Hormonal pills, the name and properties of which are described below, are used to treat the pathology of the female genital area and correct diseases associated with the thyroid gland. Medicines are analogues of hormones produced by the body. Their use is advisable in case of insufficient synthesis of hormonal substances by the endocrine glands, as well as to achieve the goals of regulating certain functions of the body, as is the case with contraceptives.
Types of hormones used in medicine

According to the method of obtaining hormonal drugs are distinguished by:
- Hormones extracted from animal glands.
- Artificially synthesized identical hormones.
- Synthetic almost identical analogues.
- Plant hormones.
According to the organ in which the hormone is synthesized:
- Pituitary hormones.
- Produced by the cells of the pancreas.
- Adrenal hormones.
- Hormonal substances of the genital area.
- Thyroid hormones.
- Hormones from the parathyroid glands.
Indications for the appointment of tablet forms of hormones
Acute and chronic diseases of various body systems are treated with hormonal pills, which is an effective way to combat the disease, but should be strictly used under medical supervision. All medicines in this group have indications and contraindications.
Using hormone-based drugs:
- Diseases with decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism).
- Gynecology (menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms, endometriosis, problems with conception, contraceptives, labor support).
- Removal of inflammatory, allergic, edematous symptoms in general medical practice.
- Treatment of systemic autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis).
- With protein metabolism disorders, cachexia and muscle wasting.
Treatment of thyroid pathology with hormones

"L-thyroxine" is a drug for the treatment of thyroid pathology. The drug is a synthetic isomer of the hormone T4, which is normally produced by the thyroid gland. This is the name of hormon altablets with the active ingredient levothyroxine sodium, which performs the same functions in the body that T4 should perform. These include the growth and reproduction of tissue cells, the maintenance of metabolism, the effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems.
It is prescribed by endocrinologists for hypothyroidism (a decrease in thyroxine below normal), as a means of replacing T4 when the thyroid gland is removed due to goiter, cancer.
Available in 50, 75, 100 and 150mcg tablets. The dosage of the drug is selected individually under the control of blood counts. Reception is always carried out on an empty stomach in the morning. Since the drug is a vital component, it continues to be taken even during pregnancy.
L-thyroxine is contraindicated in case of increased thyroid function, acute myocardial infarction, myocarditis, adrenal insufficiency, intolerance to the main substance levothyroxine sodium or auxiliary components.
With the right dosage, the drug is well tolerated without undesirable effects and reactions that can occur only with a significant overdose (palpitations, arrhythmia, insomnia, sweating, diarrhea, tremor).
List of hormonal birth control pills

The use of contraceptives for pregnancy planning is a means not only to reduce the number of abortions, but also to combat certain pathologies of the female genital area. These include the restoration of menstrualcycle with irregular periods, severe pain, help with severe premenstrual syndrome, acne treatment (acne).
Hormonal contraceptive pills for women are divided into several generations:
- The first generation contains estrogens in the amount of 0.1-0.05 mg and is not used in modern gynecology.
- Second generation contains 0.03-0.035 mg ethinylestradiol and progestogens (levonorgestrel, norethisterol, norgestrel).
- Third generation contains ethinylestradiol 0.02-0.03mg and progestogens (desogestrel, gestodene, norgestimate).
Third-generation contraceptives are best tolerated by women. Less likely than second-generation drugs to cause weight gain due to high doses of hormones.
By type, hormonal preparations are divided into monophasic, biphasic and triphasic. The difference lies in the amount of the progestogen component, which in single-phase agents is contained in the same amount in all tablets. In biphasic contraceptives, the amount of gestagens changes in the second phase of the cycle, and in three-phase contraceptives, the changes are more physiological (in three stages).
Monophasic contraceptives are indicated for patients with painful unstable menstruation, severe premenstrual syndrome, difficult to tolerate ovulation, mastopathy of the mammary glands, functional ovarian cysts. It is advisable to use monophasic hormonal acne pills on the face, combining contraception with acne treatment.
To monophasicmedicines include: Novinet, Logest, Silest, Regulon, Mercilon, Jess, Diane-35, Lindinet, Zhanin, Yarina, Rigevidon, Microgynon.
Hormonal pills "Novinet" due to the combined composition suppress ovulation due to the action on the gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, and also increase the viscosity of the mucus of the cervical canal and change the endometrium, which prevents the sperm from passing into the cervix and the egg from attaching to its wall. The drug has a positive effect on lipid metabolism and skin cleansing from acne.
The drug "Jess" contains a progestogen component that exceeds that of "Novinet". Let's use a contraceptive for severe premenstrual syndrome, acne. Hormonal pills "Jess", according to reviews, fight acne better than "Novinet".
Biphasic contraceptives include: "Anteovin", "Minisiston", "Bifazil".
List of three-phase hormonal pills: Trikvilar, Tri-regol, Tri-merci, Triziston, Milvane.
Risks and contraindications for contraceptive use

