Natural prunes are an effective and tasty medicine that has long been used to combat constipation. It perfectly eliminates this problem in both adults and children. Prunes are used for constipation because they greatly improve the digestion process. Dried fruit heals the body, because it contains many useful substances. It is an excellent alternative to traditional drugs, which are not always suitable for pregnant women and children.

Causes of constipation and diagnosis of the disease
There are a number of reasons that cause this disease, ranging from intestinal motility disorders due to food intoxication, ending with serious pathologies, including tumors in the colon. Frequent occurrence of constipation is a serious reason to visit a doctor and find out ifwhat actually causes bowel problems.
Diagnosis includes taking an anamnesis, finding out the features of nutrition and lifestyle. Even at this stage, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment. The therapy is based on stimulating the motility of the large intestine. This effect can be achieved using a decoction of prunes for constipation and other dried fruit products. The proven effectiveness of this method, combined with a high level of safety, allows it to be used for mild forms of defecation disorders that are not aggravated by organic causes.

Prunes composition
The effectiveness of prunes for constipation is due to its rich chemical composition, including a huge amount of simple and complex carbohydrates, high fiber content. In addition, prunes contain trace elements (magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium), organic acids, vitamins C, B, A, tannins and pectin.
Useful properties
The benefits and harms of prunes are well studied today, therefore, not only traditional healers, but also representatives of traditional medicine recommend using this method of treatment. The effectiveness of its use is associated with the complex effect of the product on the intestinal wall. It increases the amount of secreted bile and bile acids, which accelerates the peristalsis of the colon and enhances the secretion of fluid in the lumen of the organ.

The fiber contained in dried fruit attracts water, sothereby softening the feces and stimulating defecation. A large amount of sugars has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the colon, normalizing its activity, and beneficial bacteria in the body maintain the required level of functioning and prevent motor disorders.
Even if constipation doesn't bother you, include prunes in your diet. You will notice how your condition will improve thanks to pectin, vegetable fiber and organic acids in the dried fruit. The beneficial properties of prunes include:
- Suppression of the reproduction of pathogenic microbes: E. coli and Salmonella;
- beneficial effect on kidney function, stabilization of water-s alt metabolism;
- steamed prunes increase efficiency and normalize blood pressure;
- is a prophylactic against oncological neoplasms;
- rejuvenates the body;
- improves overall well-being, cleanses the intestines of toxins;
- helps to lose weight.
Selection of dried fruits
To make prunes for constipation effective, when choosing a dried fruit, a number of factors should be taken into account. It is quite difficult to determine its quality in appearance: whether it was treated with chemical solutions or not, how it was stored, whether vitamins remained in the product. To eliminate constipation, the following properties of prunes are important:
- quality;
- where and when was it produced;
- packaging;
- smell;
- appearance.
Ideally, the product should be black, not brown, onthe taste is sweet with a slight sourness, should not be bitter. If after thirty minutes of soaking the water darkens, then you have a natural product.

Shiny, dark gray dried plum fruits indicate that they have been treated with glycerin to improve their presentation. Brown fruits were scalded with boiling water before drying to speed up the process - they will be bitter. The maximum amount of useful substances is preserved by prunes with a stone.
The popular beetroot and prunes salad is effective in eliminating delayed bowel movements, so take note of it to ensure optimal functioning of the internal organs. In addition to the laxative effect, a mixture of beets and prunes provides a comprehensive antibacterial cleansing of the body, and also energizes.
The benefits and harms of prunes are very closely intertwined. In order not to cross the red line, you need to be aware of the existing medical contraindications that limit its use. These include:
- diabetes mellitus or other forms of carbohydrate metabolism disorder;
- breastfeeding (up to 3-5 months) since the active components of prunes can enter the baby's body through mother's milk;
- cholelithiasis - in this case, there is a risk of blockage of the biliary tract;
- Urolithiasis - Stimulation of smooth muscle tissue activity can provoke a sharp shift of stones and blockage of the ureters;
- allergic reaction to the product or its individualintolerance;
- age - at least 3 months.
If the patient has these contraindications, then it is better to refuse the use of prunes due to the increased risk of side effects, as well as exacerbation of existing diseases.

Many are interested in how to use prunes for constipation. To begin with, you should choose a quality product (how to do this, we described above), since the result of treatment depends on this. How to use prunes for constipation? There are many recipes. Some people prefer to use dried fruit without heat treatment, others consider decoctions, infusions and compotes to be more effective. There is no big difference between these methods, you should choose the method that is most suitable for you.
Popular recipes: steamed prunes
This method refers to quick relief for long-term chronic constipation. Prunes for constipation in adults in a steamed form are no less effective than decoctions and infusions. To do this, pour a handful of fruits in a cup with boiling water for 15 minutes and close it with a lid. After the specified time, it is necessary to drain the water and squeeze the dried fruits in gauze, but without effort.
How much prunes should I eat for constipation? All steamed berries must be consumed immediately (4-10 pieces), and then washed down with a decoction prepared in advance. Taking steamed dried fruits at night almost 100% guarantees painless bowel movements in the morning.

