Iodine from toenail fungus: reviews. Treatment of nail fungus with iodine

Iodine from toenail fungus: reviews. Treatment of nail fungus with iodine
Iodine from toenail fungus: reviews. Treatment of nail fungus with iodine

From the article you will learn how iodine helps with toenail fungus. Reviews about him have always been the most diverse. Today you can learn in detail about the properties of this amazing and versatile remedy, read opinions on the most effective methods of treatment.

Although there are a lot of different antifungal agents in the pharmacy, remember how much iodine costs, and how much are popular ointments? But their effect is identical. We propose to get rid of this disease in a budgetary way. The main thing is to carefully read and strictly follow the instructions so as not to harm yourself and not aggravate the situation. Treatment should begin immediately, with the first symptoms. As you know, some diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. In this paper, you will also learn about the prevention of nail fungus.


Many people use iodine for toenail fungus, reviews of which are mostly positive, already a large number of people have been able to cure this ailment with the presented remedy. In this section, we propose to consider the signs and symptoms of nail fungus. Even if you have not previously had this disease, youyou can diagnose it yourself at home. If you still doubt the accuracy of your diagnosis, make an appointment with a doctor, he will completely eliminate your doubts and prescribe treatment.

iodine from toenail fungus reviews
iodine from toenail fungus reviews

Before highlighting the symptoms, let's clarify one more important information. This disease is quite common, the fungus is caused by fungi called "dermatophytes". The fungus is also called mycosis. Another important fact: this disease is spreading among the adult population. 20 percent of people suffer from toenail fungus, but it is extremely rare in children.

So, the signs of fungus are:

  • loss of shine and discoloration of the nail plate;
  • increased brittleness;
  • itch;
  • pain;
  • peeling off parts of the nail plate.

These are the initial symptoms that you should immediately pay attention to and start treatment. The fungus is able to progress, then you can see the following symptoms:

  • thickening of the nail;
  • deformation of the nail plate.

In total, there are 3 types of this disease: normotrophic (discoloration of the nail, but no thickening or deformation is observed), hypertrophic (discoloration, thickening and deformation of the nail plate), atrophic (changed color, thinning and rejection of the area affected by the fungus).

Traditional medicine

As we said earlier, you can notice the fungus at home on your own with the naked eye, but only an experienced one can confirm the diagnosisdoctor. Book a consultation with a dermatologist. Start treatment right away because the neglected form can cause a number of diseases:

nail fungus treatment
nail fungus treatment
  • mycotic eczema;
  • aspergillosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • infection of other nails;
  • infection of the skin and other organs.

It is up to you to decide which methods to treat, but we have already asked the question: how much does iodine cost? Depending on the city, prices vary, but the average cost is 20 rubles. And the simplest ointment from the fungus will cost about 100 rubles or more.

Traditional medicine in this matter is almost as effective as traditional treatment. For this reason, we bring to your attention several effective recipes based on iodine.

Properties of iodine

Before we move on to recipes, we propose to discuss an equally important issue. Now you can find out the properties of iodine, so it will become clear why it will help in this situation.

properties of iodine
properties of iodine

More than one person tried to be treated with this remedy. If iodine is used correctly and regularly, then you can get rid of the fungus not only on the nails, but also on the affected areas of the skin. Treatment of nail fungus with iodine is the most common and inexpensive method of getting rid of mycosis.

Everyone knows that iodine has these properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • disinfectant.

In medicine, iodine is used in the form of an alcohol solution to disinfect wounds (5 or 10percentage solution). Iodine has a number of effects:

  • cauterizing;
  • disinfectant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antimycotic.

The last term means that iodine is able to get rid of the fungus. It is thanks to this property that it is so useful in the treatment of mycosis.

Method 1

Many who have experienced this disease have asked themselves this question: does iodine help with nail fungus? Of course, you can get rid of mycosis at home on your own, without resorting to expensive drugs, using ordinary iodine. Next, we will talk about a few "grandmother's" ways to treat the fungus.

It is necessary to use iodine daily to treat the affected nail. To do this, purchase a 5% solution and a pipette. Do not use more than 1 drop, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences. This procedure can be carried out 2 times a day. For prevention, treat other nails, only 1 time in 2 days. If you feel a burning sensation during processing, then this is a good sign - iodine kills the fungus. However, if the burning sensation is very strong, then do the procedure less frequently.

