In the article, we will consider the benefits and harms of sage.
This plant has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Its medicinal properties are described in the works of the healers of Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. Hippocrates called it "sacred herb" and advised to use it to rejuvenate and strengthen the body, as well as to treat a number of diseases. The homeland of this medicinal plant is the Mediterranean, from where the herb came to other regions along with trade caravans.

Not everyone knows what sage looks like.
General Features
Sage officinalis is a cross-pollinated herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Sage looks like this:
- height of branched straight stems, woody at the base, reaches about 70 cm;
- leaves are greenish-gray, oblong,densely pubescent;
- flowers are collected in inflorescences, have purple corollas.
Flowering time - summer period, June-July, and fruit ripening occurs in late summer-first half of autumn. Wild sage is not found in Russia, but is cultivated almost everywhere. This plant is a good honey plant. As a medicinal raw material, sage leaves are harvested, as well as tops with inflorescences, which are dried in well-ventilated areas. Plant substrate is recommended to be stored in rooms with low humidity.
Active Ingredients
What sage looks like, see the photo below.
The leaves of the plant, as well as its inflorescences, contain a large amount of essential oil. It also contains some organic acids (acetic and formic), bioflavonoids, pinene, tannins, vitamins C, B1 and P, camphor, tannins, salvin phytoncide, paradiphenol and linalool (terpenoid compound). The seeds of this plant contain many oils and proteins, and coumarin is found in its roots. What are the benefits and harms of sage?

Useful properties
Due to the increased concentration of a number of biologically important components, sage has antibacterial, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory properties, has an astringent and tonic effect. Preparations based on this plant help to increase the secretory activity of the digestive organs, act as a diuretic and allow you to fight excessive sweating. Grassis also a strong immune stimulant.
Plant damage
Despite the fact that sage is very useful for the body and is used in the treatment of many pathological processes, it is dangerous to abuse it. With prolonged use of drugs based on this medicinal plant, allergic reactions may develop, and use in high dosages can cause poisoning.
Indications for use

Means based on this medicinal plant are indicated for the following pathological conditions:
- diseases of the digestive tract;
- pathology of the urinary tract and kidneys (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
- hypertension;
- liver disease;
- viral infections (as a general tonic to increase immune defense);
- cholecystitis;
- bronchitis of any form;
- pneumonia;
- neuritis;
- angina;
- diabetes mellitus;
- sciatica;
- polyarthritis;
- bronchial asthma (to eliminate attacks);
- inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis);
- mumps;
- dermatological diseases (psoriasis, fungal infections);
- nervous diseases;
- chronic fatigue;
- excessive sweating.
Externally, such remedies are prescribed for wound healing, chemical and thermal burns, abscesses and frostbite. Traditional medicine advises the use of this healing herb to treat lesions of the respiratory system, for example, with pulmonary tuberculosis. ATsage has a high concentration of natural estrogen analogues, so it is used for disorders that occur during the menopause (nervousness and hot flashes).

Hemostatic properties help reduce blood loss during prolonged and heavy menstruation. Also, the herb is used to prepare baths for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Sage is included in the content of gastric preparations, with which you can fight flatulence, increase appetite, improve intestinal motility, stimulate the production and discharge of bile. The plant strengthens the immune system well, increases physical endurance and mental activity.
Sage essential oil is used in aromatherapy to relieve headaches during fatigue and to relieve emotional stress. In cosmetology, sage decoctions are prescribed to fight dandruff, acne and reduce oily skin.
Contraindications for use
Sage preparations should not be taken in case of acute inflammation of the kidneys, hypothyroidism (low production of thyroid hormones), as well as hypersensitivity to plant substances. Since the herb has estrogenic qualities, it is contraindicated in women with fibroids, polycystic ovaries, and endometriosis. Another contraindication is pregnancy and lactation.
The benefits and harms of sage must be taken into account.
Use in gynecology
Sage contains many active phytohormones, which are similar in nature to the sex hormones of women. Biological compounds compensate for the lackestrogens and stimulate the processes of their synthesis. Thanks to this, sage can be successfully used for infertility, provoked by violations of the ovulation process.
The healing properties of sage for women are unique.
This plant is also recommended for the treatment of frigidity. If a woman wants to conceive a child, it is recommended to take an infusion of this herb from the 4th day of menstruation until the period of ovulation. After it, the infusion should not be taken, as it increases the tone of the uterus and may interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Baths with sage in gynecology are used for inflammatory pathologies of the external genital organs, for vaginitis, candidiasis, etc.
Other female ailments that sage can help with:
- failures in the regularity of menstruation;
- various inflammations;
- pathological discharge of unknown origin;
- cervical erosion.
When breastfeeding
When it's time to wean a baby, sage will help. If there is no urgency in this, and you can stop breastfeeding gradually, then with the help of this plant you can make the process as easy and painless as possible. When using sage-based preparations or self-made decoctions, milk will gradually become less and less, and the child will understand that other dishes can be eaten.
With menopause
What else are the healing properties of sage for women?
During the onset of climacteric phenomena - profuse sweating,hot flashes, irritability also helps sage well. The fact is that menopause begins against the background of insufficient synthesis of female hormones. Phytohormones of this plant will compensate for the lack of estrogen and stimulate its natural production. Thanks to this, the patient will no longer feel discomfort to such a pronounced degree.
In the treatment of throat diseases
The instructions for use for sage tablets will be presented below.
The plant has antiseptic properties, and due to this it is used in the manufacture of various medicines for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.)
Such sage throat remedies are available as lozenges and lozenges with a pleasant aroma and refreshing taste.
It is necessary to take them after meals, dissolving in the mouth, 4-5 times a day.

Instructions for use for sage tablets must be strictly followed.
In addition, you can prepare solutions for gargling at home by brewing grass in a thermos. Rinses are also carried out several times a day until complete recovery.
For diseases of the digestive system
Sage for throat helps very well. Also, medicines based on it are successfully used in the elimination of many diseases of the digestive system. For example, this herb enhances the formation of bile and stimulates its removal from the gallbladder, establishing food processing processes. Sage also normalizesperistalsis in the intestines, which occurs due to its property to increase the activity of muscle fibers. Thus, this plant is used for gastritis, when the mucous membrane of the stomach is affected, constipation, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. However, it must be borne in mind that the herb is best used in the chronic form of such pathologies, because if the disease is acute, a sage-based remedy can only increase unpleasant symptoms.
Use in children
The use of medicinal herbs in childhood helps to avoid many troubles in the form of side effects that almost all medications have. Traditional medicine here is the safest and most effective way to solve many children's problems.
Sage is often used to bathe newborns. The grass is brewed and the decoction is added to the bath when bathing the baby. Such water will have a wound-healing and antiseptic effect on children's skin, which will help to avoid diaper rash and various rashes.
In addition, sage is good for respiratory diseases in babies. His infusions rinse a sore throat, use it when a child has a strong cough with a cold. Up to three years, this plant is only allowed to be used externally, and then it can be taken orally as a medicinal tea.

The properties of sage herb contribute to the rapid recovery of the baby, strengthen the immune system, and contribute to the removal of pathological secretions from the bronchiin diseases such as bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and pneumonia.
Sage can be used for dermatitis in children, psoriasis, eczema as a wound healing agent, and also for burns.
We looked at the benefits and harms of sage.