folk ways to deal with a hangover
What are they? So, if you have signs of a hangover in the morning, then you can deal with them with the help of some traditional medicine methods that our ancestors used for many years. For example, various herbal decoctions help well. Chamomile tea is an effective remedy, as this medicinal plant has an analgesic effect and helps to cleanse the body.
Besides this, the following recipes will help beat a hangover:
- Heat a glass of milk a little, dissolve a tablespoon of honey in it and drink it. So you make up for the lack of vitamins in the body and speed up the removal of toxic substances from the blood.
- Beat one chicken egg, s alt it a little, add a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar and add ketchup. Despite the fact that such a remedy inspires little confidence and may seem absurd, nevertheless, it relieves the symptoms of a hangover syndrome well.
- Pour 7-8 marigold flowers with one liter of water, bring to a boil and simmer for about five minutes. Then, filter the decoction and drink it three times a day.
- Drink 50 ml of any brine, for example, cucumber,or sour juice. Orange is best because it is rich in vitamin C.

Any of the above methods will help you quickly bounce back after a big booze. However, it is best not to drink heavily so that in the morning you will not experience any he alth problems.
Be sure to think about the consequences before drinking alcohol!