Oriental healing practices are widely used in medicine, cosmetology, harmonization of attitude. There are quite a few such methods. One of them is Shiatsu massage. What kind of manipulations are they, how they are carried out and how they work, is described below.
Oriental practices for beauty and he alth
There are quite a lot of Eastern methods of healing, working on the harmonization of internal and external energies. Some of them are more popular almost all over the world, others have thousands of years of history and are extremely closed from prying eyes. One of the young, but world-famous practices is shiatsu massage. Reviews about it are quite favorable, but only if the technique for performing such a massage is correctly mastered and performed either by a specialist or by the person himself.
A trip back several decades
Although even from the name itself it becomes clear that shiatsu massage is something that refers to the ancient oriental healing practices,the very technique of influencing only with fingers on certain parts of the body to achieve certain results became widely known only at the beginning of the last century. In 1915, Tempaku Tamai's book "Shiatsu Reho" was published in Japan, in which the term "shiatsu" is mentioned. A quarter of a century later, the first college of this practice was opened in the same place in Japan, the training program of which combined not only the ancient method of influencing the body, a way to control the energies of the living, but also Western anatomy and physiology as the foundations of classical medicine. Shiatsu College founder Tokujiro Namikoshi developed the Shiatsu massage system and achieved special legal status for his school.
The master himself treated many people with shiatsu - his mother, suffering from severe arthritis, former Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, as well as many other Japanese statesmen, famous American stars, for example, Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali. This allowed the shiatsu technique to gain worldwide fame. Today, this method of healing the body and treating a wide range of diseases has many followers, many of whom modify and supplement shiatsu massage, opening their own schools, for example, ohashiatsu, zen-shiatsu - the so-called quantum shiatsu. Many theories that originally emerged from the practice of shiatsu have been developed and today have become an integral part of this practice, used and popular around the world.

Origins in qigong
Ancient Eastern practicesself-improvement and harmonization of the body and spirit with the surrounding reality are quite popular in the modern world. One of them is qigong. It is noteworthy that the term itself, denoting such motor and respiratory gymnastics, combined a whole range of directions only in the middle of the 20th century. But the practices themselves have thousands of years of history. The healing methods of the Eastern peoples have become popular due to their ease of implementation, the desire to harmonize the spirit and body, and help he alth, both physical and moral. The directions of qigong gymnastics itself can be quite specific, and the origins can be drawn from various practices of oriental medicine. For example, the Shiatsu massage technique is essentially a legacy of Japanese traditional medicine, although it borrows heavily from qigong as well.

The term "shiatsu"
The name of the Japanese he alth-improving set of shiatsu exercises comes from two words: "si", which means "finger" in translation, and "atsu", which means "pressure". Putting it all together, you get the basic principle of the shiatsu method itself - finger pressure. This branch of traditional medicine is licensed as a type of therapy by the Japanese Ministry of He alth. It is noteworthy that this is not an archaic and static healing technique, but a constantly developing and improving practice, and at the present stage, spreading around the world, it combines traditional Japanese massage techniques, practices of Chinese medicine and"Western" anatomy and physiology.
Features of the healing technique
Japanese acupressure shiatsu has one remarkable feature - in it all manipulations are performed mainly with the thumbs and palms. Moreover, masters practicing shiatsu not only carry out healing manipulations, but are also able to "diagnose" an existing problem through a sense of the density and structure of the skin. Mastering the technique of this impact on the human body requires not only knowledge of anatomy and physiology, certain abilities, but also a lot of experience. By the way, many experts in the field of shiatsu massage claim that the diagnosis of the problem is carried out directly during exposure. The basis of the practice is the modulation of the immune system and certain natural qualities of the human body, which have not yet been studied by traditional areas of biology. Impact on the skin with the help of certain movements and pressure on specific points or areas of the skin helps restore the functionality of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the state of the bone and muscle structures, and normalize the work of the endocrine glands. All this contributes to the restoration of human he alth as a whole.

