Transvaginal sensor: dimensions (photo)

Transvaginal sensor: dimensions (photo)
Transvaginal sensor: dimensions (photo)

Modern gynecology has several accurate and safe research methods. One of these methods is transvaginal ultrasound. For its implementation, a transvaginal sensor is used, which is inserted into the vagina. Many women are frightened by its size, and they are afraid that internal tissues will be damaged during the study. Can it happen? How big is this sensor? You will learn the answers to these and many other questions from today's article.

What is it

transvaginal ultrasound transducer
transvaginal ultrasound transducer

The transvaginal sensor is a microconvex type device, the main feature of which is the presence of a microscopic scanning head. It is necessary to monitor the current state of the woman, as well as the developmental features of the fetus in early pregnancy.

The transvaginal sensor, the photo of which you see in the article, is indispensable forultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, as well as in the diagnosis of gynecological pathologies in patients.

What the sensor looks like

This is a special tube with a camera on the end. The diameter of the transvaginal probe is only 3 cm and the total length is 12 cm. Often there is a channel inside such a device where a biopsy needle can be placed.

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the body and the specific location of the uterus, the sensor is designed with an oblique view relative to its axis. Thanks to this, ultrasound with a transvaginal probe is more convenient.

types of transvaginal sensors
types of transvaginal sensors

There are several types of device. Some clinics prefer a straight handle transducer for routine gynecological procedures. Reproductive he alth centers almost always use a transducer with a beveled handle, thanks to which in vitro fertilization or biopsy can be performed.

The transvaginal transducer with a beveled handle is more comfortable and ergonomic when examining in the gynecologist's chair.

What is the frequency range of the sensor

The frequency range of transducers used for transvaginal scanning is 4-7 MHz in most cases. Higher frequencies are generally not used for examining the uterine cavity.

The fact is that the depth of the uterus is easily detected by a gynecologist, so there is no need to purchase sensors with a higher frequency.

The scanning angle of such sensors varies from 120 to140 degrees. This angle is sufficient to fully examine the uterus. There are also special sensors, thanks to which they receive a 4D image and simultaneously display the image on the screen.

difference between traditional ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound
difference between traditional ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound

Such equipment is capable of studying the structure of small parts of the fetus, its cardiovascular system, as a result of which doctors can detect abnormalities at an early stage.

Advantages of this device

Due to the ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, the diagnosis can be greatly simplified. Because of this, this procedure has become widely accepted in medical practice. Moreover, this method is safe for the he alth of a woman and a child, so you can do ultrasound multiple times.

Research with a transvaginal sensor provides an opportunity to timely detect the development of many pathologies of the female genital organs with oncological or inflammatory etiology.

If Dopplerography is used together with this method of examination, it is possible to identify the likelihood of thrombosis in time, examine the blood flow in the pelvic organs and detect atherosclerosis.

Also, a transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs is more meaningful and informative than a conventional examination through the abdominal wall.

Transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy

Some women believe that transvaginal probe testing during pregnancy can harm the development of the baby. In fact, this method is completelysafe.

Here are a few arguments that will help you boldly go for this examination while carrying a child:

  • In the early stages, with the help of ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor, you can find out about the presence of a multiple pregnancy, as the device will show the number of embryos in the uterus.
  • This is an indispensable method that helps to detect ectopic pregnancy in time, as well as the place of atypical attachment of the fetal egg. Only timely diagnosis will help to quickly remove the embryo without injuring the soft tissues, which will allow the woman to have children in the future.
  • Combining transvaginal ultrasound with Doppler sonography, it is possible to detect the first pathologies of the fetal vascular and nervous system for early diagnosis of genetic diseases and malformations of the child.
  • Thanks to the use of a transvaginal ultrasound probe, you can get more reliable information about the thickness and condition of the endometrium, and see the likelihood of a miscarriage. All this will allow you to take timely measures and save the pregnancy.

Ultrasound with a transvaginal probe is performed only in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The rest of the time, the fetus is examined only with a standard transabdominal probe.

