In this article, let's look at how many calories you burn while sleeping.
For any movement or internal processes, our body spends a certain amount of energy. Brain activity along with the work of the digestive system and metabolism does not stop even when people are sleeping. Any muscle contraction consumes energy, in connection with this, calories can be spent during sleep. In addition, at night they observe the activation of many processes, and if you manage to spur them on correctly, you can increase the amount of energy spent.
So, let's find out how many calories are burned in sleep.

Spending calories while sleeping
The human body is a complex physiological mechanism with the ability to self-regulate. Every day he consumes, and at the same time processes food in order to obtain energy, whichnecessary for the functioning of systems and organs. The spent and consumed energy is expressed in special units of measurement, namely in calories.
They are consumed daily, depending on the physical load on the body. It is believed that only vigorous activity can contribute to the elimination of these units, however, Swedish scientists, on the basis of an experimental study, proved that the human body can burn its calories even during rest. The fact is that in the phase of deep dreams, the production of a specific element called ghrelin is carried out - this is a hormone that is responsible for the feeling of hunger. How many calories are burned in a dream is interesting to many.
Given that in the phase of slow deep rest, a person is simply not able to wake up on his own and saturate the body with food, satisfying hunger, the body burns calories that are present in fatty tissues on its own. Thus, the body receives additional energy.
It can provide a feeling of fullness and makes it possible to maintain the functioning of the cardiac and vascular system, a stable temperature during sleep, as well as against the background of various life processes. The active destruction of lipids is observed, as a rule, in the phase of slow-wave deep sleep, amounting to approximately 70 calories in sixty minutes.
Why do we need to know how many calories are burned while sleeping?

Is it possible to lose weight during a night's rest?
So, as already noted, the body of an adult is at restjust sixty minutes of sleep can burn up to 70 calories. It's easy to calculate how many calories you burn while sleeping in 9 hours.
The recommended recovery time for the body is about eight hours. During this period, the body of a person with an average physique can burn up to 560 units of energy. The same volume is eliminated through a light workout or a simple set of exercises for one hour. But in this case, we are talking mainly about deep he althy rest, which simply cannot be achieved if:
- drink coffee regularly with other tonic drinks less than three hours before falling asleep;
- consume alcohol and smoke;
- take diuretic drugs that remove water from the body and disrupt deep sleep;
- don't follow one routine that requires you to go to bed and get up on time.
Next, let's look at ways in which the human body can burn more units of energy overnight.
Now we know how many calories are burned per night while sleeping.
There are several methods that will certainly help a person increase the overall energy expenditure during a night's rest.

Sleep more
It is worth trying to extend the total number of hours spent on sleep. The longer it lasts, the more calories are burned.
Drink green tea
Nutritionists advise drinking before falling asleepgreen tea, which helps to speed up metabolic processes. In the event that you drink such a drink before going to bed, the energy reserve accumulated per day will be spent to the maximum. The secret is that the alkaline base of a drink like tea increases the rate at which fatty acids are burned. Honey can also have similar effects, along with watermelon, citrus fruits, soy milk, and so on.
Ventilate the room
Before going to bed, it is advisable to ventilate the room. The coolness will certainly encourage the body to expend additional energy to achieve its own heating.
Use aromatherapy
It is also worth using the secrets of aromatherapy. There are some smells that tone up the digestive system, but they do not cause appetite, but only accelerate material metabolism. Peppermint is recognized as the leader among those. You can also use vanilla, banana and apple flavors. The evening can be started with a cup of mint tea, continuing it with an aroma candle and ending already on the pillow, under which there is a bag of fragrant fillers.

Easy proper dinner
Contrary to most advice, do not eat before falling asleep, it is better to feed yourself boiled chicken breast or drink a glass of yogurt. A modest dinner before the night will certainly spur material exchange. Protein generally promotes muscle growth and increases calorie burn.
Red pepper
Worth itadd one pinch of black or red pepper to your impromptu minimal dinner. Fat deposits will in this case be burned at night with the greatest speed. In addition, spicy seasoning can solve the problem of bloating and gas.
Proper weight loss before bed is another effective way to combat excess weight. Just five minutes of meditation followed by the visualization of your own slim image and a toned body for one week, along with the implementation of the above recommendations, will certainly allow you to notice a real change in your body. Now let's look at how to calculate how many calories are burned in sleep per hour.

Calculation of approximate calorie consumption during sleep
It is simply impossible to answer unambiguously the question of how many units of energy a person spends during such a break. This directly depends on many different factors, for example, on the constitution of the body, the total amount of fat mass, metabolic rate, and the like. We can only give an arithmetic mean based on the available scientific observations.
Approximately 1 calorie is expended during a night's rest based on a kilo of body weight. Thus, in the event that a person weighs an average of sixty-five kilograms, this means that during the deep stage of sleep he will spend 65 units of his fat mass.
How many calories do you burn with 8 hours of sleep?

It is also easy to calculate that, given the duration of the deep rest phase in an adult between the ages of eighteen and sixty, which is seventy percent of an eight-hour cycle, calorie burn per night will range from 160 to 240 per phase slow-wave sleep.
One kilogram of lipids in subcutaneous fat is equal to approximately 7800 calories. In the event that if you divide them by the number of units that are spent each night as part of the deep rest phase, then you can get an approximate number of kilograms of fat mass loss per month. True, this number can be considered adequate, if the correct balance of consumption and expenditure of calories is observed.
You can do a home experiment in which you should weigh yourself before falling asleep and immediately after waking up. The difference in the result, as a rule, will be minus 100 grams in favor of the morning weigh-in. In general, such a difference can be up to one kilogram.
True, and here there are some pitfalls. In the event that you go to bed on an empty stomach, then the body will demand to satisfy hunger in a dream, and given that the metabolism is slowed down at this time, the missing energy in the form of protein will be released from muscle tissue. Thus, there is a risk of losing not a fat at all, but, on the contrary, a muscle component.
How many calories do you burn while sleeping in 7 hours?

Energy waste in 1, 7, 8, 9 hours
If we take into account that the averagethe human body destroys up to 70 calories in sixty minutes, then, the cost per night will be as follows:
- In seven hours 490.
- For eight 560.
- For nine 630 calories.
But the best way to burn calories is to exercise. And it is fundamentally wrong to assume that while resting, a person loses weight significantly. Weight loss in this case, whatever one may say, is minimal. It should also be borne in mind that the stronger a person develops muscles, the more calories can be burned. Therefore, in order to destroy more units of energy during sleep, it is necessary to regularly train the muscles, helping them to develop.
We looked at how many calories are burned during sleep.