Timely diagnosis is the key to he alth, and each person should understand the importance of contacting the right specialist. With a gynecologist, each treatment has a very specific character, but regular visits to a specialist can prevent various unpleasant diseases. Sometimes dangerous diseases do not even have symptoms, in such cases the problem can be detected through modern diagnostic methods, which include transvaginal ultrasound.

Procedure at gunpoint
Modern gynecology offers patients a range of accurate and completely safe examination methods. Among them, not the last place is occupied by transvaginal ultrasound. But for some reason, this phrase repels many women with its obscurity. It's all about lack of awareness and some prejudices in relation to this procedure. Toto eliminate unnecessary doubts, it is worth understanding the features of this method. The essence is already in the name. Transvaginal ultrasound does not differ much from traditional sonography. The tissues are also affected by ultrasonic waves, which are reflected from objects and are recorded by a special sensor. After that, the reflection of the waves is transformed into images. The clarity of the picture largely depends on the number of layers overcome by the waves. The process uses a vaginal probe, which is inserted into the vagina and contacts the examined organs as closely as possible. The main advantage of this method of research before ultrasound through the abdominal wall is to obtain the most high-quality and clear image. In this way, the smallest and slightest deviations from the norm can be detected.

There is evidence
It can be said that transvaginal ultrasound can detect those diseases that do not yet have any symptoms. Therefore, with the help of ultrasound, early diagnosis in gynecology and urology is acceptable. But if there are no symptoms, then why and when is it worth resorting to such a method? Indications are pain in the lower abdomen, moreover, of any intensity. This may indicate diseases of the pelvic organs. An alarm bell is a failure of the menstrual cycle with characteristic heavy bleeding or, on the contrary, a complete absence of discharge, as well as with irregular, excessively painful and long menstruation. You should also consult a doctor if you experience discomfort in the lower abdomen during intercourse.

Special article
But, in addition to all of the above, there is one more important point that you need to contact the ultrasound department. This is the diagnosis of the causes of infertility in women. Transvaginal pelvic ultrasound is one of the few methods that allows you to visually assess the patency of the fallopian tubes. As a rule, the examination is carried out with the dynamics of several days. This is necessary in order to track the process of formation, growth and opening of the follicle in the ovaries. The examination will help determine the size of the follicles and their number in the ovaries. If the data is unsatisfactory, then the doctor, based on the results, will prescribe a course of vitamins, medical manipulations, or recommend taking a closer look at artificial insemination. By the way, transvaginal ultrasound of the small pelvis is relevant for the control of artificial insemination. By the way, for those women who are really looking forward to pregnancy, the suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy will be a strong disappointment. So this method with great certainty helps to determine the localization of the fetus.
It is worth saying a few more words about the importance of the method. With it, you can control various methods of contraception, whether it be a spiral or a vaginal ring, as well as track the effect of contraceptives on the state of the endometrium. The method helps to confirm or refute suspicions of tumor changes, which is extremely important for the early diagnosis of the disease, when timely intervention not only saves the patient's life, but also her chances of motherhood.

Why yes?
The procedure, according to doctors, is safe, but still, at a certain time, transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus is no longer done. It seems to women that such penetration inside can harm the child or provoke uterine tone. In fact, the method is harmless, but still relevant only for the first trimester. Further, pregnancy management can be carried out with the usual abdominal method, which is more comfortable for the woman herself. According to doctors and patients, there are several weighty arguments to do transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy. Firstly, the diagnosis of pregnancy can be carried out in the early stages, and in fact, when examining through the abdominal wall, the doctor may doubt the location of the fetal egg. Secondly, in this way it is possible to determine a multiple pregnancy. Thirdly, this is an indispensable way to detect ectopic pregnancy, and with timely diagnosis, the necessary operation will minimally injure the tissues and the woman’s ability to conceive will remain. Fourthly, this method is able to detect the first signs of pathology of the nervous and vascular system of the fetus, which is extremely important in the first trimester. The fifth argument in favor of such a study will be the most reliable information about the state of the endometrium and chorion, on the basis of which the placenta is formed in the future, as well as the early detection of the slightest symptoms of a miscarriage. Such information allows you to take timely action and save the pregnancy.

How is itprocedure?
In order for the slightest doubts about the rationality of such a study to disappear, it is worth understanding the algorithm for conducting it. So, how is a pelvic ultrasound performed? Transvaginal examination involves exposure of the lower body. So the woman will have to undress to the waist and lie down on the couch, putting a small pillow under the belt. The legs should be bent at the knees and try to pull them towards you. The doctor sits at his feet and puts a special disposable condom on the sensor for hygiene purposes. The transducer is now gently inserted into the vagina. This is not painful, as the tube is only 3 cm in diameter and 12 cm long. There is often a channel for the biopsy needle inside the probe. The sensor is not inserted deeply and does not cause discomfort, but in the process the doctor moves it a little and it is felt.
Be ready
Global preparation is not required for pelvic ultrasound. Transvaginal examination involves the emptying of the large intestine. There are no obvious contraindications, but it is better to do it for your own comfort. Sometimes an enema is needed to empty the bowels. Excessive gas formation can also interfere with the study. So before the procedure, you need to slightly adjust the menu, namely, limit dairy products, soda, sweets, fried foods and some vegetables. Some medicines can help in the fight against flatulence. If the ultrasound is performed through the abdominal wall, the doctor may recommend filling the bladder immediately before the procedure. For patients, this moment can causesevere discomfort. By the way, many girls are interested in whether sex is allowed before the procedure. If such a restriction is appropriate when taking smears, then sex the day before does not affect the results of the ultrasound.

When to conduct research?
Is there a time when it is best to do a transvaginal pelvic ultrasound? It is always better to find out exact information on this issue from your attending physician, since the time is selected depending on the goals of the study. In general, there are several recommendations. So to confirm endometriosis, you need to carry out the procedure in the second half of the cycle. If a woman plans to conceive or wants to determine the causes of infertility, then transvaginal ultrasound is performed in dynamics. The timing may vary slightly depending on the length of the menstrual cycle, but it is best to do it three times. For example, on the 10th, 15th and 23rd day of the cycle. And if, for example, a woman is worried about bleeding, then it is impossible to delay the diagnosis, since the disease may require immediate treatment. Any planned procedure is carried out immediately after the end of menstruation.

Interpreting the results
If you do a transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvis, you can quickly and accurately diagnose a number of pathologies or just make sure of your own he alth. All women are interested in the results of such a study. The picture of ultrasound changes with various diseases and in the dynamics it is more effective to check your he alth. But in any case, do not try to interpret the resultsindependently, as they are absolutely individual for each woman. During the study, the work of the internal genital organs of a woman is evaluated, which include the uterus, ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes, as well as the genitourinary system. By the way, it is impossible to examine the fallopian tubes without the introduction of a special fluid. Therefore, for this purpose of the study, a contrast solution is required. At the same time, the amount of free fluid in the lower part of the abdominal cavity is studied. When examining the uterus, it is important that its contours are clear and even. Deviation speaks of inflammatory processes.

Most often, women do transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy in order to examine important organs in close proximity. But for girls who do not live an intimate life, such a research method is not available, since there is a high risk of damage to the hymen. For these, a special transabdominal or transrectal sensor is used.