Be sure to remember that nail files, scissors, nippers and the like for sick nails should be separate so as not to infect other nails. If you follow all the rules, the result will be visible in a week.

But the reviews say the following: we must also take into account the fact that the nails from such treatment will have a yellow color. If you wear open shoes, it will look unaesthetic. Plan your holiday treatment.

Quick way

how much does iodine cost
how much does iodine cost

For this method we need:

  • alcoholic solution of iodine;
  • pelvis;
  • warm water;
  • bandage;
  • antibacterial ointment;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

The advantages of this method is that the color of the nail plate does not change, there is no burning sensation. We need to drop a little iodine into a basin of warm water and soak the feet in the solution for 10 minutes, then cut off the affected areas of the nail, treat the skin with peroxide and apply a bandage with antibacterial ointment. The duration of the course of treatment is only 3 procedures. Many people who have used this method highlight the fact that the effect of the procedure comes fairly quickly as another advantage.

The way for busy people

In this section you will learn another way to cure nail fungus with iodine. The advantage of this method is that you will not spend a lot of time processing. This method is for "lazy people" or very busy people who suffer from this ailment. The downside of the recipe is that the course of treatment is 6 weeks. We need iodine, 9% vinegar and Fukortsin. Processing should take place no more than 2 times a day. For two weeks, treat the affected areas with iodine, then 2 weeks with vinegar and two weeks with "Fukortsin".

Feedback from users suggests that this method is no less effective: you will also get rid of the fungus without spending much time and effort on treatment.

Fourth way

does it helpiodine for nail fungus
does it helpiodine for nail fungus

We reviewed some of the "grandmother's" remedies for the treatment of toenail fungus, now we bring to your attention another effective method. For it, you need to acquire the following materials:

  • iodine;
  • apple cider vinegar.

Mix these ingredients in equal proportions and treat the affected nails. For prevention, you can use neighboring nail plates. Many people in their reviews focus on the fact that in order to treat nails affected by onychomycosis and he althy ones, it is necessary to take different disks. After treating a nail with a fungus, it is not necessary to treat neighboring he althy nail plates with the same cotton pad. This procedure must be carried out in the morning and evening every day for two weeks. After completing the course, at least 10 days should pass, then you can (if necessary) continue treatment.


Although iodine against fungus is used quite often, you should understand that this is not a guarantee of getting rid of this disease. Just like other means, iodine has its own contraindications:

  • very sensitive skin;
  • intolerance to this remedy;
  • severe infection.

Whether iodine recipes will help you or not depends on the degree of infection and on the type of fungus introduced. However, these methods are not very expensive and you can try them. Reviews claim that the guarantee of the success of these methods lies in the correct proportions and daily care.

how to cure nail fungus with iodine
how to cure nail fungus with iodine

Thoughiodine is safe, you need to consider that it has some side effects, these include:

  • yellowness of the nail plate;
  • probability of being burned (if used incorrectly);
  • inefficiency in advanced forms of the disease.

Before starting treatment, it is better to visit a dermatologist who will tell you how to be right for you in this situation. If the form is running, then it is necessary to combine several ways to get rid of the fungus (ointment, traditional medicine and medicines).


Treatment of nail fungus is a very complex process, so it is easier to prevent this disease. Here are some simple tips to help you:

toenail fungus treatment
toenail fungus treatment
  • daily foot wash with antiseptic;
  • after a bath, always dry your feet;
  • use a personal towel for your feet;
  • use a pumice stone at least once a week (this must be done to avoid infection because old skin is an ideal breeding ground for fungi);
  • prevent sweaty feet (use talcum powder and other anti-sweating agents);
  • change socks every day;
  • do not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • do not wear wet shoes;
  • use personal slates in public places (bath, sauna, swimming pool, beach, and so on);
  • do not use nail polish or other people's shoes;
  • use special protective equipment (ointments, solutions, etc.) before visitingpublic places (baths, saunas, beaches, swimming pools, and so on).

These simple remedies will help you avoid fungus infection of the nail plate or the skin of your feet.

Iodine from toenail fungus: reviews

In this section you will find out what people who have tried to treat nail fungus with traditional medicine say. Many used iodine for toenail fungus, there are different reviews (positive and negative). The whole reason lies in the fact that iodine does not help with all forms of the fungus. Earlier it was said that the consultation of specialists is simply necessary in any case. If you follow all the rules and take a set of measures, then you can get rid of toenail fungus quickly and forever.
