These are the laws of nature: each of us goes through certain periods in his life, and any existence ends with death. The stages are the same, but each person goes through them at a different speed. If you compare several people of the same biological age, then they can look very different. For some reason, one lives for 90 years, and the second barely reaches 60. What are the secrets of longevity? We will try to understand this in our article.

Components of longevity
For a very long time, scientists have been concerned about the question of what life expectancy depends on. The secrets of longevity include several components, among which the following occupy a special place:
- The number showing the birth cycle, that is, the average duration in your family of representatives of your gender. If this age is small, for example, 60 years old, then you will most likely not be able to live 100.
- The presence of genetic diseases in your family. Most of them affect many functions of the body, so there are usually no long-livers with such diagnoses.
- Lifestyle. A long time agoIt has been proven that regular exercise and the rejection of bad habits not only improve the quality of life, but also prolong it.
- Food. You can talk about it for a very long time and a lot, but the secrets of longevity are based on little or no s alt intake.
Everyone dreams of living a long time, but the most important thing is that these are full and active years, and not a miserable existence.
The main secrets of longevity
Research in the field of gerontology has been going on for a long time, and scientists, and not only in our country, have found that our life expectancy is almost 75% dependent on ourselves and only 25% depends on heredity.
The issue of life expectancy is quite complicated, it is impossible to give a single recipe, following which you can live happily ever after, while maintaining clarity of mind. But nevertheless, through the joint efforts of doctors and centenarians, it was possible to highlight some aspects that play a role in life expectancy:

- Positive thinking. Everyone in life has black stripes and troubles, but everyone treats this differently. Some do not lose heart and maintain positive thinking, while others become discouraged. It has long been scientifically proven that human thoughts are material. If you constantly think about the bad, then this will definitely happen.
- Active lifestyle. Most centenarians will tell you that they have been doing physical labor almost all their lives, doing morning exercises. They are always easy going. Just needIt should be noted that professional athletes do not fall into the category of centenarians, because intensive training does more harm to the body than good.
- Proper nutrition. Each country has its own traditions in nutrition, but analyzing the secrets of youth and longevity, we can say that the diet of centenarians includes a large amount of fresh vegetables and dairy products.
- Sexy. If a person maintains his sexual activity for as long as possible, then the hormonal system functions normally. Everyone has probably seen old men who, at a fairly advanced age, are not only active, but also give birth to children.
- Daily routine. It does not have to be observed by the minute and hour, but there is a certain rhythm of life that should be followed.
- Dream. The body needs rest to restore the energy expended during the day. Adequate sleep is simply necessary, everyone has a different need for its duration.
- Family. Found that married people live longer than single people.
- Favorite work. It is important that you wake up in the morning with joy and go to work. When a person retires, it is also important to find something to do that will bring you joy.
- Bad habits. This is not to say that the secrets of active longevity include a complete cessation of smoking or drinking alcohol. Only there is an important feature - centenarians never became slaves to their addictions.
Japanese secrets of youth
Japan has always been considered and is considered a country in which a sufficiently largepercentage of longevity. Moreover, people not only live a long time, but even until their death they maintain good spirits, activity and clarity of mind.
The secrets of he alth and longevity of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun are only three postulates:
- Proper nutrition.
- He althy lifestyle.
- Correct attitude.

If we talk about nutrition, it can be noted that the Japanese are content with a small amount of food. The basis of their diet is fruits and vegetables, they must be present on the table several times a day.
Fish and bread are second most commonly eaten, with dairy products and meat being consumed even less frequently. If you look at Japanese centenarians, there are practically no overweight people among them.
The climate in which the Japanese live also has an impact. We, of course, cannot change the climatic conditions in our area, but we can reconsider our diet.
The habits of centenarians
If we analyze the secrets of he althy longevity, we can identify several useful habits that have been developed and observed by centenarians almost strictly over the years:
- They never leave the table, having eaten to satiety, it is believed that the stomach should be filled with food by only 80%.
- The basis of their diet is vegetables, rice and seafood.
- Practically do not smoke or drink alcohol.
- Active lifestyle, many people work on the ground all their lives.
- They live in a mountainous wooded area where the air is clean.

