Often, the joy after the birth of a child is overshadowed by any diseases or complications of the conditions of young mothers. These can be constantly aching stitches after ruptures, pain in the legs, kidneys or lower back, again, the consequences of a difficult birth. All this gives mommy a lot of problems that have been added to the reverent care of the baby. But a violation of defecation delivers a particularly unpleasant sensation to a woman. In medicine, this condition is called constipation. Many young mothers are tormented by the question: "If constipation appears after childbirth, what should I do?" To determine the methods of dealing with this condition, it is necessary to understand what constipation is and what are its causes.
What is constipation?

This condition refers to persistent difficult or incomplete defecation. Sometimes it happens that the feces do not completely leave the body, accumulating and creating internal discomfort. Absence of bowel movements for several days, difficulty in emptying, as well as incomplete emptying of the intestine - all this is called constipation.
Many young mothers, if they have constipation after childbirth, do not know what to do with this condition. After all, there are cases wheredefecation disorders occur after the birth of the baby for the first time. In this situation, it is necessary to understand the causes of constipation, their types and allowed treatments.
Why does it often occur after childbirth?

There are several reasons for this condition.
- An enlarged uterus can press on the rectum or intestines. At the same time, peristalsis and the promotion of feces are disturbed. They stagnate, and the process of fermentation inside the body begins. At the same time, the young mother herself experiences discomfort, and the harm to he alth is obvious: toxic substances can be absorbed into the bloodstream and transmitted with milk to the baby. If for this reason there was constipation after childbirth, what should I do? Here, time must pass for the uterus to decrease in size, and in the meantime, you can help yourself with the right diet and all the methods noted below to combat this unpleasant condition.
- Wrong diet. If a young mother often eats solid food, dry and s alty, her body is sorely lacking in fluid. After all, she still feeds her baby. The formation of milk takes a lot of liquid, so during the lactation period you need to monitor nutrition and drink. Then the question will not arise: "Constipation after childbirth - what to do?"
- Muscles may be stretched or weakened. In this case, physiologically the fecal masses cannot reach the exit point. This only leads to a worsening of the situation of removing toxins and decay products from the body of a young mother.
- After childbirth, the hormonal background changes dramatically, which can also affect the occurrence of constipation.
- Stress due to the appearance of a baby, associated with dramatic changes in life, can provoke severe constipation after childbirth. What to do with this condition?
Types of constipation in new mothers

There are several types of defecation disorders. In such situations, when constipation is tormented after childbirth, what to do should be determined depending on their type.
- Spastic constipation - this type of constipation increases bowel tone. This happens more often for psychological reasons, as constant nervous tension leads to clamping of many muscles. The intestines are also clamped, and the peristalsis cannot function as it should.
- Atonic - here, on the contrary, the tone of the muscles of the intestines and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, peristalsis is weak. Such constipation can occur due to malnutrition and after a caesarean section.
- Physiological - due to the long passage of feces through the elongated large intestine, constipation may occur after childbirth. What to do? Reviews of young mothers indicate that with such constipation, you need to wait a little time. This is necessary in order to recover all the muscles and their functions after childbirth. And also monitor the constant use of large amounts of water, as the feces, passing a long way, harden.
Emptying the bowel after a difficult birth

In most cases, after difficulties in childbirth, young mothers are afraid to go to the toilet for the first time. It hurts not only to empty the intestines, but also the bladder. In order to facilitate the first time the passage of feces, you must follow some recommendations.
- First, you need to set yourself up for the fact that you need to go to the toilet. It may hurt a little (if there are internal and external stitches or after surgery), but holding on to food decay is even worse than suffering pain several times.
- Secondly, immediately after childbirth, you need to monitor fluid intake - preparations are underway for lactation. At the first birth, it is not recommended to drink a lot of it, in order to drain the mammary glands later. But it should not be enough, otherwise the feces will harden, and you will have to make a lot of effort in order to go to the toilet.
- Thirdly, nutrition should immediately be balanced. The required amount of fiber should be supplied, along with moderate fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Since most fresh fruits and vegetables are not allowed, constipation may occur after childbirth. What to do and how to solve the issue with fiber? Cereals (especially oatmeal), baked apples, bananas will come to the rescue. The baby will not react to such food, and it will be easier for mom to go to the toilet.
Difficulties in treating constipation in the postpartum period
At the first time after the birth of a baby, a mother is worried about a lot of questions. In the presence of defecation disorders, women often ask: "If there is constipation after childbirth, whatdo? How to treat it, because many medicines are not allowed for nursing?"
To complicate the situation with constipation, hemorrhoids that arose after childbirth can also. Then all attention will be directed to solving two problems at once, because the fear of defecation is now associated not only with childbirth, but also with pain in the rectum. In such cases, it is important to monitor nutrition and help with folk remedies or medicines.
Changing your diet to combat delayed bowel movements