Prunes for constipation are effective in the form of an infusion. To do this, pour 100 grams of dry fruits into 250 ml of hot water, tightly close the container with berries, and then wrap it in a thick towel. After an hour, you should drink the decoction and eat the berries that remained at the bottom.
One nuance should be taken into account in this recipe - all the time the medicine is infused, the berries must remain warm - a cold drink loses its medicinal properties, therefore, if it cools down too quickly, then instead of the prescribed 60 minutes of steaming, you can limit yourself to just 30.
One hundred grams of prunes chop with a knife or in another way convenient for you and mix with the same amount of oatmeal. Pour the mixture in a volume of 200 ml of water and put the container on low heat. The composition must be boiled for about 20 minutes.
How to use prunes for constipation in the form of a decoction? It must be taken four times a day, 250 ml. After the last dose (in the evening), you can eat berries.

Prunes and senna
Prunes for constipation can be cooked with hay (grass) for greater effect. To do this, mix 100 grams of fruit chopped in any way with 50 grams of senna and pour the mixture with half a liter of boiling water. Next, the infusion should be tightly closed and left for two hours.
After preparing the remedy, it should be taken in an amount of 50 grams every 60 minutes until a bowel movement occurs.
Dried fruit mix
Many traditional healers claim thatA mixture of dried apricots and prunes is excellent for constipation. This remedy is easy to prepare. Twist thoroughly washed fruits together in a meat grinder or grind until a homogeneous mass is obtained with a blender. Add some natural honey to it and put the mass in the refrigerator.

Take the resulting product in the evenings, one tablespoon. This remedy has a beneficial effect on colon peristalsis.
Kefir and prunes
Prunes for constipation are especially effective in combination with any fermented milk product, such as kefir. You should be aware that in this case, you can only use a fresh product, giving preference to the option with a low percentage of fat content.
Wash ten fruits of prunes and scald with boiling water, remove the seeds. Then grind them until smooth and mix with a glass of kefir. This medicine should be taken two to three hours before bedtime.
Dried fruit compote
Prune compote is used as a laxative if dried apricots are added to it. Such a drink is prepared according to the principle of infusion: a handful of dried fruits are poured with boiling water and brought to the desired state for half an hour. Then the liquid should be drunk and dried fruit should be eaten.
There is also an alternative way of cooking - compote from prunes and dried apricots is cooked in the traditional way, like from any other fruit. Sugar is not added in this case.
Prunes for constipation for children
To get rid of the unpleasant problem of the baby, you need to approachquestion selectively. Preference, as a rule, is given to dried fruit puree or compote, since these products have a pleasant taste and most kids like it. For the treatment of constipation in children with prunes, it is important to choose the most appropriate form that does not cause discomfort in the baby.
Decoctions and infusions of prunes are usually rejected by children because of the unpleasant taste. With constipation, prunes-based compote has a mild laxative effect, as well as an immunostimulating and vitamin property. It can be given to children during intestinal disorders of a non-infectious nature, with colds. For cooking, you will need 100 grams of dried apricots and prunes, water (two liters), honey (to taste).
Dried fruits should be poured with water and brought to a boil over low heat. After boiling, the compote is cooked for another twenty minutes. When the drink has cooled, honey must be added to it. It is not recommended to store such a compote for a long time, since a sediment of suspended particles may appear at the bottom. The he alth drink can be given to children over one year old.
Can I give prunes to a baby for constipation?
As a complementary food, prunes are prescribed for babies after six months. Accordingly, this product can be used for treatment from this age. But there are exceptions: babies who are bottle-fed at the age of 3-5 months experience digestive problems. In this case, after consultation with the pediatrician, they begin to give the child a compote of prunes, starting with ½ teaspoon. If there are no adverse reactions, the dosegradually increase. Up to three months, the use of drugs based on prunes is not recommended.

Other recipes
Crushed steamed prunes should be added:
- to yoghurts;
- homemade cakes;
- fruit salads;
- cocktails.
A wonderful dessert for adults and children over a year old are nuts with prunes. They are poured with honey and insisted for a day. Prunes and honey are a great combination to treat constipation at home. Moreover, the vitamin complex contained in prunes will strengthen the immune system during the cold season and improve the general condition.
Use of dried fruits during pregnancy
The use of prunes as a laxative for constipation in pregnant women should be very careful and only after consulting a doctor. Although in some cases it is the methods of traditional healers that help in the treatment of women in this position.
The fact is that many medicines are prohibited for use during pregnancy. It should be noted that prunes should be consumed in limited quantities (no more than 10 fruits). The same can be said about decoctions of them. If the norms specified in the prescriptions are exceeded, unwanted complications may occur.
So, do prunes help with constipation in pregnant women? Yes, but you should be aware that when using this method, senna grass should be added to the infusion at the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The drink is consumed an hour before breakfast, whichwill allow you to provide normal stools throughout the day.
Benefits of Prune Treatment
The benefits of prunes as an aid in the fight against constipation are as follows:
- pleasant aroma and taste;
- preservation of useful properties in dried form;
- high in fiber;
- effective normalization of the digestive tract;
- unlike traditional medicines, does not affect human performance;
- can be used during lactation and pregnancy.
Do not forget, before using this method of treatment, you should consult with your doctor and take into account all available contraindications.
A few words in conclusion
Any violation of defecation and constipation, first of all, bring discomfort to a person at any age. Medicines and traditional medicine help to solve this problem. How many prunes should you eat per day? The optimal number of fruits for the normalization of bowel movements is considered to be from 4 to 10 pieces, depending on the body weight and age of the person.