Cancer as a disease causes fear in everyone. Nobody wants to raise this topic. After all, every year the number of cancer patients increases. Almost all families have experienced this monstrous disease. And let no one want to talk about oncology, yet every person must know some general information. This is necessary in order to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Why is cancer called cancer? After all, you could come up with many other names. Consider why the disease is called cancer. Only this way, and nothing else.
Why is oncology called cancer?
Answering the question - why the disease is called so, we turn to history. Namely, by 1600 BC. Already then about this disease knew. It was considered incurable.

So why cancer? This disease is called so because the tumor clings, like the tentacles of this animal, to he althy cells. This name for this oncological disease was invented by Hippocrates. Like an arthropod, the tumor spreads to various human organs, activating the disease in them. Also thanks to Hippocrates, this disease has an ancient Greek name - carcinoma. Such diseases are also called cancer at the suggestion of the same scientist.
As already mentioned, the disease was known before our era. However, treatment was carried out only through surgical intervention. After which, unfortunately, few managed to survive. Moreover, only the first stages of the disease were treated. The later ones were not touched at all.
That's the answer to the question - why is cancer called cancer. As it turned out, everything is very simple and logical.
What should you know about oncology?
So we figured out why cancer is called cancer. This is undoubtedly educational, but there are some basic information that everyone, without exception, should know about cancer.

You can't get cancer. For a disease to occur in a person, changes in DNA must occur. They lead to "immortality" of the cell, due to unregulated reproduction. Another condition for the appearance of cancer is problems with the immune system. More precisely, the absence of the link that protects against cancer.
Oncological diseases are not inherited, as is commonly believed. If one of your relatives had cancer, this does not mean at all that you will undoubtedly suffer from it. These people are more prone to cancer. But no one will give an exact answer whether they will develop cancer or not. Much depends on the person himself, his lifestyle.
Most common causes of cancer
Impossibleto say with absolute certainty that one person will get cancer, and the other will not. No one is able to give such guarantees. But, nevertheless, scientists identify a number of reasons that most often initiate the development of cancer. These include:
- Wrong, unbalanced diet.
- Overweight.
- Passive lifestyle.
- Alcohol abuse.
- Smoking.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Chemical carcinogens.
- High hormone levels.
- Precancerous diseases.
Mostly elderly people suffer from a terrible disease. And in this regard, the likelihood of cancer increases with age. Every year the number of patients increases.
Complete cure for cancer
Medicine does not stand still, and almost every day there is some news about scientific discoveries related to cancer. But still, you can't get vaccinated and be sure you'll never get cancer.
However, today you can protect yourself. To do this, you need to be vaccinated against oncogenic papillomaviruses. It eliminates the very predisposition to the disease, if any.

Factors that affect the likelihood of a cure:
- Tumor type.
- Stage of disease and time of diagnosis.
- Diagnostic accuracy.
- Treatment. Is it assigned correctly.
- Qualificationhe althcare workers.
- Availability of specialized equipment in the hospital.
Cancer can be cured, and completely. But, unfortunately, not always.
Cancer is a death sentence?
Definitely don't think like that. These thoughts will kill you much sooner. Cancer is not a death sentence. You shouldn't take it out on your own. Thinking like this only makes things worse. After all, the process of treatment for the most part depends on the person himself. Undoubtedly, medical procedures are not the most pleasant. By healing one organ, it is often possible to cripple another. But every year the percentage of those who completely got rid of the disease is growing.

After learning the diagnosis, a person experiences shock, fear of the unknown, annoyance. Everyone wonders - "why me"?
For starters, everyone must accept this fact. Humble yourself. After all, no one is able to change something in the past. And all the power must be directed to the fight for your life.
In no case should you give up and wait for the end. Every person must fight for his life. It is given only once.