If you carefully study these habits, then there is nothing super special about them, but for some reason we do not try very hard to develop the same in ourselves.
Tibetan secrets of long life
Tibetan monks are sure that our life expectancy directly depends on:
- Metabolism.
- Blood vessel conditions.
- Functioning of the cardiovascular system.
- The presence of fat and other deposits in the body.
More than 2000 thousand years ago, Tibetan monks came up with recipes for longevity. With the help of them, you can not only significantly improve the metabolism in the body, but also cure many age-related diseases.
Monks claim that if you take their elixir of life, you can get rid of:
- Sclerosis.
- Angina.
- Tumours.
- Headaches.
- Poor vision.
Here is one recipe you can try for yourself:
- Take 400 grams of peeled garlic and grate it.
- Juice 24 lemons.
- Mix garlic and juice in a jar, cover with gauze, but do not cover. Shake occasionally, especially before use.
- The finished mixture should be taken in the amount of 1 teaspoon and diluted in a glass of boiled water, drink after meals.
If you take this mixture continuously for two weeks, you will notice significant changes in your condition.
It turns out that our main control center begins to age before the rest of the organs. The death of brain cells begins at about 20 years of age. Of course, at such a young age, this does not affect mental activity in any way, but with age this process of dying continues, and already at 50 years old our brain works at 50%, and at 80 years old - only at 10%.

These processes can be slowed down by eating foods containing antioxidants, such as cocoa beans. In addition, there are now a huge number of biological supplements in pharmacies that will help support brain function.
Vessels and youth
Every doctor will tell you that the state of your blood vessels affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and therefore the well-being of the whole organism. Eating large amounts of animal fats causes cholesterol to clog blood vessels, leading to plaque formation.
That's why control over the state of blood vessels in many peoples is an item that is certainly included in the secrets of longevity. Veliky Novgorod even has a clinic of the same name, where experienced and competent doctors will help you diagnose the state of all body systems and give recommendations on keeping them in good condition. Sometimes our inattentive attitude to our body and its signals leads to big problems.
Food of the gods
Igor Prokopenko has a book “Food of the Gods. Secrets of longevity of the ancients. If you choose to read it, thensorry. The author plunges readers into the world of our distant ancestors to acquaint them with their traditions, customs and way of life.
The book answers many questions: about where the ancient heroes drew their strength from, how they preserved their family and lived a long and he althy life. It turns out that to a greater extent this was due to the special diet that they adhered to all their lives.

The book “Food of the gods. The secrets of the longevity of the ancients”is not pure speculation, there the reader will find a lot of useful information for himself, which is confirmed by doctors, culinary specialists and other specialists.
Rules of centenarians
Over the years of its existence, humanity has accumulated enough experience to give an intelligible answer to the question of how to preserve youth and prolong life. Here are some rules that make perfect sense.
- You need to eat according to your age, if children need meat for growth, then it is better for an adult to replace it with fish.
- Don't eat high-calorie foods.
- Any physical activity helps to maintain muscle tone, which has a positive effect on the state of the body.
- Avoid prolonged stress, although a short shake is only good for the body.
- Do not accumulate all the negativity in yourself, do not hold a grudge, evil, it is better to splash it out.
- Keep an active social life.
- Communicate more with others, it has been established that silent and withdrawn people liveless.
- Train your brain: solve crossword puzzles, learn poetry, play games.
- You need to get enough sleep. Chronic lack of sleep leads to the development of many diseases.
Here are the simple secrets of longevity. Veliky Novgorod and other cities in our country have specialized medical centers in which all the work of doctors comes down to prolonging our life and youth.
Secrets of a long life from all over the world
Gerontologists from different countries certainly communicate with each other, exchange opinions and achievements. They not only study the aging of the human body, but also collect numerous secrets of longevity. The reviews of most centenarians allow them to claim that there is nothing special about them, but, unfortunately, most of us do not follow these simple rules.

Here are some secrets that different countries keep:
- Drinking green tea. It is believed that this drink contains powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals.
- Kind heart. It turns out that many nations are of the opinion that kindness will not only save the world, but also ensure longevity.
- Optimism. Studies show that a positive attitude towards old age also prolongs life. Each period of a person's life is beautiful in its own way and one must be able to find the good in adulthood.
- Brain activity. This organ in our body is most of all inactive, as many scientists believe, and itsactive work contributes to the prevention of aging of the whole organism.
- It is not the quantity of food that matters, but its quality. As we age, the body needs fewer calories as the metabolism slows down, so we need to pay special attention to what we eat. More vegetables, fruits, be sure to include polyunsaturated fats in the diet, which are abundant in olive and sunflower oil.
Longevity formula
Scientists from China, who study the aging of the human body and the conditions for prolonging youth, are almost sure that the secrets of longevity of people can be translated into a special formula, and it looks like this:
- Eating low-calorie foods.
- Reduce animal fats and meat in the diet.
- Fresh vegetables and fruits should be on your table every day.
This formula only affects proper nutrition, but there is a saying for good reason: "We are what we eat." And if we add to this physical activity, positive emotions, a kind attitude towards people, then our life will not only change for the better, but will also be significantly extended.