Recently, in our country, Indian tablets for hepatitis C are becoming more widespread. According to numerous reviews, they work great at a relatively affordable price. It is relatively easy to order and receive such drugs, but they should be used only after talking with the doctor. Only a doctor can say for sure how reasonable it will be to use these medicines in a particular case. So, what are the benefits of drugs from India and how to use them?

General information
Indian hepatitis C pills help to cope with a severe liver disease that has an inflammatory nature. It is provoked by a specific virus. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form. On average, 20% of patients are cured, in 80%the disease becomes chronic. To reduce the risks of such an outcome, you need to start timely treatment. The course of the disease is determined by the nuances of the genotype. Doctors know six genotypes, of which the first three are most common. All of them provoke severe hepatitis. The disease is established by detecting the presence of antibodies to the virus. If these particles are detected, the diagnosis is considered confirmed. To determine whether the virus is active or a person is only a carrier, you need to analyze the blood for the presence of IgM antibodies.

Hepatitis: disease and treatment
Because the disease is relatively common, treatment regimens have been developed that give more or less reliable results. The classical course involves the use of ribavirin, interferon-alpha. The duration of the program sometimes exceeds 70 weeks. This is determined by the genotype and the nuances of the course. There are many disadvantages of such treatment, so patients are looking for alternatives. Indian pills for hepatitis C have become such. It is believed that they are highly effective, do not provoke such an abundance of negative effects. Some doctors claim that the use of Indian drugs is accompanied by a greater likelihood of recovery. Medicines are considered analogues of American funds. Other statistics point to a cure rate as high as 97%.

What is it about?
Doctors May Recommend Indian Hepatitis C Pills Marketed UnderItems:
- Sofosbuvir.
- "Daklatasvir".
Both products have a direct antiviral effect. They work in conjunction with each other. This is considered to be one of the best treatment options as the drugs directly affect the virus by killing it. Already after a few days from the beginning of the course, the patient's condition becomes better, and the concentration of harmful microorganisms decreases seven days after the start of therapy. The duration of treatment usually varies from 12 weeks to twice as long. The exact duration is determined by the genotype of the virus and the characteristics of the state of the human body in need of treatment. It is impossible to use these funds on their own, since intolerance is possible. They are prescribed by a hepatologist. He thinks up a scheme appropriate to the type, severity of the case.
About the nuances
As can be concluded from the experience of doctors, Indian drugs for hepatitis C show a good result even in the case of an advanced stage of the disease. The above funds are allowed for the treatment of people suffering from kidney disease, drug addiction. They are prescribed against the background of fibrosis, cirrhosis. Although the drugs have negative effects, their list is narrow, and the frequency of occurrence is low. It is known that some complained of headaches and weakness, joint and muscle soreness. True, it should be understood that the success of treatment is possible only with a combination of these two drugs. They don't work without each other.
What do patients say?
According to reviews, Indian hepatitis C pills givereliable effect. True, opinions are mixed. Someone noted that these funds did not help them. Most of the response is positive, but others who used the drugs thought it was a waste of money. Before checking the effectiveness of the formulations on a particular patient, it is imperative to consult a doctor. It is also important to understand that people's bodies are not identical, so what works well for one may not work for another. Although reviews of Indian hepatitis C pills are generally positive, one must be aware of all the risks associated with the treatment of the disease.

Details: Sofosbuvir
This Indian hepatitis C drug is classified as a prodrug. Once in the human body, it transforms into the active molecule GS-461203, which is capable of inhibiting the RNA polymerase used by the disease virus to copy its RNA. When the patient takes the pill inside, the drug is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The process takes place with absolute efficiency. In blood serum, the maximum content is fixed after 30-60 minutes. The level of entry in connection with plasma proteins is 65%. The therapeutic effect is observed immediately after the start of the course. The agent is processed by the liver and is excreted by half in a quarter of an hour. The main route of excretion is the intestines.
When and how to take?
"Sofosbuvir" is the name of the Indian tablets for hepatitis C, intended for use in identifying the chronic form of the disease. The agent is prescribed for genotypes from the first to the fourth. Canuse as an element of complex treatment. You can not prescribe this medication to pregnant and lactating mothers and minors. Be aware of the risk of individual intolerance. This is also a contraindication. If there are no restrictions, the drug is prescribed for oral administration once a day. A single dose is 0.4 g. The maximum daily and maximum allowable single dose is also 400 mg. Duration of admission - 12 weeks.
Possible backlash
Considered Indian tablets for hepatitis C can cause peripheral edema and fainting. Some have been known to develop shortness of breath, others to suffer from hypothyroidism. There is a danger of retinopathy, although the probability is very small. There is a risk of dyspepsia and diarrhea, as well as lympho-, leuko-, thrombocytopenia. Rash reactions and hypersensitivity to ultraviolet were recorded. There is a danger of allergies.
When treating hepatitis with Indian Sofosbuvir tablets, you need to remember that the effectiveness of this remedy is reduced under the influence of Rifampicin. The effect of "Sofosbuvir" is potentiated when taking "Ritonavir". The combination with "Indinavir" can cause an increase in bilirubin in the blood. The combination with "Irinotecan" leads to a greater poisoning ability of this drug due to slower processing in the body. "Warfarin" acts more strongly, so there is a risk of bleeding, and the effectiveness of "Saquinavir" falls. Absorption of tablets becomes lower when taking antacids. Hormonal contraceptiveswork worse if they contain estradiol. The content of "Sofosbuvir" in the blood serum decreases if the patient takes H2-nistamine receptor blockers or proton pump inhibitors. Sofosbuvir potentiates the effect of Quinidine, Diltiazem. The same is observed when combined with Lidocaine, Amiodarone.

