He althy gums: color, photo of he althy gums in adults. How to keep gums he althy?

He althy gums: color, photo of he althy gums in adults. How to keep gums he althy?
He althy gums: color, photo of he althy gums in adults. How to keep gums he althy?

Each person tries to monitor the he alth of their teeth and treat the diseases that have arisen in time. But for some reason, not everyone thinks about the gums. Meanwhile, gum disease is no less dangerous than dental disease. In this article, we will take a closer look at what he althy gums should look like and how to prevent gum disease.

Why is it important to take care of your gums?

he althy gums
he althy gums

When gum disease affects the periodontium. These are tissues that are located around the tooth and thanks to which the tooth is attached to the jaw. If a prolonged inflammatory process occurs in the gums, then the bone tissue begins to gradually dissolve. Therefore, how he althy your gums are will depend on how long your teeth will remain in your mouth. It must be remembered that even after dental treatment, one cannot be sure that they will last until old age. To do this, you need to know how to keep your gums he althy.

What is gum disease?

Periodontal infection (gum disease) is the process of infection of tissues,located around the tooth. This infection is the leading cause of tooth loss in adult patients.

It often happens that gum disease is asymptomatic, without any pain. And this makes it difficult to detect the disease in a timely manner. As soon as you feel that a he althy tooth and gum hurts, you must immediately run to the dentist. The doctor will identify the cause of the pain and prescribe the necessary treatment. Plaque can be the cause of gum disease. It contains bacteria that inflame the gums.

Early degree of the disease is characterized by redness and swelling, sometimes there may be bleeding. At this stage, the development of the disease can still be prevented. You just need to be more careful about oral hygiene, and then unwanted symptoms will pass.

photos of he althy gums in adults
photos of he althy gums in adults

When the disease is started and periodontitis develops, the intervention of doctors is necessary. In this situation, the teeth may begin to loosen and fall out.

Signs of he althy gums

The gums of a he althy person are hard, without signs of swelling and inflammation. This state of the oral cavity can be achieved only by observing hygiene. You need to brush your teeth twice a day, and it is very important to use dental floss. It is also necessary to regularly visit a dentist for the prevention of various diseases. In addition, the color of he althy gums should be noted. They should be pale pink.

Signs of periodontal infection

Gum disease causes the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Brushing teeth bleed.
  2. Get very sensitive, blush and swell.
  3. Teeth are peeling off gums.
  4. Persistent bad breath.
  5. Suppuration forms between the gums and teeth.
  6. Teeth loose.
  7. Bite changes.

If you have found at least one of these signs, you need to urgently consult a dentist. Only a timely visit to the doctor will help maintain he althy gums.

he althy gum color
he althy gum color

Why do soft tissue diseases occur in the mouth?

Today, more and more people suffer from gum disease. This may be due to ecology, heredity, concomitant chronic diseases. But the main reason is malnutrition.

Modern people consume carbohydrate, refined food (sweets, pastries). Previously, food was subjected to less heat treatment, so it retained most of the useful elements. Consequently, the risk of disease increases.

Photos of he althy gums in adults are below.

he althy gums
he althy gums

How to prevent gum disease?

To maintain he althy gums and teeth, it is necessary to prevent their diseases:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day. Regular brushing of teeth will help to get rid of the bacterial film. It is very important to use a soft, unworn toothbrush. Remember that you need to change it at least once every three months. In addition, it shouldpay attention to toothpaste. Choose the one that suits you and can help you deal with your particular problem. When choosing a toothpaste, pay attention to whether it is approved by the American Dental Association. Products bearing the seal of this association are safe and effective to use.
  2. Clean the gaps between teeth. Flossing and other specialized interdental cleaners can help get rid of bacteria and food particles that normal toothbrushing cannot remove. As a rule, high-quality hygiene helps prevent the development of the disease in the early stages. If you have never used dental floss or other similar means, be sure to consult your doctor. He will tell you how to apply them correctly so as not to injure the gums.
  3. Eat a balanced diet. It is important to eat a variety of foods so that the body does not feel a lack of any vitamins. It is not recommended to eat on the go. Such snacks are harmful not only to the teeth and gums, but also to the stomach. Eat fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, bread, dairy products.
  4. Visit the dentist regularly. As a rule, people do not visit the dentist until they have problems with their teeth. It is not right. To prevent diseases, it is necessary to go to the doctor at least once every six months. Then both teeth and gums will be he althy.
  5. how to keep gums he althy
    how to keep gums he althy

Summer pros and cons for gums

On the one hand, summer isa great time to strengthen your teeth and gums. It is during this period that it is possible to consume a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. The fiber contained in their composition helps to cleanse the oral cavity.

But on the other hand, it is in the summer that the likelihood of various poisonings increases, at this time people often relax in nature, eat barbecue, travel and try dishes of different national cuisines. Such a diet does not always have a positive effect on oral he alth, so you should be more careful in the summer.

he althy tooth and gum pain
he althy tooth and gum pain

Tips to keep your teeth and gums he althy

We looked at what he althy gums should look like, why their diseases occur and how to prevent them. Here are some more simple tips for oral he alth:

  1. You need to eat less foods that contain a lot of fast carbohydrates (sugar, muffins). Plaque builds up in these foods, where bacteria can grow and destroy gums and teeth.
  2. You can not abuse the seeds and nuts. Small particles are clogged in the gaps between the teeth, and bacteria actively multiply there. This also applies to fruits and berries with small seeds (strawberries, raspberries). Rinse your mouth or floss after eating these foods.
  3. You need to eat less soft foods (packaged mashed soups, soufflés). Such food saves the teeth from their intended purpose - to chew. And just during chewing, the right amount of saliva is produced to cleanse the oral cavity. Remember that solid food is very important for dental he alth. Every day you need to eat an apple or a carrot. By the way, such products are useful not only for teeth and gums, but also for the whole organism.
  4. It should be remembered that inflammation can occur even with the slightest damage to the gums. To prevent various wounds and cracks, you need to use special anti-inflammatory mouth rinses.

If you follow these simple tips, your teeth and gums will always be he althy.
