How to express breast milk correctly? Technique for expressing breast milk with hands and a breast pump

How to express breast milk correctly? Technique for expressing breast milk with hands and a breast pump
How to express breast milk correctly? Technique for expressing breast milk with hands and a breast pump

Expressing breast milk is one of the most important skills of every breastfeeding mother. It is necessary in different cases: due to swelling of the mother's breast, the need to feed the baby, during the period of lactation. Milk production depends on both the mother and the baby. However, not everyone is able to establish feeding quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare for this process. How to properly express breast milk, we will tell in this article. The he alth of a woman and the nutritional value of a baby's diet depend on the correct pumping technique.

breast milk expression technique
breast milk expression technique

When to express milk

There are several situations where breastfeeding is not possible without pumping:

  • Premature birth. A baby who was born prematurely does not yet have a breast sucking reflex. Such children do not know how to suck, but they really needin breastfeeding, their life and he alth may depend on it. Unlike purchased mixtures, mother's milk contains the maximum amount of nutrients that accelerate the development of the baby. Therefore, pumping in this case is considered the only correct option.
  • Weak sucking reflex. Many babies are born with an underdeveloped sucking reflex. They suckle their breasts very slowly and for a long time, as a result they do not eat up. Most often, this lasts only the first week after birth, and then the child gets used to daily efforts. But if this continues further, it is worth excluding the possibility of serious diseases in the baby by contacting the doctor. In any case, you can not stop feeding, just learn how to express breast milk correctly and start bottle feeding your baby.
  • Bad lactation. When there is very little milk coming, all means of producing it are good. Knowing how to express breast milk with your hands, you can increase its flow. Constant pumping enhances lactation, although it makes it unstable for the baby's regimen.
  • In treatment. Many medicines are prohibited for nursing mothers due to their penetration into milk, which can harm the he alth of the baby. But it happens that their counterparts do not cope with the treatment. In order not to stop breastfeeding, milk is expressed before taking medication and frozen to feed the baby for the period of treatment. Regular pumping allows you not to stop breastfeeding during treatment. The breast continues to produce milk, even if not for the baby.
rules for expressing breast milk
rules for expressing breast milk

How lactation normalizes

Establishment of lactation awaits every woman who has given birth. Therefore, knowledge of the technique of expressing breast milk is necessary. In the first minutes after the birth of a child, colostrum is produced in the mother's breast. It can not be called milk, but for a newborn it is already good nutrition. Only after two or three days the breast is filled with milk. The child is not able to immediately suck out such large portions, so it is necessary to express breast milk. When and how much milk needs to be expressed, it is easy to determine by the baby's appetite. If you do not express milk from both breasts in a timely manner, this can lead to serious he alth problems.

Periodic pumping during this period will normalize lactation. It is impossible to squeeze out all the milk from the breast at once, as soon as it ceases to be hard to the touch, pumping must be stopped. The milk supply will gradually adjust to the feeding of the baby, and pumping may no longer be required.

expressing breast milk with a breast pump
expressing breast milk with a breast pump

Preparing to express milk

Proper expression of breast milk is especially difficult for those women who have their first child. But with proper preparation, the process will be as comfortable as possible. Where to start:

  1. Drink hot relaxing tea 15 minutes before pumping.
  2. Warm up your chest well, take a shower, and then apply a warm towel to your chest.
  3. If the baby is not around, think about him with your eyes closed.
  4. Massage your chest lightly with your hands.

This completes the preparation for pumping. The most important thing is not to be nervous and not to worry. Before expressing breast milk with your hands, you need to tune in to a good result. Then everything will happen naturally easily. A more serious procedure should be carried out in the presence of lactostasis. With it, stagnation appears in the chest, which must be removed with a special massage and rubbing.

Expressing milk by hand

When hand expressing breast milk, it is worth remembering about hygiene. Before starting the procedure, hands must be thoroughly washed and dishes sterilized. For pumping, you will need a container with a wide base, such as a deep plate or cup. The container must be placed at chest level for pumping to be as comfortable as possible. Next, you need to adhere to the following technique:

  1. Grasp the areola with your fingers, the big one should be at the top, and the rest at the bottom. The fingers should be clenched towards the ribs and resemble the letter C.
  2. Next, you need to roll your fingers towards the nipple. Movements should be slow, but rhythmic and confident.
  3. You can move your fingers around the circumference of the areola for more active pumping. But you can not let go of the skin or go beyond the areola area.
  4. The milk will drip at first, but then it will trickle.

Pumping one breast takes about 15 minutes. However, at first it can take up to half an hour. After several procedures, the technique will improve, and the process will be significantly reduced.

how much to express breast milk
how much to express breast milk

Hand pumping rules

So that this process does not cause pain or discomfort, it is worth considering some rules for expressing breast milk:

  1. During pumping, do not massage the breast, put pressure on it or squeeze it. Painful sensations that cause discomfort will only reduce milk production.
  2. Fingers should be continuously on the areola. You can not tear them off the chest and re-compress the skin.
  3. Fingers should move continuously around the circumference. Thus, all milk ducts will be worked out as much as possible.
  4. Chest should be changed every 5-7 minutes.
  5. Do not pull on the nipple as this may cause dryness, sores and cracks.
  6. Pumping the breast should be painless, if there are discomfort, then the technique is broken.
  7. A woman should be in a comfortable position, maximum relaxation contributes to good lactation.
  8. Before the first pumping procedure, you should consult a doctor.

