Are the lungs cleared after quitting smoking: a description of the process, effective methods, timing, reviews

Are the lungs cleared after quitting smoking: a description of the process, effective methods, timing, reviews
Are the lungs cleared after quitting smoking: a description of the process, effective methods, timing, reviews

For many people, it is very difficult to give up such a bad habit as smoking. In some cases, addiction enslaves a person so much that when quitting smoking, many different negative symptoms appear, for example, hunger, sweating, shaking, depression. Everyone knows that nicotine eventually affects the lungs, and after that the entire human body. But do the lungs clear up after quitting smoking? We will talk about this in more detail in this article.

General information

Smoking kills the human body not only from the inside, but also spoils its appearance. Speaking about whether the lungs are cleared after quitting smoking, it should be noted that this will depend on how heavily the organs were contaminated, and also for how long smokedHuman. Passion for such an addiction can provoke many respiratory diseases, an allergic reaction, chronic bronchitis, gastritis, stroke, heart attack, which will lead to changes in the cardiovascular system. Before answering the question of whether the lungs are cleared after quitting smoking, you should take a closer look at the unpleasant symptoms that can occur after you quit smoking.

to give up smoking
to give up smoking

Unpleasant symptoms

When a person quits smoking, he begins to feel some unpleasant symptoms, which are as follows:

  1. The smoker's cough gradually begins to increase, while turning into a suffocating one. This phenomenon will be normal in case of quitting smoking, it indicates the exfoliation of bad mucus from the walls on the lungs. Do not be afraid, you just need to be patient during the first days.
  2. When a person quit smoking, his body is most prone to respiratory diseases. Those people who have begun to fight smoking often begin to get sick. This symptom can be explained by a temporary weakening of the immune system due to stress due to the fact that the body stops receiving nicotine.
  3. Inflammation on the skin in the area of the chest, face, back is increasing. This can be explained by the stress that the human body begins to experience, everything inside is rebuilt for he althy work.
  4. Depressive mood, emotional breakdowns, irritability appear.
  5. A person notes previously unfamiliar pains instomach, migraines, headaches.

It is important to note that all existing symptoms that occur after a person has given up smoking will be temporary and should be endured. All symptoms of a negative nature will indicate a breakdown of the human body due to a lack of nicotine. Such signs disappear within 2-3 weeks after quitting smoking.

Do the lungs clear after quitting smoking?
Do the lungs clear after quitting smoking?

Are the lungs cleared?

The answer to this question is yes. What will be the signs of clearing the lungs after quitting smoking? These should include:

  1. The musty smell that is present in the oral cavity disappears. The white coating on the tongue is reduced, the smell of smoke, which comes earlier from the skin and hair, is eliminated.
  2. The tone of the face gradually improves, fresh breath appears, clarity of the eyes appears. More efficient and deeper supply of oxygen to the brain and blood.
  3. When a person has coughing attacks, the work of the entire olfactory system will also improve, a person will begin to feel the taste of food more vividly.
  4. Gradually, he althy blood circulation begins to improve, and the condition of the vascular system improves.

Lung Cleansing

The most difficult time is the first 4 days after giving up a bad habit. It is during this period that the bulk of surface contaminants from the lung walls come out. Many ex-smokers don't know if their lungs clear up when they stop smoking. Of course, they will be cleansed, but the process will go gradually. How much time will it take for this? The entire cleansing period should be divided into several stages.

lung clearance after smoking
lung clearance after smoking


So, we figured out if the lungs are cleared if you quit smoking. At the initial stage, a layer of sputum, as well as mucus, will leave the walls. As a rule, this stage takes from 2 to 4 days. It was at this time that the ex-smoker's cough intensified. Coughing is the first sign of the start of the cleansing process, the first signal that the epithelium of the bronchi begins to revive, and the cilia begin to work again, clearing the lungs.

Pollution comes out

2 months after quitting smoking, the first impurities begin to be removed from the body. In parallel with this, the complexion brightens, dullness disappears, inflammation is eliminated.

Lung capacity

If you quit smoking abruptly, in 3-6 months you will be able to measure the indicators with a spirometer and rejoice. You will notice that the vital capacity of your lungs has increased several times.

Renewal of cells and capillaries

2 months after giving up a bad habit, the cells begin to renew completely. Capillaries that have been damaged over many years of smoking begin to recover again, returning to normal. The heartbeat calms down, adjusting to the normal rhythm, in parallel with this, the vascular walls are restored.

clean lungs
clean lungs

Organs and teeth

After six months, liver cells begin to recover. The gastric mucosa, gastritis is also updatedsubsides. Enamel on the teeth, which turned yellow, begins to lighten 10 months after quitting smoking. The surface of the nail plates also becomes whiter.

It is believed that the lungs after quitting smoking are completely cleared after 10-12 months. It is after a year that a person’s risks of heart attack and stroke decrease. Women after 12 months can plan to conceive a child without fear of developing any pathologies in him. The risk of developing cancer will remain for life, but will be much lower.

Cleansing the lungs after smoking at home

You can achieve a positive effect on the body in various ways. Cleansing the lungs after smoking at home is best done in a complex way. As a rule, the methods described below are used for this.

