Calculation of weight by height and age. Ideal Weight Calculation

Calculation of weight by height and age. Ideal Weight Calculation
Calculation of weight by height and age. Ideal Weight Calculation

There is hardly a person who would not care about his appearance. Each of us wants to look attractive - to have ideal body proportions, maybe even become a new standard of beauty. But, as you know, we are all different - in height, age, configuration.

In many ways, a person's sense of self is influenced by his weight. Accordingly, the higher it is, the more uncomfortable we feel. It is unlikely that there is a person who refuses to calculate the ideal weight for him. As mentioned earlier, we are all different, which means that body weight will be individual.

Ways to calculate ideal weight

We are not alike, and each has its own beauty. And in the pursuit of an ideal figure, it would not hurt to know the exact weight that you need to strive for. This will make it easier to control the path traveled and the remaining path to your standard.

When calculating your ideal weight, remember that you should first of all feel comfortable with these kilograms. Because some people are crazy about protruding collarbones, while others, on the contrary, prefer curvy shapes.

ideal weight calculation
ideal weight calculation

Despitefor all individual preferences, doctors have set a kind of framework for determining the shortage or excess of kilograms. To date, a great many online calculators and various tables have been developed and compiled. Many experts are studying the question of how to calculate weight by height and age, sex. But they did not come to a consensus.

The most famous payment methods:

  • By Quetelet
  • According to Broca.
  • According to Egorov-Levitsky.
  • According to Lorentz.

Calculation of weight by height and age you can independently carry out using any of the methods. And having learned the treasured figure, it will be possible to start the path to your standard.

Calculation of BMI by Adolf Quetelet

formula for calculating weight
formula for calculating weight

Be warned that this method will not calculate the ideal weight. According to Quetelet, you need to calculate your BMI (body mass index) based on your current weight and height. After, focusing on the result and the developed table, get information about the need to gain weight or lose weight.

This scientist calculated the body mass index by the formula: weight, kg / (height, m × height, m).

Quetelet BMI Chart

BMI Weight
Age 18-25 Age 26-46
Up to 17, 5 until 18 Insufficient
17, 5-19, 5 18-19 Underestimated, but not critical
19, 5-22, 9 20-25, 9 Norma
23-27, 4 26-27, 9 Excessive
27, 5 and up 28 and up Obesity

Example: a woman aged twenty-seven, one hundred and seventy centimeters tall and weighing sixty-seven kilograms. BMI=67 / (1.7 × 1.7)=23.18. According to the table, the body mass index indicates the weight in the normal range.

The Quetelet method is not really a calculation of weight for any height. Since the formula for calculations is only suitable for the average person (170-190 cm for men and 155-175 for women). If you are constantly moving and exercising in the gym, this calculation method is also not suitable for you. The advantage of BMI is that it does not push a person on the path to an invisible ideal, but assesses the real state.

Calculation of the ideal weight according to Brokk

Paul Brokk is a French surgeon and anthropologist. The formula by which it is possible to calculate the weight of a person, he invented in 1871. You can apply it for people with a height of one hundred and fifty-five to one hundred and seventy centimeters. Also a condition for the calculation is the possession of an average physique. Formula for women: weight=height, cm - 100. Then multiply the resulting figure by 0.85. For men, also subtract one hundred from height. And multiply the result by 0, 9.

For example, for a woman with an average build and a height of 170 centimeters, an ideal weight of 59.5 kilograms ((170 - 100) × 0,85=59, 5).

calculating a person's weight
calculating a person's weight

Updated Brokk calculation

After some time, the formula was improved. Since the previous version required a person of average build, growth in a certain interval, people with a non-standard figure could not enter this category. For example, with heavy bone or bulky muscles. After processing by scientists, the Brocca method became more real and reliable:

  • for women: weight=(height - 110) × 1, 15;
  • for men: weight=(height - 100) × 1, 15.

