During the cold season, antiviral drugs are very popular in pharmacies. They help to quickly overcome the flu and other colds caused by viruses. One of these is Kagocel. The use of tablets allows you to protect a weakened body and help the immune system cope with viruses. This drug is used in the treatment of many pathologies. It is necessary to study the instructions for use and contraindications before taking Kagocel tablets.
Composition of the drug
Kagocel in the amount of 12 mg is the main active ingredient in the composition of the drug. Of the auxiliary components found:
- Potato starch.
- Calcium stearate.
- Lactose monohydrate.
- Povidone.
- Crospovidone.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, there is no other medicinal form.
Pharmacological action on the body
Penetrating into the human body, "Kagocel" contributes to the production of interferon, which is distinguished by its antiviral activity. The production of this substance is observed in all cells that take part in the fight against viruses: T and B lymphocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts.
After ingestion of Kagocel tablets, the instruction states that the concentration of interferon in plasma reaches its maximum values after 2 days. In the intestines, the maximum amount of the active substance is observed after 4-5 hours. High doses of interferon in plasma persist for 4-5 days after taking the pill. The body responds to the drug by prolonged circulation of interferon in the bloodstream.
"Kagocel" practically does not cause side effects during therapy. If you take the drug in the recommended dosage, then it does not have a toxic effect on the body, does not accumulate in the tissues. Conducted animal studies have not revealed mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic and embryotoxic effects of the drug.
Does not provoke the development of Kagocel side effects in men and women in the reproductive area.
Maximum effectiveness of therapy can be expected if you start treatment with the first symptoms of a cold or viral disease. If prevention is needed, then you can start taking Kagocel at any time.
Indications for use of the drug
Before considering the side effects of Kagocel, it is important to find out under whatpathologies it is prescribed. Doctors recommend taking the drug for such diseases:
- Acute viral infections.
- Flu.
- Diseases caused by the herpes virus.
- In the complex therapy of urogenital chlamydia.
- Intestinal infections of a viral nature.

The drug is excellent for the prevention of viral diseases in both adults and children.
Contraindications and side effects of "Kagocel" will be considered further, and now we will study the therapy regimen and dosage.
Instructions for using the medicine
Before starting therapy, it is imperative to study the instructions that come with the drug. The one for Kagocel explains that the tablets are taken orally, they must be washed down with plenty of water, without crushing or chewing.
Eating does not affect the therapeutic effect of the drug. The duration of therapy and effective dosages should be recommended by the attending physician, taking into account the severity of the disease, the age of the patient and the presence of other comorbidities.
The standard treatment regimen for adult patients is as follows:
- According to the instructions for use, adults are recommended to take Kagocel for the treatment of acute viral infections and influenza in the first couple of days three times a day, 24 mg each (two tablets). The next two days, the dosage is reduced to 12 mg three times a day. In total, the course will require 18 tablets.
- As a prophylacticthe drug is recommended to drink for two days once a day, 2 tablets, then a break for 5 days and can be repeated. The duration of such preventive courses can be from several weeks to 3-4 months, as long as there is a need for this.
- If "Kagocel" is used for the treatment of herpes, then the following scheme and dosage must be observed: for 5 days, take 2 tablets three times a day.

Always the frequency and duration of taking the drug should be agreed with the doctor.
Drug for the treatment of babies from 2 years old
Kagocel therapy is not provided for this age group. Two-year-old babies are prescribed the following drugs:
- "Orvirem". This medicine contains rimantadine and is available as a syrup and is indicated for the treatment of influenza in young patients.
- "Anaferon". The drug contains ready-made antibodies to human interferon gamma. Can be given to babies from one month of age. The tablet must first be dissolved in a small amount of boiled water.
- "Tsitovir-3" in powder form. It is allowed to use in children's practice from the age of one. The advantage of this drug is the possibility of its use for the treatment of children with atopic dermatitis.
- "Tamiflu". A medicine for children from one year old is allowed, it is available in the form of capsules and powder for the preparation of a suspension.
Treatment of children is recommended only after examination by a pediatrician. Even the most harmless drugs can cause seriousconsequences.
Kagocel after three years
If the baby is already three years old, then the drug can be taken as follows:
- For the first two days of illness, give the child 12 mg twice a day.
- The next two days, the dosage is one tablet once a day.
The course lasts 4 days, 6 tablets are required for it.
Drug for five year olds
If the baby is 5 years old, then for the treatment of viral diseases, the drug is recommended to be given according to the same scheme and in the dosage as for children of three years. According to the instructions, "Kagocel" for children as a preventive measure recommends prescribing a course of seven days. The scheme is as follows:
- Give your child one tablet each for the first two days.
- Followed by a break of 5 days.
- Then the reception is repeated.

