In the article, we will consider what to do when a person has one shoulder higher than the other.
Lowered, but at the same time asymmetrical shoulders are not only a visual defect, but also a symptom of a malfunction of the musculoskeletal system. In this regard, it is impossible to leave a defect just like that.
Main reasons
Situation when one shoulder is higher than the other is most likely a sign of stoop or curvature in the spine. As a rule, such a problem is faced by those people who are forced to spend a long time at the computer, and, in addition, schoolchildren with students who sit at their desks for a long time.

How can a defect be corrected by doing exercises?
It is necessary to correct a defect when one shoulder is higher than the other, because a violation of posture can affect not only the appearance, but also the work of many internal organs. Shoulder therapy options include the following:
- Classesbreathing exercises. Often a violation of posture is associated with various psychological or somatic problems. So, for example, people who are depressed even breathe in a completely different way - irregular small breaths. Breathe properly, deeply and evenly. This is what helps with posture no worse than any exercise. It is necessary to take long breaths, and a person will see how his posture is leveled literally before our eyes. This is due to the filling of the lungs with air, which causes the chest to expand. What else can you do if one shoulder is higher than the other?
- Exercise "bar" has a positive effect on the condition of the spine, thanks to it the muscles are toned. For this exercise, you need to lean on your elbows and socks. In the event that it is performed systematically, it will help improve posture and raise a lowered shoulder. When one shoulder is higher than the other, how to fix it?
- It is also worth doing classic exercises using dumbbells. To perform the exercise, take dumbbells in your hands and bring them together over your head. You need to start with ten times a day, performing three approaches. To begin with, it is better to use dumbbells from two kilograms, gradually increasing the load.
In addition to the described exercises, swimming helps to raise the lowered shoulder. Moreover, it is enough just to enjoy and swim at your pleasure. This method of relaxation will be useful in neurosis and depression, which often cause one shoulder to be higher than the other.

How else can youcorrect a drooping shoulder?
Asymmetrical shoulders are the first sign of scoliosis. This is a very serious disease that can manifest itself at a young age in the form of a curvature of posture. At an older age, people experience pain and disruption of the activity of many organs. First of all, posture problems can affect the heart, stomach, and lungs.
It is extremely difficult to cure scoliosis without the help of doctors. In any case, you will need the help of a chiropractor and an osteopath. To correct posture, you can use a special corset, but it will definitely not correct the shoulders, but will only help to consolidate the effect and force the muscles to keep their back straight. Next, let's talk about the factors that can affect the fact that one shoulder is higher than the other in an adult and a child.
Factors affecting shoulder sagging
Today, experts suggest that several processes underlie such a defect:
- Presence of hereditary predisposition.
- Presence of congenital changes in the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems.
These reasons are not fully understood. But the main one is general weakness along with the underdevelopment of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus, which is most dangerous during the period of intensive growth at the age of six to eight years. In combination with provoking factors (we are talking about poor posture, slight natural asymmetry of the pelvis and legs), all this leads to the occurrence of a curvature of the spine.
Shoulder sagging due to scoliosis can be freely inherited, and it is also acquired during difficult childbirth, inas a result of improper swaddling, and later in case of bruises and injuries of the spine, with prolonged uncomfortable forced postures and unwanted overloads. Now let's move on to examining the diagnosis of this defect.
What if one shoulder is higher than the other?

Before starting therapy for the defect in question, it is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis of this disease. After all, absolutely every organism is strictly individual, and in the process of therapy all its features should be taken into account. At first, the doctor will talk with the patient and carefully find out what is bothering him and where. Then they examine the shoulders and back in a bent and straight position.
The chiropractor draws attention to the asymmetry of the shoulder blades, muscles and spine. The symmetry of the hips and shoulders is checked, the length of the legs is measured. Radiography of the spine is necessarily carried out in two projections: the horizontal and vertical position of the patient's body is taken into account. Only after a detailed diagnosis, treatment begins.
Treatment Adjustment
Treatment in this case is distinguished by a difficult to predict result, the effectiveness of which depends largely on the patient himself. Treatment consists of the following three therapies:
- Mobilization of the curved region of the spine.
- Correction of deformation.
- Achieve spinal stabilization.