Rules, canons and laws
It would seem that there is nothing easier than performing massage movements, especially such as in the shiatsu technique. But in the homeland of this practice, in Japan, only a competent specialist who has completed a long (at least 3 years) training course, who has passednational examination and licensed by the Ministry of He alth and Welfare. Finger and palm massage has gained popularity around the world, practitioners of this technique are called "shiatsu practitioners" (this is a standardized name that has become a registered trademark). Despite the fact that the technique itself originated in Japan, as it spreads around the world, it is enriched with new knowledge and directions, originating in other folk, national knowledge about human he alth. But the true school, which is engaged in the canonical practice of shiatsu massage, receives the most favorable reviews, in which the registered and licensed basis is often mentioned.
Subspecies of exposure technique
Before you start practicing healing techniques, originating in oriental knowledge and practices about human he alth, you need to take a serious course of study. Indeed, in the vast majority of such teachings, it is necessary to know not only the technique of the massage itself, but also to understand the special subtleties - the movement of energy flows, the relationship of thoughts and physical he alth. So, Qigong gave the practice of shiatsu knowledge of the meridians and the concept of Qi energy, Buddhism gave mantras to achieve a certain state of mind, the tsubo technique gave auto-training, and yoga gave the practice of controlling the body and mind through movements and postures. Today, shiatsu facial massage is quite often used. Feedback on this technique allows you to reliably learn about the effectiveness of both the technique itself and the masters who managed to comprehend the features of this practice. InIn many cases, Shiatsu self-massage is used, but in this case, experts recommend limiting yourself only to the desire to make adjustments to the appearance, bypassing the systemic effect on the body.
Indications for use
Like all techniques designed to affect the human body, shiatsu acupressure of the face or neck, décolleté, however, as well as the whole body, is used to help solve problems such as:
- depression;
- immunodeficiency;
- myalgia;
- muscle pain;
- blood pressure disorders;
- endocrine dysregulation;
- obesity;
- edema;
- sleep disorder;
- potency reduction;
- decrease in libido;
- joint pain;
- chronic fatigue.
Irreplaceable shiatsu massage for the face. Reviews say that this practice of oriental medicine helps to get rid of age-related changes - flabbiness of the skin, wrinkles. Shiatsu self-massage allows you to improve your overall well-being when exposed to certain points of the body, and the daily use of simple massage combinations allows you to maintain a fresh and he althy appearance.
When not to use Shiatsu massage?
It may seem that massage is a practice available for any condition of the body. But in fact, this is absolutely not the case. Japanese shiatsu massage for the face and body has its own contraindications for use. This is:
- herpes in the acute phase;
- febrile conditions;
- liver and kidney disorders;
- disorders of the hematopoietic system, including hemorrhagic diathesis;
- disturbances in the functionality of the hematopoietic system;
- oncological diseases;
- acute cerebrovascular accident;
- damage to the skin in the affected area;
- head injury.
If a shiatsu massage is performed on the neck, face, legs or arms, then chronic diseases in remission will not be contraindications to its use. But in any case, all manipulations should be carried out by a specialist, taking into account the patient's condition, the presence of existing contraindications.
Features of manipulations
The most commonly used oriental healing practices are facial massage. Shiatsu rejuvenation is effective as both self-massage and specialist manipulations. Since shiatsu is finger pressure, it is this manipulation that will be the basis of the practice. Here are some basic points that are necessary to properly perform a Shiatsu massage:
- all pressure on the necessary points is carried out only with the pads of the thumbs;
- several simultaneous pressing on several points is carried out using the pads of the thumb and other fingers;
- one press lasts from 3 to 7 seconds;
- before the massage, a special cream, oil or lotion is applied to the affected area, the excess of which is removed after the procedure with cotton pads;
- Shiatsu massage is most effective if done in the morning;
- all pressing should be tangible, but not cause discomfort;
- stretching of the skin during massage is notshould be excessive;
- shiatsu practice requires course application of a set of manipulations - at least 10 days. Repeat it a few weeks later.
The impact points necessary for a high-quality shiatsu massage can be found using special maps-diagrams. This is not easy to do, it will require a thorough study of the characteristics of your body, since some points should be determined not only and not so much visually as by the sensations that arise when pressed.
The pressure itself is performed in several stages - for 1-2 seconds it is necessary to press on the skin, then draw a fingertip 2-3 times in a circle. In this case, it is necessary to be able to concentrate energy at the massed point. This nuance requires serious experience based on the study of Eastern practices of working with the energies of the body and the environment, auto-training and meditation.
Shiatsu massage for the legs, face, abdomen, back requires complete detachment from the outside and concentration on the energy content of the vital points with which work is currently being carried out. You can use aroma oils for massage, light scented candles or sticks to create a certain atmosphere in the room where the massage sessions are held.

How to perform self-massage according to the Japanese method?
One of the popular ways to improve the appearance, which can be done at home, is a shiatsu facial massage. Reviews and photos confirm the effectiveness of this practice in the vast majority of cases. However, negative or neutral responses are full of doubts about the correctness of acupuncture and the selected points of influence. This once again suggests that you need to carefully study the map of points or trust a professional to perform a shiatsu massage.
The technique of performing massage movements requires focusing on every moment of the manipulation. Movements should be smooth, clear. The one who performs the massage must take into account the thickness of the fat layer: the thinner it is, the weaker the pressure should be, and vice versa. Cosmetic massage requires pressing each point for 7 seconds, and treatment procedures will be longer - up to several minutes.
Massage for beauty
In practice, shiatsu self-massage is often used for a cosmetic effect, because in this case you only need to perform acupuncture with your fingers correctly, without caring about any systemic effects on the body, as in the treatment of any disease with the help of massage. For example, shiatsu helps to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead. A simple exercise must be done in the morning. The pads of three fingers - index, middle and ring - must be placed in the middle of the forehead, pressed until a slight discomfort appears and hold the fingers on these points for 7 seconds. Then move your fingers slightly to the side and repeat the pressure again. Move the affected area to the temple, then massage the points on the other side of the forehead. Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose will help to remove the massage of a point called the "third eye" and located in the center between the eyebrows. It is massaged like this: for 1-2 seconds they press with the thumb, then for 5-6 seconds they carry out, as it were, circular movements with the finger along the point of impact. Massage of this point is used in the complex treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis and nosebleeds.
Those who are grateful to this oriental practice, answering the question about shiatsu massage, what kind of technique it is, talk about cosmetic rejuvenation with the help of simple manipulations, which, as they say, are obvious. So, this technique helps to remove fine wrinkles and swelling around the eyes, relieve fatigue and improve vision somewhat. These manipulations are also carried out using the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers, which must be placed along the line of the eyebrows so that the middle finger is located in the middle of the arc. Then you need to press on the resulting points for no longer than 7 seconds. You can work with two hands at the same time, massaging two eyebrows.
The appearance of the lips helps to improve the massage of four points - in their corners, in the middle above the top and symmetrically below the bottom. Each point should be massaged with the pad of the thumb. Tightened cheeks will provide a massage of three points located under the cheekbones. It is held immediately with three fingers of both hands.