Features and overdose
When treating hepatitis C with the Indian drug Sofosbuvir, you need to remember that it should be prescribed to people over 65 years of age only if it is possible to constantly monitor the patient's condition. Severe kidney failure requires special care. The tool is listed in category C on the FDA scale, which indicates the impossibility of its use when carrying and breastfeeding a child. If the need for hepatitis treatment occurs in a man whose partner is pregnant, he should also refrain from the medication in question. Cases of overdose have not been recorded, but in such a situation, the patient needs therapy based on symptoms that do not appear. The manufacturer recommends very thoroughly titrating the volumes of calcium channel inhibitory drugs if they are prescribed to a person who needs a course of Sofosbuvir. Follow-up ECGs are required.
In detail: Daclatasvir
If you believe the reviews, Indian drugs for hepatitis C work well only in combination, that is, Sofosbuvir must be supplemented with Daclatasvir. It's antivir althe product was developed by BMS and is recognized as an innovative approach in the treatment of hepatitis. Initially, a patent was issued for the Ducklins tool. It is quite expensive, but there are several drugs on the pharmacy market with a similar active ingredient and at a lower price. The peculiarity of "Daklatasvir" is that it can affect the NS5A protein. This is a non-structural object, due to which the disease is difficult to treat with interferons. In fact, this protein is what makes the disease so resistant to human immunity. "Daklatasvir" slows down and completely inhibits the generation of this protein, blocks the spread of the virus already present in the body. Due to this, the Indian drug Daclatasvir, intended for the treatment of hepatitis C, prevents infection of he althy cells. This effect is observed in the treatment of hepatitis C of any known genotype.
Usage rules
Hepatitis C drugs from India, like any other medicines, are prescribed by a doctor and used only under the supervision of a doctor. Self-medication by them is unacceptable. First, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis, then determines contraindications and restrictions on admission, formulates the rules and course, and develops a system of control checks. Individual approach is the key to successful treatment. "Daklatasvir" is intended for oral administration. The tablet is taken whole, without crushing or chewing. After taking the drug, wash down with a small amount of water. The medication is used once a day. Need to work out a scheduletablets and stick to a stable time. "Daklatasvir" is used during meals or immediately after.
Terms and doses
The Indian drug for hepatitis C "Daklatasvir" is used per day in an amount of 60 mg. If the patient missed a dose, it should not be replenished by using a double dose, otherwise there is a danger of an overdose. In rare cases, the doctor reduces the daily rate by half the standard. This is due to the peculiarities of the condition and the combined intake of different drugs. The duration of the course reaches 3-6 months. If it was not possible to achieve a stable result, the doctor cancels the remedy due to an individual reaction of inefficiency.

At the age of 65 years and older, patients can take "Daklatasvir" under the supervision of a physician. No special dose adjustments are required. The use of antacids that reduce the effectiveness of the drug should be avoided. Alcoholic drinks are not allowed.
"Daklatasvir" is always prescribed in combination with other drugs. In addition to the above "Sofosbuvir", you can combine the drug with "Peginterferon", "Ribavirin".
Combination treatment rules
Features of the scheme the doctor chooses based on the genotype of the disease. It is necessary to check for the presence of liver diseases, to establish whether hepatitis was previously treated and what results it gave. Monotherapy "Daklatasvir" is ineffective. You can use it in combination with Sofosbuvir. If there is no hepatic cirrhosis, with the first and fourth genotypes, 60 mg is prescribed for a three-month periodthe first and 400 mg of the second drugs. If you have already used drugs to block the NS3 / 4A protein, you can extend the course for twice as long.
For the first and fourth genotypes and the first step of cirrhosis, it is reasonable to use the same combination for six months. If there was no therapy before, if the viral activity is low, you can halve the duration of the program. In the late stage of cirrhosis, the first and fourth hepatitis genotypes are treated with a six-month combination of Daclatasvir, Sofosbuvir, Ribavirin.
More about schemes
With the third genotype of the disease and compensated hepatic cirrhosis, it is also necessary to combine the three indicated drugs. Such a course is indicated if the patient has previously received treatment for hepatitis, but it has not yielded results. The duration of the use of three funds at the same time is six months.
The same amount of treatment is needed for the fourth genotype of the disease, combining Daclatasvir with Peginterferon-alpha, Ribavirin. The doctor can prescribe the last two remedies in a year-long course. Usually a virological response can be seen at 4-11 weeks. If this is fixed, the duration of the use of auxiliary medications is reduced to three months. If the virus disappears in blood samples by the 12th week, it is necessary to extend the period of taking Daclatasvir up to a year.

Daclatasvir should not be prescribed to minors, as no studies have been conducted to prove the effectiveness and safety of the medicinal compositionfor this group of patients. It is impossible to appoint means at emergence of reaction of individual portability. This can be provoked by any of the components of the drug. There is a danger of increased susceptibility to lactose. Do not prescribe "Daklatasvir" to a pregnant and breastfeeding woman. During treatment, conception is strictly prohibited. The ban is maintained for five weeks after the end of the drug program. Contraception must be used.
Cirrhosis of the liver, transplantation of this organ may be a contraindication for taking Daclatasvir. The decision will remain at the discretion of the leading case doctor. The effectiveness of the drug decreases if the patient uses St. John's wort and drugs containing phenobarbital, rifampicin, rifabutin. The same effect is observed when combined with Oxcarbazepine, Carbamazepine, Dexamethasone.