Black sand. Everything seems to be very simple. But how is it formed? What is this type of sand made of? There is no single and simple answer to these questions because there are a number of different minerals that can form it.
Volcanic and quartz sands

The most common type of black sand is composed of volcanic minerals and lava fragments. They are especially common on the coasts of volcanic islands: Hawaii, Canary Islands, Aleutian Islands, Iceland, Indonesia, etc. Such sands are heavier than quartz sands, they heat up more and cool more slowly.
Volcanic rocks are dark-colored: bas alt is deep black, andesite is dark gray, volcanic glass is often black. The minerals that give color to these rocks are predominantly pyroxenes, amphiboles, and iron oxides (mainly magnetite and titanomagnetite).

In continental conditions, black heavy mineral sand is found,consisting of minerals with a specific gravity above 2.9. The content of magnetite, one of the main natural ferromagnets, is much lower in it than in volcanic rocks. The benefits of volcanic sand for the human body are directly proportional to the content of magnetic minerals in it and the strength of the local magnetic field.
Geomagnetic field and its impact on humans
The human body is adapted to the relatively strong magnetic field of the Earth. Over the past one hundred and fifty years, according to geophysical observations, the intensity of the geomagnetic field has decreased by about 10%, which can be both a harbinger of a geomagnetic reversal and evidence of a general weakening of the Earth's magnetosphere.
In conditions of a weakened magnetic field, the functioning of the systems of the human body is disrupted. That is why magnetotherapeutic methods of treatment and correction of pathologies have become so widespread. In our country, this method is recognized as medical physiotherapy and is used in all clinics. Magnetotherapy is a universal procedure that has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, hypotensive, reparative and analgesic effects. In fact, this is an immunocorrection procedure.

In addition to hardware treatment using induced magnetic fields in physiotherapy rooms, staying, even short-term, in areas of natural magnetic anomalies has a noticeable healing effect. Such anomalies are associated with iron ore deposits, outcrops of igneous rocks orlava intrusion. Local magnetic anomalies also include beaches with black volcanic sand, formed during the weathering of volcanic rocks.
Therapeutic effect
Strongly magnetized, due to the high content of magnetite, black volcanic sand has a beneficial effect on the human body. Sand baths facilitate the course of cardiovascular and nervous diseases. They promote tissue regeneration after injuries, normalize the functions of the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems. This is a natural and surprisingly mild method of exposure, which has a noticeable healing effect. It can be used for both general and local effects.
The natural magnetic field of sand strengthens the immune system and the body as a whole.
Studies conducted in the Soviet Union to study the therapeutic effect of volcanic sands on the Black Sea coast near the village of Ureki in Georgia have proven effective in the treatment of rickets, cerebral palsy, birth injuries and other childhood diseases. At the same time, the children showed a high speed of the healing process.
Like any medical effect on the body, there are contraindications for volcanic sand. You should not choose a vacation on a black sand beach for people suffering from cancer, asthma, tuberculosis.
When going on vacation, consult your doctor. And in the absence of medical contraindications, feel the benefits of volcanic sand in Cyprus, an island that arose as a result of a volcanic eruption.

Sand baths are taken when the sand warms up to about 50o Celsius, around 11-12 noon. They make a recess for the body, forming low sandy rollers on the sides. A naked man lies down with his head raised, and he is quickly covered with sand from the rollers. The head and chest in the region of the heart are not covered with sand. Above your head, it is better to install an umbrella from direct sunlight.
This procedure lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour for adults, from 5 to 15 minutes for children. After it, sand is removed from the body, rest for 15-20 minutes in a sitting position, after which you can rinse.
After the sand bath, it is recommended to rest indoors for two hours. The course of treatment is 10-15 baths.
Sand evenly warms up the human body, its pressure has a massaging effect, which stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic systems, eliminates congestion. It improves blood circulation, ridding the body of impurities and increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, and provides relief and even treatment for all types of diseases, including arthritis and rheumatism.
Sand baths are much easier to bear than mud applications.
Cosmetic effect
The combination of black volcanic sand in Cyprus and sea water creates a unique complex for skin repair, due to the high content of trace elements of sulfur, magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. These minerals make the skin glowing and he althy. It is an excellent ingredient for skin cleansing, detoxification, anti-stress and protective properties against harmfulexternal agents that increase the skin's natural defenses.

A day at the beach is good for the soul, however, the sparse black sand on the beaches of Limassol is a great body scrub that you should definitely use.
Black Volcanic Black Sand Scrub is an excellent treatment for imperfections such as cellulite, localized adiposity and sagging skin. It promotes the elimination of toxins, which is the main reason for reducing the microcirculation of these problems. It also stimulates the natural regeneration of skin cells.