Hormones should be prescribed strictly according to indications, taking into account age, comorbidities, hormonal background, body mass index. On your own, given only the name you like, you cannot use hormonal pills, as you can harm your reproductive system and the whole body as a whole.
Three months after the start of taking contraceptives, you should undergo a gynecological examination, which must be repeated subsequently at least once everyyear.
According to the recommendations of the World He alth Organization, birth control pills are prescribed depending on the degree of risk:
First degree has no restrictions for the use of contraceptives. This group includes:
- women under 40 with preserved menstruation;
- obese women;
- past ectopic pregnancy;
- post-abortion condition;
- more than three weeks postpartum (non-lactating women);
- presence of inflammatory diseases of the genital area;
- mastopathy and fibroadenomas of the mammary glands;
- erosion or ectopia of the cervix;
- uterine or ovarian cancer;
- trophoblastic disease;
- past gestational diabetes;
- thyroid disease;
- epilepsy;
- iron deficiency anemia;
- tuberculosis;
- parasitic diseases;
- inactive form of hepatitis.
2. The second degree means that the benefit of taking the drug outweighs the risk (subject to the correct selection of medication). Conditions for this group:
- age over 40;
- smoking under 35;
- headaches, migraine (without focal symptoms);
- lactation half a year after birth;
- jaundice during a previous pregnancy;
- cancer and precancer of the cervix;
- thrombophlebitis of superficial veins;
- valvular heart disease without complications;
- thalassemia;
- sickle cell anemia;
- compensated sugardiabetes;
- diseases of the gallbladder without clinical manifestations and after surgery to remove it;
3. The third degree is characterized by the predominance of risk over benefit. It is undesirable to use contraceptives if available:
- smoking up to 20 cigarettes a day after age 35;
- lactation from 6 weeks to 6 months;
- state up to three weeks after childbirth in the absence of breastfeeding;
- past breast cancer;
- unidentified vaginal bleeding;
- arterial hypertension (up to 160/100 mmHg);
- hyperlipidemia;
- pathology of the gallbladder;
- jaundice due to hormonal contraceptives;
- co-administration of certain antibiotics, sleeping pills and anticonvulsants.
4. The fourth degree is an unacceptable risk. Use is strictly contraindicated:
- smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day after age 35;
- migraine with focal symptoms;
- pregnancy;
- lactation up to 6 weeks postpartum;
- breast cancer;
- arterial hypertension with pressure readings over 160/100 mmHg;
- thromboembolism;
- ischemic heart disease;
- complicated valvular disease;
- diabetes mellitus with vascular complications and lasting over 20 years;
- acute hepatitis;
- severe cirrhosis;
- liver tumors.
The concept of menopause and menopause
Climacteric manifestations can reduce the standard of living of women for years. Aging of the reproductive systemoccurs in several stages: premenopause, menopause (50 ± 5 years) and postmenopause (up to 65-69 years). The secretion of estrogen in the ovaries begins to decline an average of five years before the end of menstruation. Menopausal symptoms of varying intensity affect up to 80% of women.
Early menopause develops when menstruation stops before the age of 40-44. Premature menopause - 37-39 years. The earlier the extinction of sexual function begins, the faster the body begins to age. Develops osteoporosis, heart disease, depression.
Menopausal manifestations include: hot flashes, tachycardia, sweating, mood swings, memory impairment, insomnia, anxiety, atrophy of the genital mucosa, urethritis, increased bone fractures, periodontal disease, high risk of retinal tissue degeneration, risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Hormonal pills for menopause