Brly will remove the massage of points located on opposite sides of the chin (three on each side), while the thumbs are located under it and also apply pressure.
Where to press to cheer up?
Shiatsu massage is also used for overwork, eveningfatigue. For example, if after a long walk or a working day spent mostly standing, your legs hurt and ache, you should first take a foot bath. Then do a self-massage in the technique of oriental practice: press the thumb on the point in the middle of the foot three times with a break of a few seconds. After pressing on the point between the second and third toes from the side of the foot.

Next, draw a mentally straight line from this point to the middle of the heel and, dividing this line into three equal intervals, in each draw pressure for 7 seconds each. In addition, the middle of the foot is connected with the urinary system, and massaging this area will help relieve swelling, improving urine output. Stroking and pressing on the shins, and then the outer and inner side of the thigh will help relieve general fatigue and activate vital energy.
Unpleasant heaviness in the head will help to remove the crown massage with the transition to a massage of the right and left carotid arteries located on the neck, from the chin to the collarbones. Eye fatigue from computer work will relieve the massage of points located at the inner corners of the eyes and in the nasolabial folds.
Massage to kill your cravings
Shiatsu massage helps to cope not only with appearance problems such as swelling, wrinkles, or fatigue. It turns out that pressure on certain points of the body can reduce appetite, relieve hunger. And it helps to reduce weight. What points should be acted upon with the fingertips in order tonormalize the need for food? One of the most accessible is a dot in the center of the palm. How to find it? You need to fold your palm "cup", in the deepest place and the treasured point will be located.

It is massaged with the pad of the thumb, pressing for 20 seconds. You can alternate pressure with circular movements and do several approaches. They also massage a point under the earlobe, at the edge of the cheekbone, and two points at a distance of three fingers to the right and left of the navel. A point that helps reduce appetite is also located on the outside of the elbow - in the recess resulting from the bend of the elbow joint. Helps alleviate hunger and massage the neck-to-head area, as well as the medial area between the center of the forehead and the hairline.
How to lose weight in the abdomen?
Properly performed shiatsu massage helps to lose weight. Photos of the results of this practice demonstrate its effectiveness, because excess fat on the waist and abdomen not only looks unattractive, but is often a sign of serious he alth problems. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the waist and take timely measures to remove excess fat. The Shiatsu complex will help to lose weight in this problem area. Such self-massage can be carried out both lying down and standing, depending on preferences or circumstances. Here are the main manipulations of such a complex:
- Palms to stroke the stomach counterclockwise, trying not to press on the area of the liver. It is necessary to start circular movements from the area around the navel, gradually expanding the area of influence toas long as the palm does not cover the sides.
- Tap the fingers of both hands from the pubis up so that the navel passes between the palms, while this manipulation is carried out several times so that the distance between the palms constantly expands, reaching the sides.
- The next manipulation is carried out along the same trajectory - from bottom to top, but tapping is replaced by pressure. With the pads of all the fingers of the hand, except for the thumb, it is necessary to press on the stomach from below, inhale, pulling the stomach in as much as possible, hold your breath, hold your fingers with constant pressure from the bottom up, only then exhale. This exercise is also performed several times with the expansion of the distance between the palms.
- Chaotic movement of the fingers of two palms (except for large ones) along the stomach in the direction from the bottom up using pressure to shift the skin.
- Same exercise as above, but done with thumb knuckles.
- Rubbing with palms moving parallel but in different directions to move tissues.
- Stroking the belly and sides from the bottom up as the final exercise of the complex.
Most people think that a properly performed shiatsu massage is what helps to normalize the body and prevent the development of obesity.

Eastern practices basically have a complex perception of a person in the world around him. The impact on the human body to maintain he alth and treat many problems is carried out at many levels, often littleunderstandable to a person of Western upbringing. But the desire to comprehend these practices, carefully reading the recommendations and strictly following the instructions of experienced masters will allow you to get the desired results. Therefore, completing the story about shiatsu massage (what it is), we can briefly summarize: shiatsu is a help to the body.