Russian bath

During the cleansing of the lungs after smoking, it will be very effective to visit a Russian bath. The traditional steam room has a positive effect on the lungs. However, it should be noted that the sauna does not have such an effect. It is necessary to use a fresh broom made of oak or birch. It is also desirable to add herbs to it, which have an expectorant effect on the body. The respiratory system is restored in this way after smoking much faster. Ideally, a Russian bath should be visited at least once a week.


How else can you cleanse the lungs and bronchi after smoking? Organs will become he althy faster if a person begins to inhale special medicinal decoctions. There are many of them. To prepare them, you can use eucalyptus or pine oil, oak leaves, chamomile, fir, sage, wormwood, lavender, mint and many other ingredients. If you don’t have a special inhaler to use such a folk remedy for cleansing the lungs after smoking at home, then you can simply breathe hot steam over a pot of decoctions. It is advisable that this procedure be carried out before going to bed.

lung cleansing
lung cleansing

Physical activity

Another effective remedy for clearing the lungs after smoking is physical activity. To do this, ex-smokers must carry out walks through the coniferous forest. If possible, experts advise doing a short run, so that cleaning will be much faster. In addition, swimming, aerobics, skiing, yoga are very useful. However, it should be remembered that the loads should not be too intense, because at first the lungs simply may not be able to cope with them.

Proper nutrition

Cleansing the lungs of a smoker after smoking must necessarily include proper nutrition. The diet should contain a large number of products that contain phytoncides in their composition. These include garlic and onions. Also, the diet should be enriched with vitamins and proteins.


Above, we figured out that inhalations to cleanse the lungs after smoking must be done using decoctions based on medicinal plants. However, you can also use the infusion in the form of tea. There are many different herbal preparations that help cleanse the respiratory system of various resins. We will look at some recipes below.

Violet and oregano

So, the process of cleansing the lungs after smoking can be done at home. An infusion based on oregano and violet is considered quite effective. To prepare it, you need to take one spoonful of these ingredients, grind them thoroughly, pour two glasses of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. After that, the finished product is drunk 3 times a day. The course of purification itself should be at least 1 month. Such an infusion has a mild effect of clearing the lungs, but the cough in this case will not increase.

lung contamination
lung contamination

Onion syrup

Another effective cleanser is onion syrup. Preparing such a composition is quite simple at home. To do this, chop a large onion, cover it with sugar, then put it in a container and send it to a warm room. To do this, you can put a container with onions on the windowsill on the sunny side of the house.

The syrup that is formed in the container must be drunk in one day, but in four doses. This procedure is carried out once a week. As a result, the human body is cleansed not only of existing resins, but also of various kinds of infections.

Herbal infusion

To prepare such a healing infusion, you will need a large number of ingredients: primrose, horsetail, pine buds, elderberry, lungwort, licorice, istod, plantain, soapwort, pikulnik, thyme,tricolor violet and fragrant violet, fennel, elecampane.

Place one spoonful of all the ingredients into the container, after which the herbs are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 glass of liquid per one and a half tablespoons of the dry mixture. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for 2 hours. The finished product is taken in the amount of one glass before bedtime. The duration of treatment should be at least 2 months.

Weight gain after smoking and first improvements

Many people are afraid to quit smoking for the reason that they have a fear of gaining extra pounds. The possibility of gaining mass is due to severe hunger, which many seize. Appetite will return to normal in 3-4 months after giving up a bad habit. To do this, a person will need to go on a diet, controlling their snacks.

During a year of smoking, about 1 kg of harmful substances, as well as dirt, settles in a person's lungs. The cleansing process will take a very long time, everything will depend on the degree of contamination of the organs. No need to bring the body to the brink.

1 month after quitting nicotine, the body begins to produce the required number of white cells on its own, which strengthens the immune system.

The sense of smell is gradually restored, the former smoker begins to feel the world around him better, inhaling the smells, feeling the taste of each product in the dishes. In addition, the irritable reaction to sour food is no longer so pronounced.

the process of cleansing the lungs after smoking
the process of cleansing the lungs after smoking

Appearance,which is very important for the fair sex, becomes the most attractive. Hair and skin return to normal, fine wrinkles disappear, bruises under the eyes disappear.


Many people successfully give up such a bad habit as smoking. Reviews say that traditional medicine recipes are very effective for cleansing the lungs, thanks to which you can prepare various infusions, syrups and decoctions at home. However, it has been noted that therapy aimed at cleansing the lungs should be complex. Therefore, in parallel with the use of decoctions inside, it is also necessary to periodically inhale, visit a Russian bath, walk in the fresh air through the forest. In this way, you can quickly clear your lungs of dirt and harmful accumulated substances.


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that cleansing the lungs after prolonged smoking is simply a necessary process that is needed to restore organs as quickly as possible, as well as return them to normal activity. It will not be enough to remove this addiction from your life. It is also necessary to carry out procedures that will help your body get rid of toxins and dirt accumulated in the lungs. Of course, the recovery process is quite lengthy. But if you follow all the rules and recommendations that were indicated in this article, you will be able to cleanse your respiratory organs in 6-12 months.