Pros and cons of hand expressing milk

Like any procedure, manual expression of breast milk has a list of advantages and disadvantages. Of the advantages of this method can be noted:

  1. There are no contraindications for breastfeeding.
  2. It does not require any investment.
  3. A woman can regulate the whole process of feeding her baby herself, without even getting out of bed.
  4. No injuries of any kind.
  5. Manualpumping does not cause pain, as it happens when using a breast pump.
  6. Skin contact promotes good lactation.
  7. You can stimulate the mammary glands well only with your own hands.
  8. There are no side effects of manual pumping.

There are also a few downsides:

  1. Long time to express breast milk.
  2. A woman should carefully prepare and strictly follow the pumping technique.
  3. Not everyone manages to evenly empty their breasts, this causes stagnation of milk.


Breast pumps are the constant helpers of every nursing mother. They allow you to express milk quickly and safely. There are a huge number of their variations, divided by cost, manufacturer and mode of action. Knowing the advantages of each model, a woman can choose the most comfortable device for herself.

Breast pumps are divided into two large groups: mechanical and electrical. To decide on a model, you need to know how these two types of devices work. By following the instructions, you can learn how to work with any of them correctly.

pumping breast milk when and how much
pumping breast milk when and how much

Mechanical breast pumps

These devices are most often called manual breast pumps. They are suitable for those women who rarely express milk, for example, when lactation is normalized immediately after childbirth or during short separations from the baby. Mechanical devices are divided into several types, divided by the mode of action.

Pump action. This model of breast pump is the easiest to use. It consists of a funnel and a pear-shaped rubber pump. Expression of breast milk with a breast pump of this type occurs by squeezing the pump with your hands. The vacuum created inside the device provokes the release of milk secretion

Syringe. The device itself looks like a syringe. The breast pump includes two cylinders: internal and external. The inner one is applied to the chest, and the outer ones must be made in translational movements

Piston. This machine contains a breast attachment, a milk bowl and a lever. To empty the mammary glands, you need to attach a funnel to the areola and constantly press the lever. Of all mechanical models, it is piston breast pumps that are considered the most comfortable. They do not cause milk stagnation and are very easy to manage

Electric breast pumps

These models also create a vacuum in the nipple area, but their engine is not a manual force, but a motor powered by batteries or mains. To begin the pumping process, a woman just needs to attach the breast pump to her breast and press the button. Electric devices greatly simplify the extraction of milk, do not cause discomfort, and also do not require a lot of time for the procedure. How much to express breast milk, the woman decides for herself, thanks to the adjustment of the device modes. The breast after expressing with the help of such a breast pump becomes soft, and the flow of milk flows in a trickle. This is a good sign of a successful pumping.

breast milk expression time
breast milk expression time

Breast milk storage

Every woman should be aware of the rules for storing expressed milk. If they are neglected, milk will not only lose all its beneficial properties, but can also adversely affect the he alth of the baby. Spoiled breast milk develops bacteria and pathogens. To prevent this from happening, milk must be expressed and stored in a hygienic manner. At room temperature, milk is stored for no more than 3 hours. Storage of breast milk after pumping in the refrigerator should last no more than 4 days. If you express milk in reserve, you need to take care of the container in advance. Transfusions are highly discouraged, so pump directly into a freezer bag or container.

Where to store breast milk

Once you've figured out how to properly express your breast milk, you need to find the right storage for it. When choosing a container for milk, it is worth considering the shelf life, as well as its required amount. Recommended storage containers:

  1. Plain baby bottles are fine for single feeding.
  2. Electric breast pumps have special containers for storing milk. They put a pacifier on them and immediately start feeding.
  3. For storage of 2-3 days or more, use special plastic containers for breast milk. They are sterilized and suitable for storage in the freezer.
  4. It is also convenient to keep milk in baby food jars. They, along with lids, can be sterilized at home, but such containers cannot be stored in the freezer. Glassbursts under the influence of sub-zero temperatures.
  5. Packages of industrial production. They have a place for marking and the date of pumping. These bags are very convenient to freeze.

How to freeze breast milk

Freezing breast milk is a life saver for women. Lactation can stop at any time due to stress, lack of sleep, rest, and many other reasons. Considering that frozen milk can be stored in the freezer for up to six months, every mother can prevent this unexpected loss by periodically replenishing milk supplies in the freezer. Let it cool well before freezing. This can be done either at room temperature or in the refrigerator. It is not worth pouring milk from one container to another, even if sterilization is observed.

The freeze mode must be turned on immediately after placing the container in the freezer. For this purpose, you will need to allocate a separate shelf where other products will not be stored. Milk bags must be labeled with pumping dates. You also need to indicate the date of freezing. These storage rules are very important, as milk should not be stored beyond the allotted time.

storage of breast milk after pumping in the refrigerator
storage of breast milk after pumping in the refrigerator

How to warm up milk from the refrigerator

Before you feed your baby with milk from the refrigerator, it must be warmed up in a special bottle warmer. It can also be done in a water bath or warmed up under hot tap water. Before heating milkfrom the freezer, it must be brought to a liquid state in the refrigerator. Only when it has thawed can it be taken out and heated in the usual way.

Do not heat milk in the microwave, oven or boiling water. These methods can only destroy all the beneficial substances of breast milk. Such food will not only not benefit the baby, but can also worsen his he alth. Do not re-freeze milk, it is better to throw away unused leftovers.

How to breastfeed and express milk is explained in detail even in the hospital. But every woman and her child is a separate, unique case. Therefore, it is worth getting a personalized feeding recommendation while at home, in a comfortable environment.