How to prepare for this ultrasound method

transvaginal ultrasound machine
transvaginal ultrasound machine

Before you come to the ultrasound examination room, you need to prepare a diaper or a towel that is laid on the couch. In paid clinics, a disposable bed sheet is already included in the priceUltrasound.

To prepare for an ultrasound, it is ideal to drink a gas-reducing drug (filtrum, smecta, activated charcoal or others) the day before the procedure. Also limit your intake of foods that cause bloating.

One more thing: before carrying out this method of examination, you must empty your bladder.

Some patients ask if it is possible to have sex before the procedure. Usually, when taking smears from the vagina, it is prohibited. With a transvaginal ultrasound, sex will not affect the results in any way.

How is a pelvic ultrasound done with a transvaginal probe

The sensor is inserted into the woman's vagina. Before examination, the patient is exposed below the waist and takes a comfortable position on the couch. For hygiene purposes, a condom is put on the sensor, which is then lubricated with a special gel designed for ultrasound diagnostics.

preparation for transvaginal ultrasound
preparation for transvaginal ultrasound

The size of the transvaginal probe is small (approximately 12 cm depending on the model), so it is easy to insert and the woman does not experience any discomfort. If they occur, you must immediately inform the doctor about it. When a biopsy is needed, it is done during the examination with a needle attached to the end of the transducer.

During the procedure, the doctor will slightly move the sensor inside the vagina, but this, as a rule, does not affect the sensations. Most women who have undergone the procedure note the complete absence of unpleasant moments.

Optimal timingprocedures

Your doctor will answer this question for you. The timing of the survey depends on the specific objectives of the survey. We will cover only a few common features:

  • If a woman is bleeding on any days other than menstrual days, urgent diagnosis is necessary, as this may be a sign of pathologies requiring urgent treatment.
  • To check for endometriosis, you need to come for an ultrasound in the second half of the cycle.
  • To determine the causes of infertility or during preparation for conception, transvaginal ultrasound is performed three times a month: on the 8-9th day of the cycle, on the 15-16th and already after the 22nd day.

Elective procedures are carried out immediately after the patient's period ends.

Deciphering ultrasound

ultrasound decoding
ultrasound decoding

Ultrasound waves can detect pregnancy at the very beginning, which is important for patients who are waiting for IVF results.

Normal indicators of ultrasound of the reproductive system are as follows:

  • The uterus, if normal, will be 71 mm long and 62 mm wide, with a diameter of 40 mm. In terms of density, the tissue should have a uniform consistency, the thickness of the inner layer of the mucosa will vary from a couple of millimeters to several centimeters.
  • The cervix should be about 4 centimeters long and have a uniform structure. Before your period starts, your cervical canal will be filled with mucus (fluid).
  • The ovaries should be 30mm long, 25mm wide and 15mm thick. On examination, bumpycontours. The tissue will be dense, homogeneous, fibrous areas are allowed. A pair of follicles is visualized, of which one will be dominant.
  • If everything is normal, the fallopian tubes will not be visible on ultrasound or they will be barely visible.
  • When examining on day 13-15 of the cycle, there may be some free fluid, but only in a small amount. This will not be considered pathological.


transvaginal sensors
transvaginal sensors

Transvaginal ultrasound as a diagnostic method has practically no contraindications. The doctor may refuse to undergo the procedure for patients who have a serious condition or who need urgent surgery.

Where is this examination method carried out

Ultrasound using a transvaginal probe is carried out both in free antenatal clinics and clinics, as well as in private medical centers. If you would like to have this procedure, you must have a referral from your doctor.


The transvaginal sensor is the most informative method for diagnosing pathologies of the pelvic organs and fetal development during pregnancy. The main thing is not to try to interpret the results of ultrasound on your own, as they can vary greatly depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body and the time of the procedure.

In some cases, the doctor adds the traditional method to the transvaginal diagnostic method. This is necessary in order to form a complete picture of the state of the female reproductive system.
