Nodular formations of the mammary glands in medicine are also called focal. They are seals formed by glandular and fibrous tissue. Nodular neoplasms usually have a certain localization and clear contours. The most common is the round shape of the nodules. Seals in the mammary glands in women are also mobile or soldered to nearby tissues. They often cause discomfort to the patient.
Most often, nodular formations of the mammary glands are observed on one side - in the right or left breast. Three pathological processes are known that contribute to the formation of focal seals - lipoma, fibroadenoma and cystic mastopathy. Each of these diseases has distinctive features. They are diagnosed and treated differently.

Many are wondering what are the dimensions of breast fibroadenoma for surgery. Let's look into this issue in more detail.
Fibroadenoma is a nodular formation of the mammary gland with fuzzy contours. This is a type of nodular mastopathy, affecting, as a rule, one of the mammary glands. Often the development of this disease becomes a consequence of the occurrence of hormonal failure in the body of a woman. Fibroadenoma reaches up to 7 cm in diameter. At the same time, the formation is not associated with subcutaneous tissue and skin and is benign. If a seal is detected in the mammary glands, women should conduct a qualitative diagnosis, get a consultation with a mammologist and take tests. To find out whether a given tumor is malignant, such a diagnostic method as histology helps. A piece of pathological tissue is taken for examination and a biopsy is performed.
Size of neoplasm
Let's talk about the size of breast fibroadenoma for surgery. If the neoplasm is not more than 8 mm, then treatment begins with traditional methods: taking hormonal medications, using folk remedies. Conservative methods of therapy are used for 6 months with constant monitoring of the state of education using ultrasound.
If the doctor notices that the nodular formation of the mammary glands has increased in size, an operation may be prescribed, which involves the removal of the pathological focus. The absolute indication for intervention is the rapid growth of the neoplasm, the likelihood of transformation into oncologic altumor and pregnancy planning. Large fibroadenomas are considered to be nodes larger than 2 cm in diameter. Most often, they lead to a change in the shape of the gland.
Fibroadenoma is classified into several types:
- leaf-shaped;
- pericanalicular;
- intracanalicular;
- involutive.
This is a benign neoplasm in the mammary gland, formed due to excessive growth of adipose tissue. Such a seal looks like a capsule. It is not painful, but is characterized by softness and mobility. Lipoma in size reaches 2 cm, but in some cases it can increase up to 10 cm in diameter. Such a large formation in the mammary gland begins to compress the surrounding tissues and cause pain.

Causes of lipoma
The causes of lipoma formation are:
- violation of metabolic processes;
- hereditary predisposition;
- blockage of the duct of the sebaceous glands;
- accumulation of toxins in the body.
Cases of degeneration of such a node into a malignant tumor are quite rare, but this probably still exists. Surgical intervention in this case is necessary if the formation has greatly increased in size and deformed the breast, as well as with the development of pain. The operation is also performed in cases where the lipoma affects other tissues and organs. Usually small lipomas are removed under local anesthesia. For large breast nodules, general anesthesia is used.
Intraductal papilloma
These breast nodules are also called papillary cystadenomas or cystadenopapillomas. They are papillary benign outgrowths that develop from the epithelium of the ducts of the gland. Pathology can occur at any age. Macroscopically, similar neoplasms resemble cystic balls with papillary growths. Papilloma is easy to injure, while the bloody fluid released from it penetrates the excretory ducts and begins to stand out. In the area of this tumor, necrosis and hemorrhage are possible. Malignancy is most often exposed to multiple formations of the mammary gland of this variety.
The factor leading to the appearance of intraductal papillomas is hormonal imbalance. The development of papilloma can be triggered by any changes in hormone levels: oophoritis, ovarian dysfunction, adnexitis, obesity, abortion, stress, etc. Smoking and nulliparous women are at risk. To a lesser extent, the development of such neoplasms affects patients who are breastfeeding, have children, and use hormonal contraception.