The course can last from a week to several months. If you look at the information in the instructions, then the use of "Kagocel" for children for prevention is required:
- During the season of colds and viral diseases.
- After contact with a patient with SARS or influenza.
If you follow the recommended treatment regimen, the drug will help prevent the development of the disease or reduce the likelihood of complications.
Kagocel for six-year-olds
Information in the instructions for use recommends giving children over 6 years of age the drug in the following dosage:
- The first two days, 12 mg three times a day.
- The next two daystablet twice a day.
In total, 10 tablets are required for a 4-day course. Can be taken with or without food.
Drug for children 7-10 years old
Children 7 years and older are prescribed the drug as follows:
- On the first day, three tablets a day.
- On the second day, you also need to take 36 mg, divided into three doses.
- On the third day, the dosage is reduced to two tablets.
- On the fourth day, the amount of the drug is the same.
The sooner you start taking the drug, the more effective its action. It is advisable to drink "Kagocel" from the first day of illness, after 4-5 days there is no point in taking it, the body begins to produce interferon on its own.
Parents' feedback on the treatment of children
In children's practice, the drug is used recently, but all reviews are divided into two camps. Of the advantages of Kagocel, mothers note the following points:
- The tablet is small in size, making it easy for a child to swallow.
- The course of therapy is short, it is only 4 days.
- Kagocel has virtually no side effects.
- One package is enough for a baby's therapy.
- Improvement is observed already on the second day after the start of taking the drug.
- The drug can be purchased at every pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
- Comparing the cost of the drug with other drugs with similar therapeutic effect, it is much lower.

But amongthere are opponents of the drug and those who talk about the ineffectiveness of the drug for the treatment of children. Some also note in the reviews the side effects of Kagocel.
Distribution of the active substance in the body
The drug contains the active substance kagocel, a synthetic interferon inducer. The drug is Russian-made and has no analogues in its active ingredient.
Means in a matter of hours stimulates the production of interferon in the intestine, in plasma the maximum will be maintained for several days. But "Kagocel" penetrates into other tissues and organs, the substance was found:
- In the liver.
- Spleen.
- Lymph nodes.
- In the cells of the lungs.
- In the kidneys.
Most of the drug is excreted through the digestive tract and about 10% in the urine.
Negative effects of therapy
Most often, side effects do not appear during Kagocel therapy. The drug is well tolerated by most patients. Even in pediatric practice, adverse reactions are rarely noted. In rare cases, from the side effects of Kagocel, reviews confirm this, it can provoke an allergic reaction.
Who is not recommended for drug therapy
Not all patients can use this drug to fight viral and other diseases. The following categories fall into this group:
- If you have hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug.
- If you have lactose intolerance, lack of lactaseor glucose-galactose malbsorption.
- Children under three.
- Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Analogues of the drug
If there is no "Kagocel" or the drug is not suitable, then you can choose an analogue that will have a similar therapeutic effect, among those can be noted:
- "Tsitovir-3".
- "Cycloferon".
- "Anaferon".
- "Amixin".
- Arbidol.
- Remantadine.

When choosing an analogue, if Kagocel gives side effects, it is important to discuss the replacement with your doctor and study the instructions for using the new drug.
Combination of the drug with other drugs
"Kagocel" refers to the group of drugs that are easily combined with other drugs. Against the background of taking the drug, you can be treated with other antiviral drugs, antibiotics or immunomodulators.
What do patients say about the drug?
Most of the reviews about this drug are positive. Many note that recovery comes faster if you take a course of Kagocel. Among the pluses, they also note the absence of foreign smell and unpleasant taste, serious adverse reactions and the ability to use in the treatment of children.
But you can also find dissatisfied patients who are distrustful of the following points:
- Presence in the composition of gossypol - a substance derived from cottonseed oil. It was found that it reduces the fertility of males, this is especially true for children. Since 1989, the use of gossypol in medicines has been banned. Some manufacturers reassure, assuring that there is no danger, since this substance in Kagocel is in a bound state and cannot show its negative effect.
- Laboratory testing of the drug was carried out only on rats, and studies on primates and volunteers are needed to prove the effectiveness and safety. There is also a placebo control group. No one has done this with this medicine.
- It is also doubtful that the drug is approved for the treatment of children from 3 years old, and earlier the instructions contained other information that is possible only after 6 years.
- There is no agreement among doctors on the use of medicine in pediatric practice, some consider it effective and safe, others prefer to prescribe other means to babies.
If you listen to the opinion of the children's doctor Komarovsky, he believes that among all antiviral drugs, only Tamiflu and Oseltamivir have been proven effective. These drugs are based on oseltamivir, the substance has passed a lot of clinical studies, which cannot be said about other drugs in this group.
Most often, antiviral drugs, including Kagocel, help speed up recovery, but before starting it is better to visit a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.