With the birth of a baby, the mother's diet also changes. In order not to provoke allergic reactions in the crumbs, she must carefully monitor her diet: what she eats and in what form. How to get rid of constipation after childbirth with a change in diet?
For a good formation of feces, it is undesirable to eat white bread, semolina, bleached rice, wheat bran. These products contain a lot of carbohydrates and little fiber, which negatively affects bowel movements. You also need to give up a large number of nuts, legumes, currants. It is recommended to use buckwheat and oatmeal, vegetable oil instead of butter, fermented milk products, black bread. Vegetables and fruits in solving this problem will be the most effective remedy, but they must be used with caution so as not to harm the well-being of the child.
Which fluids will help?

We have already noticed that drinking plenty of waterhelps to overcome constipation after childbirth. How to treat constipation after childbirth - only with water? You won’t be full of water alone, besides, during lactation, you need to monitor the fat content of milk. Fruit compotes that do not cause fermentation will come to the rescue in the fight against constipation. There are also some medicinal decoctions of herbs.
Liquid fermented milk products are good for young mothers suffering from constipation. It can be kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, acidophilus and others. You can make liquid homemade yogurts, which will not only treat constipation, but also restore the intestinal flora of mom and baby.
Medicines for constipation
In case of severe constipation, laxatives will help, but only those that are allowed by the doctor. Often, with such problems, drugs based on lactulose are used; glycerin and sea buckthorn suppositories can also help. The latter are effective even with hemorrhoids. But we must not forget that laxatives can be addictive, and also have a negative effect on the child's intestines. Therefore, they should be used already in cases of severe constipation after childbirth.
Phytotherapy for young mothers
- Boil chopped figs (2 tablespoons) in a glass of water or milk. Take 1 tbsp. several times a day.
- If spastic constipation is diagnosed, then herbs with a sedative effect are taken: valerian root, anise fruit, nettle, mint, chamomile and strawberry leaves are mixed in equal proportions. Take 1 tbsp. such a mixture and insist in a thermos. Take half a glass 2 times a day after meals.
- With atonic constipation, a mixture of anise, fennel and cumin fruits is brewed in equal parts. Then strain and take about 1/3 cup three times a day.
- Brewed flax seeds are good for long-term constipation. Before going to bed, you need to drink such a decoction.
Exercise to get rid of constipation

Good exercise solves the problem of constipation. They are especially useful for weak intestinal muscle tension, which makes peristalsis ineffective for moving feces. Yes, and with spastic constipation, exercises will not interfere. This method not only helps to cure constipation, but also restores the mother's figure after childbirth, and is also safe for the baby.
- Immediately after giving birth, you can do breathing exercises. It is important to breathe deeply with the retraction of the abdomen as you exhale. This exercise is absolutely safe.
- Some time after the birth of the baby, you can afford some physical activity. A woman lying down can press her knees together, thus forcing the muscles of the pelvis to tighten.
- Standing, stretch your arms forward, while inhaling, take your right hand back, return it back. Do the same with the left hand.
- On all fours, draw in the abdomen and perineum, hold your breath, then relax.
Then the exercises can be made more difficult, gradually adding a load on the press and legs.
What can cause constipation?
Constipation negatively affects the bowel: fermentation occurs due to absorptiontoxins, there are problems not only for the mother, but also for the baby. Violation of the intestines can affect the immune system, skin, hair condition. A young mother can be bothered by constipation and hemorrhoids after childbirth at the same time. What to do in this case? Be sure to treat! Hemorrhoids can be external, internal, cracked, and so on. For the safe treatment of these diseases, sea buckthorn suppositories are used, "Relief", if additional funds are needed, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician during lactation.