Papillary cystadenomas occur against the background of fibrocystic (diffuse or nodular) mastopathy. Due to the development of this disease, local expansion of the ducts of the gland occurs, in which papillary growths develop. To the first clinical symptoms of intraductal papillomarefers to the appearance of discharge from the nipple. They can be white, transparent, greenish, brown in color and contain blood impurities.
You can feel the papilloma only when it is located in the main duct. In this case, on palpation in the areola area, a round knot of soft consistency is felt, painful when pressed.
Surgery for intraductal papilloma of the breast is considered the most effective method of therapy.
Cystic breast disease
This neoplasm is a capsule filled with liquid. Cysts can be single or multiple. Such a neoplasm provokes frequent stress, hormonal disruptions, which are characterized by an increase in the level of estrogen in the body. Pain most often worries a woman before the onset of menstruation, due to an increase in the level of progesterone and the resulting fluid retention. In this case, a fluid similar to colostrum, mixed with pus or blood, may be released from the nipples. The disease in most cases develops after menopause, but nulliparous and smokers, patients with a genetic predisposition, and a history of multiple abortions also fall into the risk group. The disease can also occur with improperly selected treatment with hormonal drugs, pathologies of the endocrine glands and liver.
If the breast cyst is small, it usually does without surgery. The patient is prescribed vitamin and iodine-containing preparations, diet, some hormonal therapy.
Treatment takes a long time,under the supervision of a physician. If after its completion a positive result is not observed, the specialist may recommend prompt removal of the neoplasm.

Mastitis of the mammary gland in non-nursing women
Non-lactational mastitis is an inflammatory pathology of the mammary gland that occurs in women outside the lactation process. The causes of this disease are injuries, infections, chronic diseases of other systems and organs. This ailment is not among the nodular ones, however, during its course, focal changes resembling nodules can be observed in the mammary gland.
Mastitis in non-breastfeeding women occurs for several reasons:
- menopause, during which there is a violation of the hormonal background;
- chest injury;
- complications after surgery;
- decreased immunity;
- avitaminosis;
- disturbance of metabolic processes;
- infection.
Most often, non-lactational mastitis occurs in women after 35 years of age. At risk are patients with endocrine disorders, as well as those who abuse alcohol and smoke.
An advanced form of mastitis leads to serious consequences: the transition of the pathology to the chronic stage, the formation of an abscess, sepsis.
Symptoms of mastitis
With this disease, women notice the following symptoms:
- breast pain;
- inflammation of the cervical and axillary lymph nodes;
- joint aches, muscle pain;
- increasetemperature, febrile syndrome.
What to do if you suspect a breast nodule?

To confirm the development of nodular seals in the mammary gland and make a diagnosis, the specialist first of all collects information regarding the patient's history and complaints, after which he examines the breast. If there are suspicions of the presence of neoplasms, an additional diagnostic examination is prescribed, including laboratory and instrumental research methods. These include:
- Mammography for nodular formation of the mammary gland is the most informative method. The accuracy of the procedure is 100%. Obtaining an image is carried out in lateral and frontal projections, which makes it possible to assess the picture of the pathological process with maximum accuracy. This procedure is recommended for all women over 40.
- Contrast x-ray. This method is used if the patient has discharge with bloody or serous impurities. To perform this procedure, a contrast agent is injected into the ducts of the affected breast, which makes it possible to examine the tumor structures in detail.
- Ultrasound. It is recommended to carry out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. The technique is highly informative when examining the breasts of young patients, since the connective tissues in this case have a denser structure.
- Pneumicistography. This technique is applied incases when there is a suspicion of the presence of cystic formation in the gland. During this diagnostic procedure, the doctor performs a puncture of the tumor, the cavity of which is filled with a special gas. Next, a snapshot of the node is taken for later study.
- Cytology. This procedure is carried out if a woman has pathological discharge from the nipples. To conduct a laboratory study, it is required to obtain a fragment of biomaterial from the nodal seal.

Treatment of breast nodule
A gynecologist or mammologist is in charge of prescribing a range of therapeutic measures for nodular neoplasms. The choice of treatment method is based on the data obtained from the diagnostic examination. Traditionally, therapy is carried out in two ways:
- Medical. In this case, the woman is prescribed medications of the following categories: hormonal drugs, vitamin complexes, antibiotics. Dosage and duration of administration are determined individually, depending on the type and characteristics of the pathological process.
- Operational. In the absence of the desired result from the use of medications, surgical intervention is performed. Indications for it are also: a dynamic increase in the node (up to 1 mm during the year), nodes larger than 1 cm, the risk of tumor degeneration into an oncological neoplasm, the presence of multiple nodes in the mammary gland.

Surgical treatment
The operation to remove nodular tumors can be performed in three ways:
- Resection, the task of which is to excise the tumor and the tissues surrounding it. It is prescribed in the presence of large nodular formations in the gland, and also if there is a risk of malignancy.
- Extraction is a more gentle method of surgical treatment of breast nodes. It is used in the case when tumor seals differ in small sizes.
- Mastectomy. During this manipulation, the affected mammary gland is completely removed. This method is used by specialists only in case of extremely severe development of the pathological process, when, in addition to nodules, cancer cells are detected in the cavity of the gland. After the removal of the breast, the woman is given radiation or chemotherapy.