Spanish sage: benefits and harms, contraindications, how to apply

Spanish sage: benefits and harms, contraindications, how to apply
Spanish sage: benefits and harms, contraindications, how to apply

Spanish sage is a plant best known for its beneficial seeds. Adherents of proper nutrition call them chia. Initially, the plant grew only in America, but today it has spread throughout the world. It is valued for its many beneficial properties. Chia helps with weight loss, improves the condition of the skin and hair. It is useful to eat its seeds during pregnancy. We will tell in this article more about the Spanish sage. You can also see a photo of chia below.

What is this plant?

This plant came to us from Central America. Originally grown in Mexico. It was first brought to Europe by European colonists, but it did not receive proper distribution. The popularity of Spanish sage began to grow only in recent years, when its seeds began to be actively used by folk lovers.medicine.

Sage is an annual plant. Previously, it was grown exclusively in Mexico at an altitude of about 1500 meters. But today all of South America is an importer of its seeds. Most chia is grown in Guatemala and Argentina. Australia has also been a major importer in recent years.

sage field
sage field

The Spanish look is not distinguished by its expressive appearance. The maximum height of its stem rarely exceeds 1 meter. The leaves of the plant are opposite, long, but not very wide. The flowers are inconspicuous, they have a lilac or purple hue. Less common are white or dark red buds. In folk medicine, as a rule, the seeds of the plant are used, and not its aerial part. They have a rounded shape, resembling an external egg. The seeds are small and shiny, and a barely visible pattern can be seen on their peel.

Chemical composition

The healing properties of Spanish sage are due to its composition, which includes a lot of useful trace elements. The exact amount will depend on the specific plant variety. Seeds are a rich source of dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on digestion. Fiber helps speed it up and improve the absorption of beneficial vitamins and minerals by the intestinal walls. Therefore, chia seeds are useful for constipation and other diseases of the digestive tract.

Sage is a rich source of proteins and fats. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining he althy skin, nails and hair. They also have a positive effect on the nervous system, thereforehelp with stress, depression and anxiety.

Chia seeds contain several vitamins: A, B, C and D. They also contain trace elements necessary for he alth, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, magnesium and others. Sage is a rich source of amino acids: glutamine, aspartic and others.

But you should not immediately start eating seeds in unlimited quantities. Excessive consumption will do more harm than more. It is best to check with your doctor before taking them.

Useful properties

When used properly, you may notice the benefits of Spanish sage after just a few applications. Its seeds have many medicinal properties. First of all, due to the content of a large amount of fiber, they have a beneficial effect on digestion. Dietary fiber also improves metabolism, which helps people lose weight faster.

chia seeds
chia seeds

It is useful to use chia and with increased anxiety and stress. The seeds have a sedative effect on the nervous system. The person becomes calmer, irritability and drowsiness disappear. Chia also helps with insomnia.

Sage intake also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is recommended for use in diabetes mellitus, as it evens out blood sugar levels. This is due to a decrease in the dependence of cells on the produced insulin. Chia also helps with vascular diseases. Seeds are useful for the prevention of their blockage. They have a vasodilating effect, which contributes topressure normalization.

The beneficial properties of sage do not end there. Due to the large amount of calcium, it strengthens teeth and bones. Potassium helps to fight swelling, as it helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Manganese normalizes the production of hormones and is useful for thyroid diseases. Chia seeds also have an antiseptic and antiviral effect on the body. Their moderate use strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight pathogens better.

Spanish sage is actively used in cosmetology. It is used to speed up wound healing. It also helps to cope with dermatitis and promotes the removal of pus. Chia seeds are added to many cosmetic products. They moisturize the skin, making it more elastic and toned.

Harm from use

The benefits and harms of Spanish sage should be carefully considered before taking. Its seeds are a dietary supplement, so they need to be eaten in limited quantities. The useful elements that make up their composition, with excessive use, will only harm the body. So, an excess of dietary fiber will affect digestion. It can lead to diarrhea. In addition, the seeds are a high-calorie product. There are approximately 425 calories in 100 grams of chia. This means that with excessive use, you will not only not lose weight, but also gain excess weight.

sage seeds
sage seeds

Harm of the Spanish sage, as a rule, is insignificant. To avoid it, it is best to start eating seeds in small portions, graduallyincreasing them. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should stop using it. After that, you will immediately feel better. If your condition does not improve, then you should seek help from a doctor.


It should be understood that plant seeds are not a panacea for all diseases. Yes, it contains a lot of useful things in its composition, but this does not mean that it can be safely eaten by all people. Spanish sage also has contraindications.

sage flowers
sage flowers

Chia seeds promote vasodilation. It is useful for people who suffer from high blood pressure. And harmful for patients with hypotension. If you have low blood pressure, then seeds can only exacerbate the problem. Chia thins the blood, so they should not be taken at the same time as drugs that have a similar principle of action. It is not recommended to use seeds for people with sensitive digestion. Taking them can cause gas in the intestines and lead to diarrhea.

Eating the seeds may cause an allergic reaction. In this case, you should stop taking them. Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. It can be skin rashes, itching and redness. In extremely rare cases, the patient is diagnosed with difficulty breathing.