Prevention of severe menopausal manifestations is the use of monophasic microdosed contraceptives in premenopause.
Hormone replacement therapy is used in menopause and postmenopause up to 65 years. Its duration depends on the symptoms, concomitant diseases of the woman, the tolerance of hormonal pills during menopause.
For hormone replacement therapy, estrogen monopreparations are prescribed, but it is more physiological to use combined agents containing, in addition to estrogens, progestogens in various combinations of dosing regimens.
Hormonal pills "Femoston" contain estradiol anddydrogesterone, which are analogues of female sex hormones. The first 14 days are taken with one type of pill containing only estradiol, and for the next two weeks a combination of two hormones is taken for a more physiological cycle. This combination effectively fights vegetative, emotional, vascular, skin manifestations of menopause, as well as osteoporosis, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, the risk of developing oncology of the inner lining of the uterus. An improvement in the condition is observed by the end of the first month of admission, and a stable positive trend - by the end of the third month. Tablets are applied without interruption.
Divina tablets consist of estradiol and medroxyprogesterone acetate, which alleviate the symptoms of menopause, prolong the youth and he alth of the woman's reproductive system. The combination of hormones mimics a woman's natural menstrual cycle. The first 11 days are taken pure estradiol, then 10 days in combination with a progestogen. Within a week after 21 tablets, menstrual bleeding disappears. After regular use for a year, hot flashes and sweating disappear completely.
Hormone drugs for the treatment of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a multifactorial disease that is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue (the inner layer of the uterus) into the surrounding tissues, affecting all layers of the uterus, ovaries, cervical canal, cervix. Clinically, it is often manifested by pain that increases with the progression of the process.
Hormonal pills forendometriosis are used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. For this, gestagen-containing preparations are used. These include "Duphaston", which includes dydrogesterone in the amount of 10 mg, which is an analogue of progesterone. The action of the drug is based on the ability to suppress the growth and development of the endometrium, preventing cancerous processes. Does not affect blood clotting and liver function, does not have a contraceptive effect, is not contraindicated during pregnancy.
An individual dosing regimen is recommended, which is selected by the attending gynecologist. The drug is usually well tolerated. Side effects include headache, nausea, blood smearing, heaviness in the mammary glands, and stool disorders. Duphaston is contraindicated in severe liver pathology, individual intolerance, lactation.
Hormonal treatments for infertility

Hormonal pills to get pregnant should be taken only under the strict supervision of a doctor, as they are selected after a thorough study of the woman's hormonal background and the identification of deviations in it that interfere with the conception and bearing of a child.
To establish the fact of infertility due to hormonal causes, it is necessary to donate blood for hormones twice, comparing the obtained indicators. With regular menstruation, the amount of prolactin, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid hormones is studied on the 5-7th day of the cycle. The level of progesterone is monitored on the 20-22nd day of the cycle in order to assess the full functioning of the corpus luteum, whichindirectly indicates past ovulation. With scanty and irregular menstruation, pituitary hormones responsible for the synthesis of sex hormones, as well as estrogen, adrenal and thyroid hormones are determined.
Infertility treatment will depend on abnormal blood levels for hormones. If hypothyroidism is the culprit of infertility, then L-thyroxine and its analogues are prescribed to replenish the function.
With an increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary gland, there is a decrease in the level of estrogens on the feedback principle, which leads to amenorrhea and infertility. Treatment is with drugs containing sex hormones (two- and three-phase oral contraceptives), which are used to restore the level of sex hormones.
With a reduced amount of pituitary hormones, hypogonadotropic amenorrhea occurs, which often occurs with anorexia. Hormone replacement therapy is carried out by "Femoston" in a continuous mode. After the cycle is restored, ovulation is stimulated with drugs containing luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, both in combination and separately (Follitrope, Pergoveris, Lutropin alfa, Pergonal).
Increase in male sex hormones of the adrenal glands (dehydroepiandrosterone) is often combined with obesity, diabetes mellitus and ovarian sclerotic pathology. Treatment should cover all pathologies, including the normalization of body weight, blood glucose and the removal of existing tumor lesions of the ovaries. With high levels of luteinizing hormoneit is advisable to prescribe combined oral contraceptives with a high content of female sex hormones ("Diana-35").
The name of hormonal pills appears in many forums and portals about women's he alth. After studying the statistics, according to the reviews of women taking hormonal contraceptives, you can design a rating of funds that have the most positive feedback:
- The first place in the reviews is occupied by the three-phase contraceptive "Trikvilar", which in terms of physiology is as close as possible to the female function of hormone formation (85%).
- The second position is shared by the monophasic drugs "Logest" and "Mersilon", which minimally affect the weight of patients (80%).
- In third place is the monophasic drug Microgenon, which restores menstrual function well (78%).
- Rigevidon, which helps fight premenstrual syndrome (76%), is in the fourth position according to women's responses (76%).
- Fifth place went to Lindinet, which is a low-dose monophasic contraceptive drug (75.5%).
- Three-merci and Milvane triphasic contraceptives share sixth place (74%).
- In seventh position is the monophasic drug "Jess", which is used not only for contraception, but also for cleansing the skin from acne (73%).
- In eighth place, reviews of women put "Diana-35" and "Novinet", which are struggling with premenstrual syndrome, acne and dysfunctional cycle instability (71%).
- The ninth position is monophasiccontraceptive drug Janine (68%).
- Tenth place was shared by "Yarina" and "Silest", taking into account the feedback of the women hosting it (66%).
Be sure to consult your doctor before taking it.