For example, the calculation of the ideal weight for a woman with a height of one hundred and seventy centimeters will look like this: (170 - 110) × 1, 15=69. Sixty-nine kilograms is the optimal weight for the weaker sex with a non-standard figure.

age weight calculation
age weight calculation

Lorentz ideal

The scientist developed a formula exclusively for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, these calculations will be inappropriate for the stronger sex. The calculation of the ideal body weight is as follows: (height - 100) - (height - 150) / 2=body weight.

Example: a woman is one meter seventy centimeters tall. The calculation will look like this (170 - 100) - (170 - 150) / 2=70 - 20 / 2=60. So, according to the Lorentz formula, for a representative of the weak half of humanity, the ideal weight would be sixty kilograms.

weight calculation for height
weight calculation for height

Compared to Brokk's calculation, Lorenz has more stringent weight requirements. This formula is more suitableeighteen year old girls. And if the proposed figure does not quite suit you, just forget about it and use the formula of another scientist. And on top of that, the calculation does not suit women above 175 centimeters.

Egorov-Levitsky method

Weight calculation formula is not needed for this method. The scientist created a table indicating the maximum body weight, taking into account the age and gender of a person.

Egorov-Levitsky table

Height, cm 20-30 years old 30-40 years old 40-50 years old 50-60 years old 60-70 years old
150 50 51 54 57 56, 5 58, 5 56 58 55 57
160 60 63 66 70 69 73 70 70, 5 65 68
170 69 73 76 78 80 81 77 80 75 77
180 81 85 84 88 88 90 84 87, 5 82 84

When compiling, the developers took into account all the most important factors that form the weight. They indicated only the maximum limit, but did not specify the minimum. And, in fact, it is not necessary. After all, a person is mainly concerned about excess kilograms, and not their lack.

How to achieve your ideal weight

If, after you have calculated the weight by age, height and gender, you find that there are a couple of extra pounds, then it's time to think about eliminating them.

weight calculation by height and age
weight calculation by height and age

By trying to maintain your ideal body weight, you are doing a huge service to your body. In many developed countries, overweight people make up fifty percent of the total population. And every year their number increases exponentially. Excess weight is an additional, unnecessary burden on the human body. It affects the joints and internal organs to a greater extent. But, nevertheless, it is worth noting that thinness also does not benefit. The golden mean in the matter of weight is what any person needs.

Having made a decisionlose weight, do not try to find a miracle-working and fast diet. Such does not exist. It will not bring benefits, but it is quite capable of weakening the body. It is best to lose weight gradually. After all, in fact, getting rid of excess weight is not difficult, difficulties appear when you try to maintain it.

weight calculation
weight calculation

The method of losing weight is considered safe, in which you lose from five hundred grams to one kilogram per week. If the weight goes off faster, then you burn not only fat, but also muscle fibers. And this is absolutely unacceptable. Since with well-developed muscles it is easier to maintain optimal weight.

Tips for reaching your goal

Steps to ideal weight:

  • Drink a glass of clean drinking water on an empty stomach, and fifteen minutes before any meal.
  • Don't skip breakfast. And no, you shouldn't skip any meal. After all, this way you will get hungry and eat even more next time. And, as you know, it is better to eat many times, but a little bit.
  • Try to reduce your fat intake.
  • Come to the store with a pre-prepared shopping list. That way you won't be tempted to grab something unnecessary and harmful.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. Thus, you not only do not choke, but also get enough faster. When eating slowly, the feeling of hunger disappears more quickly.
  • If you don't feel like you're full and need a refill, the first thing you should do is take your time. Sit for five minutes. And then think about it: is the feeling of hunger really that strong.
  • Eat strictly in the kitchen. Never eat while standing or walking.
  • Add a fresh fruit or vegetable to every meal.
  • Stay away from white bread.
  • Simmer and bake. Try not to fry your food.
  • Admit sweetness no more than once a week.
  • Stop fast food.
  • The optimal number of meals per day is five.
  • Cook your own food more often. This way you will control how it is processed and calories.