When dried, chia seeds are contraindicated for people with thin and sensitive tooth enamel, as they can damage it.

Can I grow my own seeds?

Sage - a plant that came to us in Central America, where the climate is humid and warm. TodayYou can also grow it at home. It is only important to create all the necessary conditions for him to develop comfortably. Most likely, it will not work to grow it in central Russia at your summer cottage. But it grows well in home pots. Planting and caring for Spanish sage (chia) must be carried out according to strict rules.

Before planting, the seeds must be placed in a glass container, and then poured with warm water. After that, it needs to be removed for about 12 hours in a warm and bright room. This will speed up their germination. Seeds in the container should be stirred from time to time. Then their chia, along with water, is poured into pre-prepared soil. From above, cover them with a layer of earth 2-3 cm thick.

Spanish sage
Spanish sage

After planting, it remains to wait for the seeds to sprout. If you did everything right, this should happen in 2-3 days. You need to grow them in a warm and well-lit place. After another day, the sprouts should stretch about 5 cm in height. When the Spanish sage grows, transplant it into separate pots. Then it is recommended to plant them in open ground. The place should be sunny, and the soil itself should be watered regularly. For plant growth, it is useful to use organic fertilizers.

How to apply?

Eating Spanish sage helps you lose weight and improve your he alth. Decoctions and infusions are not prepared from its seeds. Instead, they are added to various dishes. Since they absorb liquid well, they are used in the preparation of drinks. Chia seeds are added to smoothies, yogurts and freshly squeezed juices. They are also used to decorate pastries and desserts, replacing poppy seeds or sesame seeds. Seeds can also be added to fresh vegetable salads. This will make them not only he althier, but also more satisfying.

Dessert with chia
Dessert with chia

Proponents of he althy eating also germinate the seeds before eating them. It is believed that this way they are better absorbed by the body. The seeds are also used in cosmetics. You can make homemade body scrubs and face masks from them. You can also buy chia oil in stores. It is taken orally or used externally. It helps with high blood pressure and also improves metabolism. Oil can be applied to skin and hair if they suffer from dryness, tightness and brittleness.


Spanish sage seeds have recently been increasingly used for weight loss. They contain a lot of dietary fiber, which improves digestion. Seeds also have a positive effect on metabolism, due to the slowdown of which many people gain weight. But you need to be careful. Seeds are a high-calorie food, so you need to eat them in small quantities. To lose weight, they should be added to your dishes: salads, desserts, drinks. They help you feel full faster. As a result, you will eat less, but fill up. The seeds take a long time to digest in the stomach, so it is good to eat them in the morning.

Seeds in smoothies
Seeds in smoothies

High fiber content helps speed up digestion. It helps with constipation and increased gas formation. But it is worth remembering that an excess of seeds in the diet, on the contrary, can lead to bloating.

For hair and skin

The fatty acids that make up the Spanish sage (chia) have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin. That is why its seeds are actively used in cosmetology. But you can take care of yourself with their help at home. The use of seeds in itself will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It will become more hydrated and elastic. But if desired, the effect can be enhanced by making homemade masks and creams from chia. They not only moisturize the skin, but also have a regenerating, rejuvenating and soothing effect.

Chia seed masks normalize the production of oil from the sebaceous glands of the skin. They are useful if the skin is too oily or dry. Home remedies can help smooth wrinkles, reduce eye bags, and even out skin tone.

Seeds help to normalize the functioning of the scalp, so they are used for dandruff. As a rule, chia is used together with other he althy oils to enhance the effect. It is also useful to use seed masks on dyed or damaged hair.

When Pregnant

Spanish sage (chia) can also be used by pregnant women, but should be used with caution. Doctors recommend eating seeds in small quantities. In this case, they will only benefit the growing fetus, as they will enrich the diet with magnesium, calcium and iron. Seeds help improve a woman's immunity, and also have a positive effect on her digestion. As a result, the body absorbs useful microelements and vitamins better, which has a positive effect on the development of the baby.

During pregnancy
During pregnancy

But you can eat chia seeds during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor. It is worth remembering that it has contraindications, and if used excessively, they can harm the body.

With diabetes

Spanish sage helps to normalize the work of the pancreas, and therefore has a positive effect on the he alth of patients suffering from diabetes. Regular intake of seeds in food improves metabolism, which can slow down due to this pathology. Chia helps to lose weight and not gain weight. Namely, this problem is often faced by patients with diabetes mellitus. Scientists also believe that the seeds help normalize the insulin resistance of cells. Therefore, patients are advised to consume one tablespoon of chia daily to improve their well-being. Seeds can be added to cereals, drinks, desserts, or simply diluted in water.

To improve bowel function

It has already been said above that Spanish sage has a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the high content of dietary fiber, its seeds are recommended to be eaten for chronic constipation. They stimulate the intestines and speed up the digestion of food. As a result, it will no longer linger in the body. The insoluble fiber in the seeds is also good for bowel function. It massages its wall, which speeds up the passage of food through them.

Doctors advise taking no more than 1 tablespoon of seeds per day. If you eat more, then diarrhea will come to the place of constipation.