For correctionexisting deformity, when one shoulder is higher than the other and with scoliosis, manual therapy methods are effective. They are based on the fact that during manipulations on the spine, the nerve endings that are located in the vicinity of it are irritated, and a reflex effect is carried out on the whole organism as a whole. This allows you to achieve overall wellness along with improved well-being and equalization of a drooping shoulder.
Spine stabilization
However, the main and most difficult task, on the solution of which the success of the treatment as a whole depends, is considered not mobilization, but stabilization of the spine. It is worth noting that when the shoulders are lowered, deformity correction that is not supported by measures that would ensure stabilization of the spine is simply ineffective.
With conservative treatment, doctors, as a rule, carry out activities that are aimed at unloading the spine. To do this, orthopedic styling is used along with corset therapy, the development of the muscles of the back, shoulders and trunk (for this, patients engage in special physical therapy), general strengthening and tonic procedures in the form of electrical stimulation of the back muscles, physiotherapy, massage and a course of vitamin therapy.

According to most experts, conservative therapy is effective only with the initial degree of scoliosis and shoulder drooping. And in the case of severe forms, the main method is surgery. Surgery is prescribed for rapidly progressing scoliosis. Therapy consists in the installation of various kinds of clamps.of the spine, which correct its curvature and align the shoulders.
If this defect is not cured, it leads to chest deformity, and, in addition, to restriction of lung function, followed by polycythemia along with pulmonary hypertension, heart failure (due to excessive pressure from sides of the chest).
In order to avoid all unpleasant consequences, you need to understand that correct posture makes a person not only more attractive, but contributes in many respects to the he althy functioning of absolutely all systems and organs.
It is very scary if a child has one shoulder higher than the other. How to avoid it?

How to avoid drooping shoulders in a child?
Preventive measures against drooping shoulders in children and adolescents are extensive. For example, incorrect landing with crawling in infancy can have a bad effect on the occurrence of spinal deformity in a baby years later. Let us cover further the most important aspects of the prevention of the defect in question in children and adolescents:
- You should never try to get ahead of the physical development of a baby. The baby must necessarily begin to roll over or crawl when his body is strong enough for such purposes. This is especially true for independent walking. Orthopedic doctors believe that the longer the baby crawls and thereby distributes his weight and load on four limbs, the stronger and more even his shoulders and spine will be in the future.
- When parents walk with the baby forhandle, they need to take into account that it is only for adults that it is not worth any effort to hold the child's hand. But from the height of childhood growth, a small body has to work hard. The fact is that the baby, in fact, stays in a position with the handle extended upwards for a certain time (accordingly, his shoulder rises, and the hips, in turn, do not work evenly). In this regard, this circumstance must be taken into account and more often change hands so that the baby subsequently does not have one shoulder down. You must first lead the child by the right handle, and after five minutes already by the left, and so on.
- Children's bed should not be too soft. Ideally, you should consult with a specialist and buy a good orthopedic mattress for your baby. The same goes for the pillow.
Massage for shoulder prolapse, as well as for scoliosis, is used in a complex way. Thanks to massage, muscles are strengthened, blood circulation is activated along with metabolism, and, in addition, there is a general strengthening effect on the entire motor system. Massage should be carried out in accordance with generally recognized principles and established rules. Thus, only a qualified specialist should do the massage.

In addition, the massage therapist must clearly see the task and technique of massage in relation to each patient. A full therapeutic massage course must necessarily consist of different procedures, and not of repetitive and stereotypical actions.
Then it will be possible to fixcurvature of the spine.
One shoulder higher than the other is not the norm and should be remembered.